What a horrible story. I have nothing but the utmost sympathy for your friend. Yes this is one of the three cases where abortion is ok. The other two are if it would cause the mother bodily harm or death, and if the child would have mental disabilities that would greatly affect the family mentally or financialy.
Mr PantsFellDown
Oh bullshit. It aint up to you.
I am not a proponent of abortion BUT...I think in this instance she needs to do what is right for her. If I was ever raped I don't think I could go through with the pregnancy. For one thing I don't think it would be fair to my husband to support me when it isn't even his kid. And then he would have to help pay for and raise a child that isn't his (cause God knows I can't afford to support a kid all on my own!). Being raped is traumatic enough without a daily reminder of it.
I do not condone abortion for any reason. I would suggest giving the child up for adoption. This way at least the child has a chance to live a life.
I do not believe that in any case having an abortion is OK. Killing a child is killing a child. period. As one stated before, give the child up for an adoption and give another couple who perhaps cannot conceive a child on their own a chance to raise that child. I understand where people might be trying to reason with making abortion OK...but think about's an innocent CHILD! I have much sympathy for your co-worker, though. I am not saying she's bad or anything, but in the overall scheme of things, who are we if we cannot protect the innocent? I know I might get voted down for this, but it is my opinion, afterall.
That is her personal, moral, difficult decision to make, not mine.
it is absloutely right. whatever SHE and only SHE thinks is best for HER should be one.
I do not like pointless abortions, people who "forgot" to use a condom etc. and think its easy to just get rid of it, but in your friends case I think it would be very understandable to have an abortion. A friend of mine got thrown out of a church group after she admitted she had an abortion when she was younger, the dad was her dad! Almost everybody I think would find doing it in situations like those an acceptable thing. Putting that child up for adoption is an option, but imagine when that child arrives on the door step in 18 years asking about its parents and you have to explain that they are a product of a rape.
I submitted this question because I have always had a very specific belief about this issue, and now that it has so tragicly touched the life of one that I care so deeply about, it has caused me to do some real soul searching. Answerbag (thankfully) provides me with a real opportunity to see multiple opinions to assist to that end. So, my stand is this; We need to focus on what is, in my opinion, the most valuable lesson in life. That life isn't always easy. Every day we are faced with new challenges and decisions. We need to learn that the right answer isn't always the easiest. Life can be hard, even at times unbearable, but when we surrender to circumstances we give up hope. Hope in ourselves and others to conquer the greatest obstecles and heartaches. We have that capacity to come out of any situation that life throws at us if we refuse to do otherwise. Candy can overcome her anger and sorrow, her child can overcome the challenge she/he faces in the future, and they both, and perhaps the world, can benefit through their struggle. If this child is aborted, it will only serve to further victimize the innocent. Abortion is the murder of an unborn child, even in the case of rape. Having said that, I have not taken to preaching at Candy. She has been through enough without me, or anyone else, making her feel guilt on top of the shame and sence of violation she already experiences. My hope and prayer is that she makes the right decision. Regardless, she will always be my sweet, childhood mud pie baking friend.
There are people like me that will adopt the child if she doesn't want it. But she could decide that she doesn't want to be constantly reminded of the rape by a pregnant belly and after affects that pregnancy has on your body. (Stretch marks, c-section scar, etc.) It would be a constant reminder of her tramatic experience.
I believe she has every right to abort the birth. Isn't it enough that she was subjected to the brutality of a rape without having to subject herself to the futhur degradation of raising an amimals offspring. Get rid of it. It is her legally protected right to do so.
In all honesty I would, as terrible as it may seem. I don't think i could handle an everyday reminder of something that happened to me that is that horrible. I just couldn't do it. As much as i love children, no. I would have to have the abortion. Of course, having the abortion, knowing what i know now about how it feels to be a mother, the other decision doesn't seem like something i could handle either. To me the lesser of the two evils would be to have the abortion, as bad as it makes me feel to even type it. That's what i would do. I'm so sorry for your friend. This is a really loaded question.
I think that there are many who will tell your friend that it is OK to abort her child. Many will tell her she should. I hope that there will be some people who will come alongside of her and tell her it is OK for her child to live - with her or someone else, and that they wil support her, love her, and celebrate that baby. I will not stand in condemnation of her in her tragedy, but she does have a choice and life is one of those choices. Either way, I hope she finds comfort and peace and makes the right decisions.
the correct answer is in her heart she must do what she must no matter what she does, she knows weather it is right or not, for her. she is the one who must live with her decision either way. apparently she must live with alot now and this must be hard as hell on her, I am not going to even speak my oppionion on someone elses actions after what they just went through! ... Gods blessings on her, and best of life for her.
I am not going to voice my opinion. Your friend has a personal choice to make. You are a good friend trying to get both sides of the coin for her. All you can do is be supportive of her. She has been through a horrible ordeal and she needs all the comfort and understanding that you could provide.
I don't think it's relevant what anyone thinks is right or wrong it's her decision and all anyone should do is be there for her to help her cope with the consequences of her actions, whatever they may be.
I think its perfectly fine if thats what she really wants to do. The babie was not concieved out of love, and its not like she was plannig it, but it is still probably one of the hardest decisions she'll have to make. Has the Scumbag who did it been charged at all?
This is one of the reasons I am pro-choice and support the easy availability of emergency contraception. Whether aborting the child is right depends on your friend's morality and beliefs. Nobody else can decide for her, not even you. Personally, I agree with Breederbabe on this to an extent but I don't think a lack of stretch marks will help her forget the trauma.
I feel it is her right to make whatever decision necessary for her. Isn't it a shame that we cannot put issues like this "on hold" until this woman can get over the trama of getting raped in the first place? I hope she can get the love, help and support she needs to enable her to make a choice she can be comfortable with. I AM pro-choice and I can see she has a difficult decision to make.
it would be her right regardless of the circumstances behind the conception of the child. personally i believe that in this case, it's even "more right" if that's possible.
I think that it is morally acceptable for your friend to abort the child, as it had nothing to do with irresponsible actions on her part.
It is morally acceptable to abort throughout any stage of a pregnancy regardless of the context surrounding the conception. Until physical viability (read: physical independence) the fetus is not a person, thus has no rights, and is considered part of a woman's body. A person has every right to decide what stays in or what is removed from the body, including a pregnancy.
Thin of that way you might kill a beutiful person
A person being violated is the worse thing in the world,I myself wouldnt keep the baby,I am not 100% sure but I think even though the baby was conceived from rape the father or his relatives could still force his parental rights and ask for visitation.So that is something to think about.If there is a husband or boyfriend how are they going to feel?You wouldnt want to have the baby and later have a hard time dealing with it,That could lead to abuse, and of course there is always adoption and once again I think the father or his relatives can speak up for the baby, That is a hard question to answer,I am so sorry for your friend and hope she gets her life together if she hasnt already.I beleive an abortion is up to the parents(parent).The parents are the only ones that is going to know how they feel,and what they can afford.It is sad to know that people have to make decisions like that but I geuss until some people learn, that is how our world is.
If you're her friend, you will support her either way. She has to decide if she can love a child unreservedly who was conceived in such an awful way. She will also have to face being FOREVER tied to her rapist by giving birth to his child, whether she keeps it or gives it up for adoption. She has to honestly think about if she can happily endure 18 years with a constant reminder of her trauma under her roof. Would she resent such a child on some level, which a child would undoubtedly pick up on eventually? Also, consider whether she is financially and emotionally capable of raising a child. Whether she is physically up to giving birth. Whether her job will penalize her for the pregnancy and maternity leave. Whether she has family support to help her as a single parent. Whether she will be concurrently sitting through a trial for her rapist, which is incredibly stressful and can be horribly demeaning to the victim who is likely to be attacked and discredited throughout. There's always the chance he will be walking free in the world as the father of her baby, with every potential to retaliate or interfere in the child's life. Personally I would abort the pregnancy. These are terrible circumstances to bring a baby into. But perhaps she will feel differently, and want to have it. In either case she will need a lot of support from you and the other people around her. I hope you can come to peace with her decision either way and honestly respect her actions as the best choice for her life.
Is it right? Probably only your friend can know that. I would suggest that she seek professional counseling, the sooner the better. This could be a very rough time for her. Please be prepared to be a strong friend.
If she wants to, then I think she should. It wasn't her fault she got pregnant, then I see no reason not to have an abortion. People sometimes forget that this baby is not 'alive', and I understand religious views come into this, but that's not somehing that I support. So, I think, if that's what she really wants, she should do it.
I would not do it and I believe that it is wrong for anyone to have an abortion. I can only suggest that see seek advice from people who have made that decision; both those who have decided to have the child, and those who have decided not to. I don't think she will have to search very hard to find some. If she goes to a clinic they can probably point her in the right direction. She should also go to a pregnancy clinic that doesn't offer abortion to get both sides of the issue. There is time to make such a difficult decision; and, she won't regret doing a thorough job of researching how this decision affected others. I hope all goes well with her. I will keep her in my prayers either way.
There's a difference between asking "is it right for her to abort the child?" and "does she have a right to abort the fetus?". It might seem to be "merely a matter of semantics", but semantics is actually CRITICAL to understanding these kinds of problems, because our thoughts ARE semantics -- thoughts are "meaning encapsulated as concept". It's a stretch to say that a newly conceived fetus is a child... concepts like "child" are not precisely definable -- they tend to have a "center point" or mode, rather than an absolute boundary. So a healthy, bouncy 5 year-old is right on the center point, while a 15-year-old in a coma is farther from that mark, and a 22-year old is far enough away so that we should raise eyebrows at calling it "a child". The same thing applies to a fetus: a baby who's 2 days from birth is very much like a child, while a newly conceived embryo is much farther away from that center-point, and it's quite legitimate to raise eyebrows at calling it "a child" -- it has no limbs, no brain or brain stem, no heart, etc. -- the number of qualifying characteristics for category membership is pitifully small. The problem with these kinds of questions is that we rarely notice this "fuzziness" which such categories have, and we attempt to absolutize our category (also known as "reifying the concept"). The mind hopes that if it treats "child" as an absolute and unitary thing, it can then perform abstract operations -- like moral reasoning -- using simple logical methods. Unfortunately, those logical methods are highly questionable when applied to a "fuzzy" entity -- they only work reliably when the INPUTS to the reasoning are themselves sharp and distinct abstractions (such as mathematical principles, etc.) Natural phenomena (like living things) are not abstractions... reality as phenomenon is FULL of fuzzy gradations in which one thing becomes another thing gradually, rather than crossing over hard and fast boundaries. Take "frog vs. tadpole" as another example: obviously a tadpole becomes a frog, yes? If tadpole is one absolute category, and frog is a different absolute category, then they must be mutually exclusive: a tadpole is not a frog, and a frog is not a tadpole. Therefore, there must be some point at which -- in an instant -- a tadpole stops existing and a frog starts existing. But of course this is absurd, it's just a continuous mutation by microscopic changes over time. Examples like the tadpole vs. frog illustrate the problem with absolutism: reality (as opposed to abstractions invented by the mind) CANNOT be mapped onto an unambiguous and absolute set of categories, and attempts to perform logic on the results of such a mapping must take into account the ambiguities inherent in the mapping process, or such logic will produce defective, contradictory, or paradoxical outcomes very rapidly. So that's a long way of saying "you can't make hard and fast moral rules about something like this" -- in other words, we have to develop advanced moral judgment, which is the ability to balance many different aspects of a situation in a context which is guided by our values. The ability to do this well is something that is a function of cognitive, moral, emotional, perceptual, and spiritual development -- basically, the wiser someone is, the better they'll do at making the right choice in any given complex situation. So to return to your question: "is it right for her to abort the child?" is suspect as the question, because it absolutizes both "right" and "child". "Does she have a right to abort the fetus?" doesn't suffer from that problem, because the organism in her womb is much better identified as a "fetus" or "embryo", and the judgment to be made is much more on center with the concept of personal rights (right to privacy, right to self-determination of the mother, right to life, etc.) than it is to some absolute moral notion of right and wrong. In general, the solution to the abortion rights question has been solved reasonably well in most industrialized countries. In the U.S., the division into 3 trimesters allows the mother's choice to prevail in the 1st trimester, the mother's health in the 2nd, and the baby's right to live is granted dominance in the 3rd trimester. That's a pretty good solution which balances competing values without falling into absolutism.
if she does go on with the pregnancy in the future just think of how proud the child would be of his/her mother for noticing the value of life.The choice is upto the mother ofcourse but it would be kind to keep the child.The child may be upset about being a child of a rape victim but also happy because being loved by a mother is one of the best things in the world!
I would advise against it but I wouldn't hold it against her since she didn't do it by choice. If she can't bear to take care of it, then I would advise she put it up for adoption. But there are other good options that don't involve killing the baby who is blameless in all of this.
I am so sorry for your friend, she is blessed to have such a good friend as yourself. Did she not report this? I understood that when at the hospital they take care of such possibilities before the become a 'possibility.' I have always been pro-chioce-although I could never have an abortion, because I believe it is murder. I just remember when abortions were illegal and there were butchers doing them in back alleys. Anyway, God bless both of you and that child she is carrying. I don't know for sure because my daughter was conceived in love, but carrying a child to term, giving birth and raising a child of rape would not be a constant reminder of that rape. I would like to think that with counseling and prayer (as all who are raped should receive,) I could love that child. It is a gift from God. He does not make mistakes!! I hope this helps both of you. In His grasp, <:))))<>< My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge.--Psalm 62:7
This is a question she needs to decide based on her beliefs. Does she want to keep it? Does she want to put it up for adoption? Can she deal with the personal ramifications of abortion (it affects you for ever)? She needs to speak to an open minded counselor to go through all options.
Abortion is legal- thus she has every right to do what she needs to do. The rape is an entirely different matter. She has my sympathy.
That's a really tough call and a question only your friend can answer because ultimately it is her that has to live with her decision. As her friend all you can do is be there for her, support her in whatever she dicides is the right thing for her and help her through what is a very difficult and sad time in her life.
How can you justify an act of violence with another? That child is as much a part of her as would be a child conceived out of love. You can't 'punish' a child for the sins of it's father. (No, I am not religious. The word 'sins' was the only way I could figure to make it clear)
I believe that it is ALL UP TO THE WOMAN because these cases are different. Maybe the woman doesn't want to look at the child or go through with the rape pregnancy. It's not something she willingly did so I beleive in these cases there are exceptions. Abortions should always be up to the woman she knows what's best for her and seeing as it is her body who is anyone to talk bad about her and her decision. ESPECIALLY A MAN.
I don't believe so, but it's her choice. She needs to get good advice and work through this slowly. P.S. I hope that she reported the rape (son of a bitch must pay).
Its her decision. Its her one else has the right to judge her or tell her what to do with HER BODY. I find it ironic that a person can think rape, an act of violating a womens body is a terrible thing (which of course it is) but wouldnt bat an eyelash in telling her what she can do with her body. Wouldn't that also be a violation?
Its a woman's right to choose, especially in a situation like a rape.
yeh i guess its her choice i wouldnt personally i mean its not the baby's fault i mean after she has the baby if she cant stand to look at it then she could give it up for adoption or something like that cause killing that poor baby in my opinion is wrong
There is no 'right or wrong' or clear cut answer, my mother was raped at the age of 20, and she aborted the child. If she had decided to have the child she may not have met my father and not have had me. It's a hard decision, and no one can make it but her.
Abortion is never right, according to my faith, unless the life of the mother is threatened by the pregnancy. Birth the child and give it to a caring family, of which there are bunches. Seek counseling for your emotional trauma before and after the child is born, but be happy that you brought another soul into the world to give it a chance to enjoy the blessings we have.
YES. She should not have to care for something she DEFINITELY didn't ask for, especially by something so evil.
In my opinion this is the one case that I do agree with abortion. It was rape the sex was forced, and she got pregnant. Why would you have a kid by a criminal, everytime you look at your kid, youd remember the rape. I dont think its a good idea to have it in this case..I think its fine and she should have absolutely no guilt in having an abortion. Another suggestion could be adoption, unless she couldnt deal with having a belly for 9 months and getting upset all the time over the rape since she has to deal with visual evidence.
she has the right to do whatever she needs to do.
First off you give your freind a big hug from me and tell her she will survive. This is a hard one. Is it legally right? Yes. Is it morally right? That's up to your friend. Could she carry the baby to term and raise it or give it up for adoption? I would hope so since the baby is just as innocent as her. If she aborts it could she live with not only the trauma of the rape, but the added grief of the abortion? That's also up to her. For myself I could not abort the baby, nor would I keep it. I would put it up for adoption. At least then something good could come out something horrible. I want this to be a lesson for all the girls out there. When you are raped you need to get your butt to the hospital and fast. Get that rape kit done as soon as possible so they have the evidence to nail the bastard and you get noy only your justice, but you will save soomeone else from going through what you just did. And get that emergency contraceptive in you as fast as you can so you don't have to go through this. Don't you let what other's might think about you or wheather or not they will believe you or shame or embarassment or any of that other junk stop you. You have done nothing wrong and deserve to be protected and to have justice.
I beleive an abortion is up to the parents and or parent.I also believe that if a man raped a woman with the result of a child being born it should be up to the woman.She is the only one thats going to know what and how she feels.She might be abusive because of the way she conceived.She could be a very loving & caring parent that will be the best parent anybody could be.At the same time if she was raped and conceived I feel that the male should not be allwoed to have any contact with the woman or child.He gave up his rights when he forced himself on her.It would traumatize her to have to deal with the man that raped her.
she has every right to do whatever she wants, but if the rape hasnt been proven i suggest a dna sample from the embryo to prove the rape and send the sick guy to jail.
I would say yes, and in my opinion I think she should do so. The child is most likely going to have a very, very difficult psychological life if her mother keeps it.
Not only right, highly recommended. It's not a child yet. More importantly, abortion is less risky to her health, life, and future. The risks of birth and alteration of your life should not be forced upon you. A couple very useful resources:
Metaphiz, why did you change your name?? I like it? How is your friend doing?
Only your friend can answer this question.
Your friend has a hard decision to make. I think that there are arguments for both sides and that some of those points have been made by others here. The decision to abort is a hard one especially if you think that part of that fetus is her. I agree however that it could be an incredibly hard road later on in life for her and the child having to deal with the circumstances of the childs conception.A very hard decision but ultimately one that only she can make. I think that whatever your friend decides to do she deserves and needs as much love and support that you can give her.
I think she really, really needs to stand by her beliefs from before the rape. Would she abort if her boyfriend or husband were the father? Does she know that most women who abort end up regretting it? Does she know that future children are at risk of brain damage? (not super common, but scar tissue can lead to an inability for her to provide enough oxygen in future pregnancies). Did she even want to have kids? She needs to talk to a counselor that can help her understand how she will feel after the initial hell of the rape starts to wear off. Long term, she may feel very differently than she does now. Help her find guidance, and quickly.
Give the baby a chance if it becomes not very good like starts going on top of you and taking off the clothes.. The reason is that the moment he was doing was when the sperm was in the egg sack then came out of the penis. While that man waas behaving that way I think the baby will do dirty thinks at 4 years old or older.
It is her body and her decision alone to make.
With it being a rape situation, I believe that she has the right to do that. I do not agree with abortions for convenience. I know of a girl that was raped and she placed her baby for adoption. The couple was very, very happy and is taking excellent care of the baby. The birth mom still sees her baby, who is now 4 years old. If she us up for carrying the baby through the pregnancy, I think adoption is the best option.
How's the baby doing?
That depends on her personal beliefs. If it happened to me I would abort, but ONLY early on in the pregnancy. I don't believe in late term abortions. Also, I wonder why she didn't take the morning after pill.
If she does not want to keep the fetus, then she should terminate the pregnancy! PRO-CHOICE 4 LIFE
No, it's still murder. After all, it isn't the child's fault that his/her father is a rapist. She should speak to an adoption counselor. I know from personal experience that there are loads of people who would love to adopt a baby and give it a great home.
first of all i wish to express my horror at that has happened to your friend. the monster who did this will one day pay for his crime, even though he thinks he has gotten away with what he has done. however not only is she now the victim of this heinous action, but now there is another victim, the life she is carrying inside of her. the popular perception that what she is carrying is still not a living being is becoming obsolete. science itself whith all its modern technology is proving otherwise. the inspired word of God the bible says in psalms 139:13-16 "for you yourself produced my kidneys; i shall laud you because in a fear inspiring way i am wonderfully made... my bones were not hidden from you, when i was made in secret, when i was woven in the lowest parts of the earth. your eyes saw even the embryo of me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing." when the bible refers to "being woven in the lowest parts" it is referring to dna itself, according to recent scientific findings. scientists have discovered that dna has the appearance of being woven like a blanket. thus the development of a human being begins as the bible mentions in secret. long before that individual knows she is carrying a life in her. she is not just carrying a lifeless blob of blood. as primitive as it may seem, she is carrying life nonetheless. any life especially one of a human being is sacred no matter how small, or undeveloped. hence, why should this innocent life be punished by being extinguished as if it should pay for the crime committed against the other victim? i can understand and totally sympathize with the person who has been violated and now finds that on top she is pregnant. she should be able to decide to not keep the child and put it up for adoption. however, to abort it would constitute murder, even though we live in a society that refuses to acknowledge the moral laws of the God of the universe. voluntary abortions are wrong, no matter what, and getting raped is never an excuse or justification for such an action!! for more information go to
i would get an abortion. i wouldn't want to be reminded of such a horrid experience every time i looked at my child. and i wouldn't want that persons rapist genes to be passed on.
It would be a valid reason, I think.
ur a good friend for putting stuff like that about her on the net. im sure she really needs that right now. its her business.
It's up to her. I don't think she should just abort the child though cause it's a product of a rape. I think she should consider it, discarding the rape. I think it would be much easier for her to make the decision that way. Rather than just having that one little constant factor being pushed on it.
Everytime she looks at that baby, or feels it kick inside of her, no matter how connected or how much she loves the baby, she will think of that rape and how painful it was emotionally and physically. I think it would be reasonable to have an abortion.
She shouldn't think of it in that way. Ifshe thought about the fact that it wasn't the babies fault that she was raped... being raped must be a really horrible and painfull experience, but there is a tiny life growing inside her.. it wouldn't be the right thing to kill it. But, it's her decision... not min. She should go with her gut feeling.
It isn't right, but then it isn't wrong either. It is an incredibly hard choice, but it is her choice. What happened to her is something few people can relate to, so anyone who judges her decision based on the circumstances is wrong.
Well I hope your friend loves the baby as much as it deserves to be. :)
if it were me, i would get an abortion... I think that its her choice if she wants to or not, and i dont think anyone can judge her.
She has the right to do whatever she chooses to do. That is what Rowe vs Wade was all about. She will be the one who has to live with her decision.
What a horrible predicament. Even as a Christian and totally opposed to abortion , I would find it impossible to pontificate. What I would suggest, though, is that she carry the pregnancy and then have it adopted out. That way she does not compound one evil with another, and she gives the child a chance. Also, she gives another couple the opportunity to love the child she cannot.
That's not a decision you should be a part of. Unless she asks and if she does I hope you will be sensitive in your answer. That doesn't mean you can't be honest but you should be sensitive.
I am a pro choice person...I am pro your choice...for me abortion is not right unless it is the result of a rape...incenst or other wrong doings...BUT if you as a person think it is best...all the power to ya...but I believe without a shadow of doubt that in a case like this...abortion is A O K
Rape is traumatic enough having been date raped at 14 I can sympathize. To become pregnant as a result compounds the intensity of the violation. To some women abortion isn't acceptable however carring a child to term and then giving it away to someone else is an ache that stays with you forever. My sister gave a child up at 15. And to keep a child that's a product of rape is constantly looking into the eyes of the person who violated you, when they ask who their father is what would you say. And remember that your answer has a profound affect on that child. Either way it isn't a matter of right or wrong,. It's a matter of what your friends heart tells her is the right choice for her and that fetus she's carrying. The best thing you can do is support her NO MATTER WHAT SHE DECIDES. Until you are in her shoes you CANNOT judge her actions.
its not the babies fault what happened. though it isn't hers either, it would be better to let the baby live. even if she gave it up for adoption. then again it is her personal decision. though i think she would feel a lot better letting the baby live.
ABSOULUTLEY NOT..... she can at least give it up 4 adoption but dont kill it
If she wishes to do so, she has my full support.
Is it HER right? It is her body and she has every right to make her own medical decisions under the law. IS IT RIGHT for her to abort? Whatever she chooses is right. Frankly, unless anyone else has been in her position who are we to say what is right or wrong?
its her right, its her body and no one elses business. i'm sorry to hear she was raped and i hope she reported it and gets help.
No one has a right to tell her what to do. It is her choice and her choice alone.
This is a terrible situation to be in and I can't say it would be easy for me to make the decision to keep the baby but I would. No child is ever a mistake and should not have to pay for "the sins of it's father" but that being said.. not only that, but killing the child will only compound the horror of what your friend has experienced. She is innocent and did nothing wrong and neither did this child. maintaining her courage and moral character will make her the stronger one in the end.. and she can choose to give this baby a chance by perhaps adoption. check out this incredible story of a mother who chose life after she was raped:
at work?? up to her...
This is a horrible situation, and it's her choice to make. That being said my personal opinion is that it's not the childs fault and even if she didn't want the baby plenty of other ppl would. I have thought about this before, and I just wouldn't be able to give up something that's still half me no matter what.
ok iam now six months pregnant i was raped i had a abortion before i just didnt feel right iam now giving this baby to a family that will love and care for her forever and iam really happy with my decsion its gonna be hard but adopting is the best. I have to tell u no matter what she does either way she will always think of the rape it will never be the same but she should do something good out of it she will be happyer
No, why punish the baby for the actions of its father? But she has had a terrible thing happen and she needs friends to support her and talk things over.
not necessarily "right". but less "wrong" than it could be. there is also the point that the baby did nothing wrong, the man did. why punish the child?
Why continue the violence...abortion does not change the fact that she was raped.
ADOPTION! im adopted :)
If she wants to then she can.
No, but given how traumatic the experience of rape was, it is understandable she might be thinking that way.
that is a shame. Generally during the doctors exam they give a pill to avoid pregnancy after rape, unless she didn't go a doctor. Whatever her decision, it will be the right decision.
Well, there are these two sides of me that are constantly fighting about everything... One side is saying she shouldn't abort, the other is saying she should. The one that's saying she should: "It's okay, there's nothing to worry about. If she gets an abortion, this whole mess will be out of the way, And she could move on with her life. And it'd be better for the kid, Because it might grow up thinking it was a mistake and an aberdon." The side that's saying she shouldn't: "She shouldn't get the abortion. If she doesn't get an abortion, she doesn't have to take care of the kid. She could give it to someone who really wants a baby, But can't because of health or another unknown reason. She could give it to someone who needs it.", if it was me, I wouldn't have the baby because I don't really eat that healthy and I think I'd die in child birth... the kid wouldn't be healthy and it'd probably die in a short while. But, if I was her, I would get an abortion.
i think it is here choose weather she wants an abortion or not i would have the child but that is my apinon if she does not want the child not to have a dad;that is fine to.
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