why the skull and crossbones?
Please note that these skirts are not sheer; the "design" is imprinted on the fabric so it appears that you can see her panties. Personally, I think they are horrid! BLAH! :( LOL!! :D
That's not actually true. I've heard about it before, and it's not real. Linkage: (Is this where you got it from?)
That's definitely not real. It was proven to be photoshopped or something.
What the hell?! Ew. People actually wear these? That's tacky.
no i can say i definately wouldnt wear one.:)
... amusing, but not attractive ...
Good for a laugh but end it at that. Maybe like one of those TV shows that plays jokes on people.
No way would I want my SO or even my daughter wearing those. I would like it in the privacy of my home, but not publicly.
It's only a picture so no big deal! I might wear one to a halloween party or something, but that's it.
There's no way people in Nippon would wear anything like that in public specially as conservative as their culture is with modesty.....
Not a style I like at all. I would never tell the woman I was with that I am more concerned with my taste then that of her own. If that is what she wanted I would support her decision. However if she asked I would have to be honest. I would tell her I find it awful and tasteless.
Utterly ridiculous. I wouldn't want my wife to wear one, and I wouldn't be caught dead in one. Yuck!
wow that's weird.
ROTF!! I checked out those photos and it looks like those rumps were photoshopped onto the pictures of women in regular [opaque] skirts. Needless to say I am laughing hysterically as I type this!! Would I wear one? Only to the beach with my bikini underneath. ;) EDIT: I didn't read the caption. LMAO!!! So apparently these ~are~ opaque skirts with images of rumps printed on them. This changes my answer as far as if I would wear!! EEW!!
You know I love skirts. But I would never wear those in public.
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