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If he was large or if you had rough sex then yes!!! If the man has a prince albert piercing it too can make a woman bleed!!! If it lasts for mor than a few days I would be concerned!!
My girlfriend bled a lot after the first few times. If it continues like, after 5 or so times, or keeps bleeding for a long time consult a physician. And if it gets on your couch, use Prosolve. Saved me from a strange talk with the parents.
yes people who don't have wide vaginas or the guy had a small dick, as for the first ass hole who answered i think his girlfriend had a smal vag because the only big dick he has is his additude, ha well i don't know that but i know he's an asshole, anyway i bled on my boyfriends covers.
Yes, if you are pregnant. The cervix become friable during pregnancy from the overload of hormones. Almost any contact will make it bleed.
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