Well... if you don't know about it, how can you go after it? Each state has a controller's office - there is an "unclaimed property" department there. For example, if you paid for your car insurance in full for the year, then canceled 8 months later, you'd be entitled to a refund for the 4 months, right? What if you moved and the insurance company can't find you to return your money? They send the check and it gets returned to them? The money then goes to the state's unclaimed property department. Do a Google search for your state's controller's office. There should be a way to search by your name and see if there is any unclaimed money under your name. You'll have to prove you're who you say you are and that is your money, but you can get it back. If you're asking about money from a will - that's a different story. If you were named as beneficiary in a will, but the executor (the person responsible for carrying out the terms of the will) is unable to locate you, the probate court would determine what to do with your share. It may be distributed to the other beneficiaries or your portion gets forfeited to the state.
Have you ever heard of NAUPA: National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators? I found $284.00, absolutely a true story, I heard it on the news, and the link lead me to Florida Dept. of Financial Services.
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