• Yes, please get a brain.
  • Well first you need to make sure you dog is smart enough and voilent enough to at least be able to do that.
  • It is never a good idea to encourage a dog to be violent. You never know when it will come back to... pardon the pun...bite you in the ass!
  • Yeah. The dog will bite,get put down and you will be fined.Happy life,eh?
  • the only reason dogs should ever be trained to attack on comaned is when there police dogs. so i dont think u should train u rdog that unless u want to lose him the first time u use the command
  • Get a chihuahua and a good lawyer.
  • If you give your dogs fresh meat everyday,they will become violent.This's what my friend told me. But please don't put it into pratice.
  • Ok first of all there are no real ligitimate reasons one would want such a dog. Protection however is another story and more common. There are ways to do this correctly and for just reasons and there are ways to do it totally wrong and for stupid reasons. If you have legitimate reasons and desire methods of training go to and read read read the whole site. Study the sport of Shutzhund but I will tell you this is not so much teaching your dog to attack as it is teaching your dog to protect you. And let me tell all who think there is no difference that there is a HUGE difference.
  • In my opinion that is not a good thing to teach a dog.
  • now why would you want to do that. do you WANT TO go to court?
  • why would you want to do that. its cruel to the dog and besides its people like you that give dogs a bad name
  • That's a really good way to have animal control come to your house and euthanize your dog. Not to mention the paperwork and fines that would incur on your end...and then there's the suit that would probably follow! Sounds like fun to me.
  • I'm, in general, against animal training, think if you, being that Beagle want to be put thru the whole experience of being trained.
  • well, I don't know anything about pet training really. But, I think 2 years might be too late. I could be waaaaaay off though.
  • get a pitt and keep the beagle in the house
  • You shouldn't attempt this yourself. There are many professional pet trainers you can hire. I suggest trying one of those.
  • Hmmm.... From what I've read in dog training books there IS such a thing as a "mock charge" that you can teach your pets, wherein they LOOK and SOUND like they want a piece of you, when in fact all they're going to do is rush at you and try to pin you down. If it sounds unfamiliar, it's because this has been used only in K-9 training for police work. If you want to teach your dog to attack on command for self-defense purposes, this is probably what you want. However if you have something more sinister in mind, I suggest you read the answers posted before mine.
  • ok thats a REALLY BAD IDEA!!
  • Is your dog agressive or passive? Most of the people that want teach there dog that. 1.Can't fight. 2.Trying to be cool 3.Get sued for there dog bitin someone.Then realize that it was a dumb choice.
  • get a dog that no one would expect to bite like a golden retriever or a lab, not a pit, rott, german shep., or dobie because everybody thinks thats the only dog breeds that bites and they are wrong and stupid because just because a pit bites somebody everybody flips but if a golden retriever or something like that was to bite than it would be no big deal so n-e-ways you might wanna try some basic obidence first
  • I know this is very late but felt compelled to comment. I have had Beagles through out my life. They are hunters and family dogs by nature. They are also so independent that I found it near impossible to train them for anything that they did not have a desire to do. They do not want to heel when walked on a leash, they are always casting on the trail of something. They are playful and not aggressive but will protect family members. I asked a man at work who also had a Beagle how he trains his dog. He just laughed and said with a note of disbelief, "train a Beagle?". I hired a trainer who demonstrated how to train any dog, basically training me in the technique and showed me how the dog would respond. I used these techniques for years and that dog would not heel until we approached the house after each walk. The following sites do not encourage training a Beagle for attack purposes.
  • oh how cool are you, teach your dog to attack no mention of once it has attacked how to stop it.....derrr
  • As a former Veterinary TEchician and mother of 2 I think I know enough about dogs and homes. I was looking for the german word used in training. Teaching a dog to attack and teaching them to attack in german are two different issues. #1 never assume the posting person is "stupid" .. a good enough reason to teach a dog IN german is so NO mistakes are made and the dog is not used by others for frivolous attacks. #2 having been abused I would prefer my dog be taught in german. 3# If the dog is protecting against a predator or threat the dog WILL NOT be "put down" and I would not be "sued" #4 um how stupid are YOU? there is also a german word for "release!" ........ nice assumptions.
  • All of you who don't agree with anonymous are not that good with dogs or being absolutely one sided about the horror reports you have seen. Uh cop dogs are search & rescue meaning they don't hurt anyone & they are search & seize meaning they will bite. But at the handlers house they will play like they have been taught nothing but what a house pet has been taught OPEN YOUR EYES, LOOK OUTSIDE THE BOX. Being brought up around German Shepherds and Training them there is a big difference and the dog will automatically know the difference and be confused if you give them a wrong command. So all of you who push judgement and call other people idiots it sounds like the shoe is fitting you not this mother of two.
  • I think most of these answers are hilarious. There is a guns category on AB and within it people frequently discuss shooting intruders, what's the best gun to have for self-protection, etc. without any criticism. So deadly force with a firearm is fine but training your dog to defend you is appalling. I agree with Ajwalker that trained police dogs are just like family pets when they're at home. So, coolmoe, I would say join a dog training club or working trials club where there will be experts to help you.
  • I can think of absolutely no reason why a domesticated animal should be trained to be violent. It is usually accomplished by abusing the animal.
  • If you are asking on a web site about how to teach your dog to attack, you are obviously not the right candidate to own a dog who knows attack commands. Attack commands only work with a strong, highly experienced, highly dominant, and highly capable handler. I would assume you are not one of them, because had you been- you would have looked to a local training club, or schutzhund club. Don't know what schutzhund means? Then you don't know enough about owning, training or controlling attack dogs. End of story.
  • Well there certainly are a lot of answers here, and a lot of opinions that seem to be based on misinformation. 1. I may be wrong, but you're probably looking for your dog to protect you, and do so on command. If so, search for a very reputable trainer, save up a pretty good chunk of money ($2000 would be reasonable- expect more), and make sure that their training methods are geared towards developing the dogs natural drives to bite rather than using them to force a bite (out of fear). 2. Expect to put in a lot of time working with your dog from the time it is a puppy. You should wait until it's out of all it's growing stages for serious bite work, but you can develop it's drives from the time it comes home from the breeder. 3. Do not expect just any dog to be able handle the rigors (emotional and physical) of protection or Schutzhund training. You do not want the most dominant puppy of the litter, you want one that's not afraid, likes to explore things, and has a very high prey drive. Protection training won't make a dog bite; all dogs bite. However, if you train a dog that has the wrong temperament, or train a dog using poor methods, you risk creating an unstable dog that's trained in bite work. Not a good thing, for you or anyone. 4. Just because you have a dog and you think it loves you, do not expect it to be able to protect you. That's just expecting a lot out of the dog, and it's really unfair. However, I'm sure your dog loves you. 5. If you already have a dog that you've invested a great deal of time or money in, and you're not sure that it'll protect you, teach it to bark on command. Most dogs that you see performing a bark and hold in Schutzhund training regard the agitator as a playmate. The reward if they bark and the agitator moves or tries to strike them? They get to bite a bite sleeve and pull it off of an arm. They're ecstatically barking. It's fun for them. Most people cannot tell the difference when a dog is barking like that a few feet away from their face whether or not the dog is threatening them. 6. The person who directed you to gave you a very good starting point. 7. Read a few books on it (start with 'Manstopper' by Joel McMains) so that you'll know what to look for in a trainer. 8. If you were looking for the commands commonly used in Schutzhund: Fass/attack, Gib Laut/Speak or bark, and most importantly Aus/ Out, let go. Again, if your dog is protection trained, the most important thing for it to respond to immediately is the out. I'm working towards a Sch1 with my Cane Corso right now, and I do understand that it's hard to really find out about what you're asking, particularly if you don't know where to start. Good luck to you. I hope I helped you some.
  • If I were you, I would get a doberman from a reputable breeder. These dogs know how to protect instinctively while being able to tell the difference between a benign and potentially harmful intruder. They are very loyal and most people agree, are great with children and visitors. Mine does not bark unless there is someone right at the gate, and if someone does come in, he just corners them and barks, showing his teeth and growling. He has never bitten anyone, and I didn't have to teach him much. However, this is far from attacking on command.
  • I hope you're ready for a lawsuit.
  • you are all al asses my british bulldog is trained to attack on comand to keep my dad away from the house due to a messy splity with my mum i think if you are going to train your dog for secourity resons then you should
  • if u need your dog to attack on command us a dog protection service who can train the dog and you to handle it if you need a number of a dog protection service mail me back
  • sounds like a good idea for the first 10 seconds that this idea was in my head, oh hang on nah it was just a brain fart sorry its a bad idea. learn to throw a punch boy!!
  • I worked at a security company with guard dogs. We were TRAINED after the dog was trained so I don't know how they went about training them. I do know that even with my 2 years of training and being physically fit to walk and HOLD these dogs I ended up with a few casualties.Mostly walking around the corner and coming face to face with another attack dog.It was VERY difficult to pull these dogs apart and I just thank God we did not run into some kids(the dogs were on high alert as it was night time and we were in the underground parking lot)Anyway,I hope you really stop and think about your reasons for doing this and all the consequences that could arise...Good Luck.
  • Bloody hell, what's wrong with you people? It's not like he's teaching his dog to attack innocents! Having a dog who has an attack command is good, if there's ever an intruder or someone dangerous you need your dog to know that it's OK to attack. You don't want to end up looking like an idiot when you scream at your dog to save you and your dog ends up scratching himself while you get beat down. Dogs are great protectors and pets. Don't just buy one for the sake of protection, but make sure it CAN protect you. There's no point owning a GSD if it's gonna desert you when you're in trouble.
  • This is an old post...but since it's showing up again, I'll address it. ALL DOGS BITE. It is simply a matter of what will cause a dog to bite. Some dogs may NEVER BITE, because they are never pushed to the point where they feel compelled to do so. Unless your dog is pretty timid in nature, there is a good chance, if your bond with the dog is strong, that were you attacked or being threatened, your dog will move to place him/herself between you and an aggressive person. A timid dog is most likely to be a "Fear Biter" who bites when frightened and may have run to the last point possible to escape the fearful "thing" before resorting to biting. You can put this to the test, by having your dog TEMPERAMENT TESTED as the final part of a Temperament Test includes presenting the dog (and you) with an AGGRESSIVE PERSON and checking the dog's reaction and also TIMING the dog on its reactions... They are timing how long it takes the dog TO react (ideally moving between you and the aggressive stranger..the dog is "allowed" to run/move to the end of your standard lead, but should NOT drag you towards the aggressive stranger..but clearly WARN THE PERSON OFF AND AWAY FROM YOU!) Once the aggressive stranger moves away and back behind the "blind" out of sight, they are timing how long it takes the dog to calm back down. You are NOT allowed to cue or speak to your dog, unless given permission by the Head Judge. They are looking for the DOG'S natural reactions. Once the dog is calm, the "stranger" comes back out, in different attire, (they usually wear a big floppy coat, a hat and carry a big stick that they beat against the ground the first time...they leave it all behind the second time). THIS TIME, they are watching your dog for signs too. This time the stranger looks and acts "normal, friendly." Although he does NOT simply walk up to you! Usually at this point the Judge will give you permission to speak to your dog, and to welcome the now friendly stranger. How your dog reacts to this change is what they look for and time. If YOU say it's ok by it now OK with your dog? It is acceptable for the dog to appear confused, to even shoot you a look as if to say..."are you sure, he smells exactly like that NUTCASE who was just here a minute ago...don't you smell's the same guy!" HOWEVER...YOU HAVE SAID IT'S OK...therefore a dog with a GOOD TEMPERAMENT, maybe leery, but will ACCEPT YOUR JUDGMENT that this guy is NOW ok. It is acceptable that your dog may well "keep an eye on this person, in case he flips out again, but the dog should sniff his hand and if comfortable, allow petting, with your being relaxed about it. THIS IS or is close to being...A THINKING DOG. A Thinking Dog is a great family friend, safe with children, the family cat, strangers who mean NO HARM TO THE FAMILY. They are usually well trained dogs and enjoy both active play AND following commands that they have learned also bring REWARDS in either play, treats, praise or a combination of all good things. The Thinking Dog is usually relaxed and trustworthy in most situations. They WILL DEFEND YOU and/or your family, your property; but rarely will they resort to BITING or attacking. They may threaten with a LOOK someone who is behaving improperly towards you. They may or many not even growl, or show teeth if it becomes needed for them to USE THEIR TEETH. They also do not generally cause excessive HARM when they use their teeth. They act only with enough strength in their bite to STOP the aggressive behavior of the "bad person." A Thinking Dog seeks to CONTROL the unwanted, unacceptable behaviors being done. They are not simply attacking and mauling. There are many, many brilliant and wonderful dogs out there who are close to this "ideal." But one that is dead on, is not common. Out of seven personal dogs, over my lifetime of 50 years...I have had ONE. He used teeth twice in his life to stop someone who needed to be stopped. One REALLY needed to be stopped and the dog actually did it by grabbing (gently) the guy's stopped him cold. And while the dog did not even break the skin..he did leave a faint hematoma according to the friend who checked along with the unfortunate guy misbehaving with a group of friends. Did I feel SAFE with this dog? You bet I did. So in is not that one needs to create an aggressive attack dog, but one needs FIRST a dog with the right temperament, one that you BOND WELL WITH, (mutual love, respect and accountability is created) and TRAINING to LISTEN to you in the basics and awareness of situations that the dog is able and willing to take some responsibility for insuring your safety. Aggression alone is NOT a good dog...or a safe dog...Aggression is an opening for the LAW SUIT and other sad endings. If you are seen as a source of all good things and if you teach your dog to follow your commands JOYFULLY, and if your dog is naturally friendly and ACCEPTING OF YOUR JUDGMENT....THEN...You are on your way to having an intelligent, more THINKING dog who you can trust will warn off someone behaving in inappropriate ways towards YOU, your family and on your property. But who is also intelligent enough not to over react to children..running about laughing and screaming in fun; and FRIENDLY people you'd like to speak with! Not all dogs trained to attack make good family pets. Some police dogs I've known were THINKING DOGS, and some were simply trained to act and react on COMMANDS, unable to make "good choices" without clear and strong leadership. (Just like PEOPLE!)
  • Consult a professional trainer who would then advise you not to do it.Just having a dog in your yard or house is sometimes enough to ward off any burglars.
  • is this for competition training or for personal use if it's for personal use then thats a stupid stupid plan however for competion make sure you train you dog that only when the bite suit is on that it's allowed to attack you don't want a miss hap that leads to the dogs death the most important part is obidience you need to have total control over you dog in all situations if you say sit you must trust that that dog is going to drop what its chewing stop what its eating and sit! only then could you even think of this training!
  • If it is just protection you're looking for you shouldn't need to teach him to attack. Most dogs are super loyal and will protect you out of instinct.
  • I know its not a good idea to encourage violence from your dogs. But i've been around several ex-police dogs that are plenty docile, and would never bite anyone on there own will. I think you can train a dog to attack on command, but make sure to do it the right way and understand the psycology behind it. But I hope your not the mean son of a bitch who just wanted a mean dog, and have treated it like shit since you got it. Cause then you already have a liability on your hands, and should just fuck off.
  • There are special dog training facilities that you can go to. Look it up on yahoo local. People are stupid if you are going to make a dog attack get it professionally trained. If it was really wrong to not train your dog to attack police wouldn't use dogs to bite criminals. A good attack dog is one trained by people who know what they are doing. Why do you think you can also PET police dogs.
  • Bad idea. I had a friend who wanted to teach his Great Dane how to do that same thing. He bought books on it and began training himself. Within a few weeks the Dane attacked and killed a neighbors poodle in front of the owner when they were out for a walk. Charges were filed, and in the end the Dane was put down. If you can afford it, see about professional training. I would not attempt to teach a dog to attack on your own. It can go bad too easily.
  • You do not need to give a dog formal training on how to attack, and protect you. He already knows how to do that. It is a natural instinct they are born with . If you are a good, and caring owner a dog knows that too. If you love him, he will love you back. He does not want anything or anyone to take that way. He will naturally guard you with his life. Although we own our dogs, they think they own us. Where you live a dog consider to be their dens. Dogs naturally will protect that as well. For example, when someone rings your door bell or knocks on your door your dog barks. He is saying that if you dont belong here you'd better move on. Even more so will he bark repeatedly if your home. Now he is protecting you. He is saying if you come in and you dont belong here I will attack you. The only reason he does'nt attack is if you seem to be ok with and not afraid of that person. Example, an old friend knocks on your door that the dogs have not yet met. If you showed fear of this person your dogs can read your emotions, and will move into fight mode. If you show no fear of this person the dog will relax but will watch the strangers moves. Here are a couple of examples of dog protecting their beloved owners. **A woman from NH goes for a walk around sun down. Two men follow her and her dog down a dirt road. One man gets out of the car and tries to abduct her. She screems, and shows fear, and the dog does not know this man. This dog repeatedly attacked the man until he releases the woman. The man jumps back into the car, and the two men drive off. **A woman goes for a hike with her dogs in the hills of CA and is attacked by a bear. As she is being attacked her two dogs start attacking the bear and distract the bear long enough for the woman to get a way. Her quote, "If my dogs are couragous enough to attack a big male bear, I have to be cougagous enough to pull myself together and get out of there". As she was moving toward her vehicle the two dogs came charging behind her. They all got quickly into her vehicle and she amazingly drove to the nearest fire station. There she was transported to a hospital. These a just a few amazing stories of dogs protecting their beloved owners with their lives. Dogs dont think about dying as we do, they just react. It is in their gene pool, it is a natural thing for them. It is why they are our best friends. Make no mistake about it, your dog will do the same for you with out training. Lets leave the attack training for police dogs for obviouse reasons.
  • I think if you need protection you should take karate classes, and let your dog just be a dog. He will protect you if you fail to do so. With out attack training. It is instinct for them to do so.
  • heres a link that gives you a step by step guide
  • this is a joke, everyone here is complaining about cruelty for dogs, the guy came here with a valid question, he didn't mention the circumstances that the dog attack command was going to be used in, you all just jumped on the band wagon and assumed he was going to be letting it loose onto people, as someone previously stated, it is good to let your dog know when it is okay to attack, now, either answer the question, or don't pointlessly post rubbish on the internet, it's people like you that prevent the internet from being a fountain of knowledge by spouting your unintelligent and uninteresting OPINION (not fact) all of the internet.
  • Some of you are so ignorant it's frightening. There's nothing wrong with training a dog to attack on COMMAND. The key is command. He has to be taught basic obedience first, and one should never teach attack commands until the dog obeys you immediately, all the time on everything else. Pit bulls and Rotties are not 'territorial.' Rotties are kind of arrogant, and protective, and are more likely to bite than most, but the pit bull was bred for over 300 years to be dog-aggressive and people friendly. In fact, the dogfighters used to put down any pit who even showed shyness around strangers. The result of such selective breeding is a dog who is so friendly that they are hard to train as guard dogs because they treat strangers like a long lost friend. If you need to train your dog for protection, I recommend _The Dog's Mind_ by Bruce Fogel. It will get you started on understanding how dogs think, and make training easier. Begin with basic obedience commands to condition him to obeying your voice. Then begin to teach him to be indifferent toward people unless commanded otherwise. Once you can achieve this, then I'd reccomend . Its the site of an excellent dog trainer who's been working with guard and police dogs for several decades. One trick you can do is to have a special toy that your dog loves and always say 'watch 'em' repeatedly when you bring it out. Eventually, if you say 'watch 'em' the dog will look around alertly, and would-be bad guys will stay away, thinking the dog has been commanded to watch them, while he's really just looking for his toy. ;) For those of you who think pits are aggressive or monsters, here's a video of my bandog (pit bull/mastiff mix).
  • Its a great idea to want to train on command. The key word is on command. However, when you do train the dog you must be precise in your teaching methods so that the dog will not misinterpret you. The people who disagree are rediculous. It their fear of not having control of their pet which leads them to not wanting the dog to be trained on such a high scale behavior. This skill is indeed on that will possibly save your life, I say do it, but research thoroughly.
  • Hey,there is a way to train dogs to attack on command,but it depends on a breed we dealing with when it comes to training.What type of dog do you have?Before you can start training you have to make sure your dog has all the potential drives he will need to succeed.Protection training is the most difficult task of all other types of dog training.Its not something you can train your dog over night.It will take a lot of time and its usualy best to start training since the dog is as young as 6 weeks of age.In this period of training the puppy will bond strongly with you,there are rules that you have to follow when raising a working puppy.One of them is that it can never be pet by strangers,it cant be shy,timid,skitish,dog agressive,it must have strong nerves to cope in any situation,it must be 100% obedient on and off leash.Most of all he needs to see you as his pack leader othervise it will never surrender to the training.The best for it is naturally agressive type of breed like German Shepherd or Belgian Malinois which has come from protection bloodline. If you just want to teach the one command to your dog and that is to attack its more than imposible.He can be trained to attack but if havent gone through years of proper training he will never be able to protect you,simply because his nerves will let him down.In most cases dogs that havent gone through proper training where they learn to cope in any situation will usualy run into avoidance. I have 10 years of experience in training protection and police dogs and i can tell you only few dogs can really do it. But if you really want to try training him there is a way just it wont be 100%,i really mean it.I myself have to protection dogs and of of them is a Labrador retriever,breed which no one will believe you can train into protection at all.So Its possible once the dog we work with has the right drives-strong prey drive,defense drive and fight drives. If your dog dont have the other two but at least has a strong prey drive you can teach him into level one-which is barking on command,or other way to call it is Hold And Bark....This is way easier to traing then the actuall attack itself.If your dog is train into this level you in most cases are going to be fine,because the power of dog bark works as a good deterent. Im happy to give you some ideas if i know more about your dog.
  • If you think you and your dig both have the ability for protection training,find professional A1 K9 trainer or police dog training unit.
  • Yeah, give him up for adoption.
  • If you are a person who gets a dog just to protect yourself that's the wrong reason for keeping one.It will only get you arrested as its an offence to teach a dog to attack in the UK,and if it injures someone you are in deep shit.
  • Police dont make money for training police dogs and army dogs,because they serve to protect the country.If it comes to protection training as you know nothing is for free,at least not where i came from.If you will work for A1 K9 you will only then understand why is mostly so expensive to train protection dogs.Besides people that have those dogs not always train them in classes they take classes before training and than they do it.There are many DVD now days you can get that will tell you how to start,but bringing dog to us means just we can tell you if has what it takes to train it. Gun is not always reliable if you dont know how to use it...beside im based in United Kingdom and guns here are forbidden.So in here your gun will get you at least 5years of inprisonment.
  • Why don't you get a dog which will teach you to attack?
  • Yes redhawk is completely right if you have a strong enough connection with your dog...and it feels that you are being endangered it will act.... dogs can sense tension and energy that most people cant feel or sense if u are good to them they will protect u u dont need to go teach it ridiculous methods on how to be violent they are pack mates they will do anything for someone in their pack
  • If the guy wants to train a dog to follow commands in a violent situation why not? It really is a way to communicate your wishes to your animal friend so as to avoid an accident. Also one other thing. Dogs are carnivores. That's why their little toothies are all pointy and stuff. and as far as the lawsuit that's what insurance is for. That's the only reason a legislator/acting judge over a case (however batty) would have that option on the table. otherwise the law would be changed. I don't think people should respond negatively towards a desire to acquire a some measure of strength. trust me the criminals and belligerent people will be ok they are tough...
  • "There are instances in which an owner of a vicious animal might not be held liable for an attack by the animal. For example, if the animal owner adequately warned other people that the animal was dangerous, and took measures to keep the animal away from people, a person who ignored the owner's warnings and was injured by the animal might not successfully sue the owner. In legal terms, the injured person's behavior in such a situation is known as "contributory negligence" or "assumption of the risk." An injured person is contributorily negligent when he or she fails to exercise the degree of care for his or her safety that a reasonable person would exercise under similar circumstances. For example, if a person climbs over a fence and is bitten by a dog on the other side, a jury could decide not to hold the dog owner liable if they believed that a normal reasonable person would not have climbed over the wall in the first place. To use another example, if the owner puts up a "Beware of Dog" sign, and a person ignores this sign and gets bitten by the dog, the owner might not be responsible for that person's injury. If the animal owner is claiming either "assumption of risk" or "contributory negligence," however, the owner has the burden of convincing the jury of these arguments. An animal owner can also argue that the injured person provoked the animal, and this may be a way for the owner to avoid liability. For example, if a person makes a threatening gesture toward an animal, and the animal attacks, this could negate the owner's liability."
  • I think that it is reasonable to train your dog to attack on command if you have a responsible, reasonable...reason to train your dog to do that. Im looking to train my dog to do it because we have been robbed 5 times and several sex offenders live in our neighborhood that have kidknapped and raped girls and guess what? IM A GIRL! So walking my dog is a very scary thing so if I can train her to attack on command then I can tell her to attack someone that tries to kidknap me. She is already very protective over me and bit my neighbor twice on the leg. I don't want her to attack with out my command so Im doing this for, not only my safety but, my neighbor's too. Luckly they weren't deep bites, just enough to barely break the skin but you never know when she decides to bite hard. And, our neighborhood only has three small children in it: my younger brother, and a lady that lives on the west side of town who keeps her two grandchildren during the day. We VERY VERY VERY rarely have company, so when we are expecting company, I put my dog in her building and lock the dog door. I will do that until she is properly trained not to attack. So I would say that we are doing this all the right way and it is plenty reasonable.

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