I wouldn't, even if she admitted that, 9 times is not a mistake, it's a habit. Bad habits die hard.
i wouldn' you cheat THAT many times, no matter if she admited it..there's a HIGH chance that she'll do it again
It can be very difficult to see the future where this is concerned because, she cheated and why did she do that? She may require lots of attention due to lack of self esteem/self image. I would not invest any real time in her until she grows up. You will be happier. I know because I went through the same and thought that he would never cheat on me! He just needs all of the wonderful gifts I can bring into his world! Right? Wrong. He cheated and cheated. It's not very nice to be made a fool of. Good for her telling you this but don't think she will be what you would want her to be.And why did she tell you this? sounds odd...DON'T BE A CHUMP!!
Well I'm a girl but if If I had a boyfriend like that I wouldn't trust him.
No way.
N O ! If she did it once, okay. Twice...maybe. But when they do it for the 9th time? The likelihood of a repeat cheating is highly probable.
I wouldn't trust anyone that had made a habit of cheating.
woah if it was like once or twice MAYBE very maybe 9, there would be no way. thats a person who is obviously way too self involved
I wouldn't trust her if she said that if she cheated ONCE, much less 9 times, nor SHOULD I.
I would not trust her; my girlfriend cheated on her ex, she is with me and she is cheating on me:)
If you don't trust her, she shouldn't be your girlfriend.
Given her past, I'd say that it would be hard not to believe that she would cheat again. NO.
If she cheated once, I might say maybe. However, why would she cheat on her ex 9 times, and then suddenly be faithful to the next guy?
I am not sure I would be able to trust someone who has cheated that many times before. You could try to trust but know that you could wind up getting hurt still.
She wouldn't be a friend of mine if she had cheated 9 times. That sort of person isn't capable of being loyal right now, until she learns to grow up and be responsible, if ever.
I personally don't forgive anyone for the 1st time they cheat on anyone. I am a strong believer in "Once a cheater, always a cheater."
Nine times??? She's obviously a pathological cheater; Thanks but no thanks, don't call me.., I'll call you...
I have cheated my ex many times, but I dont cheat my bf, I changed for him...
Perhaps she is telling you because she trusts you and doesn't want to hide anything from you. It is possible that she has changed, but just flat out taking her word for it might not be the wisest thing to do. Since she told you, you hopefully know how sincere she was being with you. Do what you believe is right. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Most people would probably say no, but most people are also very judgmental when it comes to that kind of thing.
If you are having a great time together then why let your pride keep you from enjoying her? If you are not having a great time then why even be together? People are who they are, not who we want them to be.
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