• no, just means they care about the subject, it could be that thier selfish
  • If some one gets mad at you and starts a fight with you and they still have feelings. That may not at all be true. It would be negligent of me to say yes people who fight with you have feelings, but on the other hand rage, hate, are feelings but yet they are feelings that are not necessarily against you or your character. Like in war you don't hate a certain individual you hate the person who your enemy represents. and there is hate that is not arbitrary you hate that person because they wronged you or your spere of influence, be careful with whom you think you think you have feelings for, for they may very well use that delusion agaist you,
  • getting into an arguement or getting mad does not mean that all the sudden that person does not like you anymore. people get mad and people do fight. but in the end everything gets resolved and the person is still going to care about you.

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