• I think it probably makes a happy person more happy. And, I think it probably makes a depressed person destructive and possibly more unhappy. To a person who can handle it, it gives them power (and there is a lot of freedom in power). So, I think Jim Carrey was somewhat full of shit when he said it wasn't the answer to anything. It's the answer to some things.
  • well being rich would be great but fame sucks no privacy
  • which I would respond, "Au contraire, mon frere! Being RICH is the EXACT answer--to being POOR!!!! FAME, would just be the residue."
  • I am not sure. I think you should call Mr. Carrey and tell him I'll be a guinea pig. He can give me some of his wealth and I'll report back in 12 months.
  • Money doesn't buy happiness it only fixes your finical status and being famous would seriously privacy.
  • I'll disagree with the money part, but I will agree with the fame part. If I had enough money to pay off my student loans and my house, it would be awesome. Even if that is all the money I was given. Fame isn't all it's cracked up to be, and I don't envy people who get cameras in their face 24/7. Unless they deserve it, like Paris Hilton...
  • Did he give up either? No so it holds no credence. He's still rich and still famous. The riches he could get rid of tomorrow, but fame he's stuck with for life.

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