giving her anything that wouldn't trust you. simple things like telling her if you are hanging out with another girl or if something murky comes up. be straight with it.
Just be yourself. You can't maintain a relationship being "on guard" 24-7. Besides...if you screw up enough times, you'll eventually learn appropriate behavior and you won't have to worry about it anymore.
Don't lie, don't cheat. Be yourself, don't pretend to be someone you're not.
make shure she dosen't find out your gay she will not like that
Don't talk about you ex, only if she asks and if she does keep it very breif!
Just be yourself. If you're truly yourself, and she likes you, you should have nothing to worry about.
Do things that make her feel like a woman- like shes appreciated. Open the car door for her. OPen every door for her- she goes in first. When walking outside, you walk to the outside, next to the street. If theres one seat to be had, say on a bus, she gets it. You stand.If you go out to eat, and discuss the menu, find out what shed like to have and you do all the ordering "She will have..." she's always first. Help her on with her coat if appropriate. No making out in public. Its cheap. makes her look cheap. A light kiss on the cheek, maybe on the lips- LIGHT kiss if shes comfortable with it.
always respect her, be honest about everything and just be yourself :)
Depending on your character that might mean keeping your mouth shut and not moving a finger unless instructed to. Here's the advice for the rest of us. Be polite, fun to be with, creative, interesting, honest and above all real - no fronts. Noone likes a faker.
Two things: 1. Remember all the things you did wrong with your ex gf's. 2. Don't worry about screwing things up. Worrying just makes you screw things up. It's about chemistry. Not about little things you might do wrong.
Always respect her and never demean her with something she's told you in confidence.
Be honest with her, don't push her into anything she doesn't want to do.
Meh, just be respectfull and honest. And be yourself. You should be good.
your fingernails ;)
Don't push too hard (emotionally OR physically) Don't lie (cheating is lying, too) Be yourself... If you pretend to be someone else, it's akin to lying, and VERY few girls go for that. Don't try to change her - She'll like it about as much as you will. Ask her about her, and only talk about YOU when SHE asks, or just now and then Be polite... Be a good guy for her... Hold her when she wants/needs it... And, DO NOT ABUSE HER OR her trust (I'm not saying you would, but some who would read this might...)
be careful with your emotions
you should focus on being truthful (not like: OMG YOU LOOK FAT IN THAT DRESS!!!!). The day to day small things like "i went grocery shopping and hung out with a few of the guys" when asked what you did today (instead of saying you went skinny dipping or something that you think sounds cool to her)....its the little things that count most in a relationship :)
Listen to what she says. Misunderstanding causes a lot of trouble.
when she tries to tell you something, listen to her. and dont be all dismissive about it. just listen :)
be careful not to forget to BE YOURSELF
Don't be flirty with other girls, call them or text, b a one woman guy and make her feel like she is your world, but on the other hand you need to have a little space, some time with your friends .
you have alot of answers so I bet by now you have got your answer, but oh, well. The truth is, Your Going To Mess Up!!! It's tradition. The cool thing about a relationship is you will soon learn you dont have to be afraid of her, I was always scared of what my girlfriend would do if i messed up or said the wrong thing, and even if I did, she still loved me, and we have been dating for 6 months, trust me i have made my mistakes and so has she. You will do just fine, but dont stress yourself out over it, she wouldnt want you too
Do not smother her. Everyone needs their space.Give her the gift of missing you.
Make sure your family knows how much she means to you so they can treat her like family and respect her family just as she will respect your family. Have one of her family members to be one of your best friends (like younger sister or older sister) When both of you know how mich your families care about your realationship, the lesser mistakes would be made.
Be yourself, if that doesn't work its the wrong person.
Never Lie Make sure you talk with her before talking to someone else. Make sure you show her that you are serious about her. Quality means more than Quaninty
think before you open your mouth and listen to what she has to say.
Easy... Just go by your past experience and whatever you did wrong in your previous relationships don’t repeat the mistakes.
Be yourself, fine. But don't start farting in her presence at least until after you've been married awhile. It isn't funny, farts are pretty common, and yours will not be the evenings' entertainment. "Pull my finger", is not romantic. Spitting at the ceiling, then farting under the blankets is probably not going to win your points. Do not blame the pets for your flatulence. If you know a particular food item makes you fart, consider not eating it in her presence.
Just love her and stick with her and dont fool around.
Relax and be yourself, that's the only way to know if it will really work out. You don't need to pretend or walk on egg shells. Remember, there is no one that you can't live without.
Be yourself but learn to be better. If she wants YOU then you will have no problem. If you try to fool her and be something you're not it will explode in your face later on. Be yourself, be kind, thoughtful and truly interested in what she has to say and who she is as a person. If you do that and she doesn't love you then it's her who has a problem and it's best you find out sooner than later.
More then anything just listen. Listen to everything she has to say & remember she doesn't want to solve all her problems just listen to whats bothering her is enough. And when you disagree, talk it out. Dont blame each other & take responsibility for your mistakes. It doesn't make you week or mean your stupid.
FIRST and formost ... LISTEN and be aware every time she speaks .... 2nd: REMEMBER her Birthday, Christmas, Valentines Day and ALL the holidays ... You don't have to buy EXPENSIVE gifts ; BUt a card and a small token are fine according to your finances .... Co-Operation ... Allow her to make some of the decesins in the relationship ; like where you are going and what you are doing .... DO NOT ever mention that another girl is cute or pretty .... If she ever ask you if a dress or pants etc make her "Fat" .... Lie your azz off !! Good Luck !
treat her with respect like a gentleman would and you shouldn't have any problems.
Treat her nice
well seeing she must like you to be your girlfriend, stay exactly the same as you are now,DONT Change !!!!!!!! ,treat her same caring loving way,cause if you or indeed she changes much thats when relations fail have had ya best foot forward so has she .,.so dont be too much different and you will be fine
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