• Dude dont think of it like that...those are your WAR scars. You went though a lot to get those...
  • One would hope that whatever man you're with is after you for more than your body, and is doing more than inspecting for imperfections. Stretch marks may cause problems if you're an aspiring model, but that should be the extent of it.
  • Someone who loves you will love you for yourself, your heart, your mind ,your kindness not your skin.
  • They are like battle scars. If he loves truly loves you they won't matter.
  • Scars and marks on the skin are not as bad to be able hindering relationship as the travmatized points within the soul! Don't wory!
  • Everyone has imperfections, and I don't even think stretch marks from giving birth fall into that category. There is so much more to you than those marks. What about your heart and your humor, your feelings? What difference could stretch marks have on someone who loves you for who you are?
  • There are plenty of men out there who would date a girl with what you may percieve as an imperfection.. you just need to find one of them!
  • Find a mature man who realizes that true beauty is beauty of the heart and of the soul, and that those are actually beauty marks. : )
  • I'm sure that a man would not be so shallow to turn away from you just because of a few marks from giving birth to a child. They are badges of honor!
  • My second considerations bundle: -We as being M.D.s call them "vergetures" a vulgar Latin, -They give a feature to the abdominal skin of the moman a kind of lace work! Even something lovable...
  • Only really shallow, jerky men care about that stuff. You wouldn't be interested in them anyway. The nice guys don't care about things like stretch marks. They love you and are more worried about their own imperfections and whether you will like them. We are always our own worst critics.
  • Battle Scars baby, we like em
  • There is nothing wrong with stretch marks, and a guy who doesn't realize that, is not a guy worth being with anyway.
  • For what it's worth, I always thought they were sexy! ;-)
  • I would'nt worry too much.........On a first date I would'nt ask you if you have stretch marks.....However, I've been known to get carried away with my Sharpee markers.............
  • Most guys won't care. When a guy is really into you, he thinks you're perfect.
  • I thought the same thing and wondered if he would be as disgusted as I was looking at them. I want you to know that most don't give 2 hoots about them. That is the truth. It's our hang up. If you don't make a fuss over it he won't give it a second thought. Good Luck :)
  • Those are battle scars, be proud, and stand tall. You created a miracle and went through excruciating pain, for those. :-)
  • I think you're getting confused, honey. I think you should rephrase your question, "I am totally proud of my stretch marks from being pregnant! Why wouldn't a man want me with these marks all over me?" Any way, if a man was concerned about that, tell him to go find another woman without them, because he's not worth your time.
  • so many woman get stretch marks...its tottaly normal after having a baby. be proud of them because they are a memory of your children that you gave birth too anad brought into this world! With a guy who really wants to be with you for the right reasons it wont matter if you have stretch marks....he will only want to be with you for who you are and accept you and love you! If its the daddy of your chldren he should be proud that you carried his (and yours) babies!!! EITHER WAY FATHER OR NOT THAT MAN WHO IS WITH YOU SHOULD LOVE YOU FOR WHATS ON THE INSIDE NOT WHAT IS ON THE OUTSIDE!!!!!
  • There are plenty of men that look beyond the physical. it is you that matters not the marks.
  • Don't get so hung up about them, if a man doesn't like stretch marks then thats his problem and your better off with out him. Try building your confidence by treating your self to some scented body butter or all over moisturiser, it made me feel better about my stetch marks.
  • Here goes: Pretend for a moment that you have no stretch marks. Now suppose you marry a man. This man doesn't like stretch marks, but that's OK, because you don't have any. Then you have a kid and, naturally, you get stretch marks. What do you suppose is going to happen next? Since you have stretch marks already, you can weed out these men.
  • If a man is so much a fool not to want you because of stretch marks from pregnancy then he doesen't deserve your love. You're so much more than stretch marks.
  • I had this same problem when I divorced back in 2006 and feared being physically intimate again once I moved onto new relationships. Surprisingly, I found someone I've been with for a year and a half who absolutely loves my body and tells me so all the time. Stretch marks are nothing to be embarassed by, as they are rememberance of bringing your beautiful children into the world. Any male who would deny being with you for the reason of these marks on your body is nowhere near being a real man and would never deserve you anyway. Dont worry, they are out there, and you will find someone. Believe and trust.
  • Those stretch marks are the marks of giving life, one of the most important things a human being can do. Instead of being embarrassed, you should feel proud.
  • Guess if he loves/likes you he would ignore it ...actually he would love it too :-) !
  • Oh, puleese! Why would you want a man who cared about that sort of thing? Stretch marks, wrinkles, gray hair...all signs of life and character and experience. Celebrate your stretch marks, girl. Evidence of the fact you have given birth.....that's all.
  • Awwwwwwwwww honey, you are still beautiful to someone who loves you. Would you want him to feel this way if he had the marks? No! Let him love you, don't let what's outside ruin what you have on the inside. You gave him something precious, that's what he see's!
  • Because guys don't care that much about stretch marks. Your man wants YOU.
  • When you find a man that loves you, truly loves you, he'll still love you when he finds out you have stretch marks. Don't be so hard on yourself.
  • Aw, because you're still you. You're still lovely.
  • Your body is just a vehicle for carrying around your awesome personality.
  • If he TRULY loves you he could and should care less about those stretch marks. Let's see how he would feel carrying and delivering a baby. I don't think he would like the feeling too much. He should give you credit for going through that. :)
  • a man that doesn't want a woman because of her stretch marks or something of that matter is a total immature asshole.
  • Because some men don't care what you look like and can totally look past the physical part of a woman... and then there are men who are assholes and are only after one thing, the way a woman looks.
  • Because they dont effect who you are- unless you let them. Stop worrying about them.
  • Because stretch marks are the badge of a TRUE mother. Your kid(s) were SOOO worth every one of them and most everything else, in reality, is trivial in comparison to the gifts you now have. :) Be proud of them... there isn't much else in life that is as special as giving birth to a little person. :)
  • Please watch this video by the comedian Kat Williams. I have stretch marks also from having my 2 boys and yes they can make you a little self conscious but my man showed me this clip and (he's so silly) it made me feel better. It's part of life and part of being a mother. Accept who you are unless you have lots of money to have them removed. It'll be ok sweetie.
  • Are you talking about the baby's father or some other man?
  • I have them all down my hips and thighs and have had them since I was 12. They were caused by a growth spirt and an eating disorder. I still think that guys find me attractive, and none have ever complained about the marks when I wear shorts.
  • I think of them as "tiger stripes". Certainly more attractive than many of the tattoos people get, IMO.
  • I think Katt Williams said it best when he said "real ass niggas don't have time to worry about no fuckin' stretch marks! We know they came from one of two things, either you was big and you got small; or you was small and they got big! Either way we fuckin'!"
  • If he really wants you for you he won't care about the stretch marks you have on your stomach.
  • they wouldint you just answered your own question
  • They probably aren't as bad as you think they are. Besides, any man that loves you, wouldn't even notice them..I have them too, he's never said a word in all this time and I know he's seen them..I call them my "Badges of Courage" Do you know, they do fade some in time and Vitamin E oil works some too. Good luck, and don't be sad.
  • First of all, no guy should ever care about stretch marks, but if you really don't like them so much there are things that you can get at just about any drug store to get rid of scars. They don't completely get rid of the marks, but they do make them a lot less noticeable.
  • OOhh Bleviebe me! i have some too, they're not stopping me from getting laid, and not even from getting somebody Interested in ME, who will love you, will always say to you that you're the most beautiful woman on earth or at least make you feel that way. keep it up, skin doesn't mean a thing, what's inside its what really counts, remember. the way that you feel about yourself its what other people see of yourself as a person, if you still being yourself, Don't even sweat it!. you better believe it to see it.
  • ...........because he's drunk?
  • I have lady lines all over me from my 2 pregnancies but my partner always reassures me that they only remind him of what we created through our love. Our bodies are unique and that makes us special.
  • Number one stretch marks are not all that bad. I've never seen them to the point that I've said oooo I can't sleep with you. In fact if I ever do I really need to reevaluate myself and not be so shallow. God knows that I'm not the perfect human specimen.
  • Most of the time they'll fade out so they're hard to notice in a few yrs anyway. Don't let it bother you. Concentrate your thoughts on other things that are positive. We guys seldom notice them enough to say anything. At least the one's with any common sense won't. They are a fact of life after having kids on anyone. Don't know what it is, but, I've read, or seen ad's about creams that are supposed to help clear them up. Maybe using some of that would ease your mind. Would be worth it to try some. Good luck.
  • Maybe because he loves you.
  • Don't know what you look like, but by that point, he's not concerned about your strech marks.
  • ew, streach marks... you might as well have canker sores or zits... oh wait, I have both of those which are way worse than streachmarks... which I also have from being genetical a skinny boy but biking enough that my leg muscles were larger than my skin could take. yes flawless skin is sexy... but there are many other sexy attributes.
  • HEY!! Are men ashamed of their battle scars. NO. they are proud of them because they got it doing something really worthwhile. SAME with us women and stretch marks. We willingly and with a very glad heart decided to loan our body for the development of another life. So what if it left a few scars. BE PROUD of them. Children are Worth it. Here are a few tips to lighten them. Applying lavender oil on the marks thrice a day will fade up the marks soon. This is one of the simple and good home remedies for stretch marks. Application of Aloe Vera gel or vitamin E also helps to cure stretch marks Application of Vaseline intensive care lotion on the stomach during pregnancy helps in the prevention of stretch marks.
  • some guys dont even care so you shouldnt worry about it. if ur personality is cool then they wont bother paying attention to that. but if it really REALLY bothers you then u should buy some oils or creams to improve it.
  • of course!!only a shallow man would turn u down cuz of something like that
  • Actually, I really find stretch marks to be really sexy. Really I do. Stretch marks are totally a turn on. Its like making love to a real woman instead of a Cosmo idea of a perfect barbie doll fake woman thing. Yuk , who wants that. I love a real woman, with a real body, curves, stretch marks, chubby, and all . That is a real turn on.
  • There is somebody for everybody dont stress it.
  • I had posted this answer to the the question "why do girl think they have to be skinny", but it works here too. . Women don't know how close to stand to the mirror. . Yes, men are visual, but do you have any idea at what distance we see you? . My first sight is about at *70* yards. By the time you are at 25 yards, I have already done my double and triple takes, so unless we're in an auditorium or the mall she isn't even indoors yet. . BTW, I'm near-sighted. . Put the full length mirror up on one end of the house, go all the way to the other end, and *then* look. If you look good, then you look good . I can't see stretch marks at 25 yards. . I might be able to see them at 5 yards, maybe. If you get any closer, it's the next thing you say that makes the difference, not what do you look like. .
  • cus you are still hot no matter the so called imperfections.
  • Because you more than your stretch marks...i watched a funny comic named Kat Williams who stated that men don't care about those stretch marks...
  • give thnanks to God if you find a man that love you with all the lies in you. He may not neccessary see anything bad in that.
  • I have stretch marks from being fat! My man loves me. You just need to find a man who loves you for you and it won't matter. It'll be ok!
  • Where is the MAN you got pregnant by?
  • Because they should love you for the person that you are, not for your appearance.
  • HI I would like to say first that I know how you feel, I first noticed mine when I was 12. Though I haven’t gotten rid of mine completely, I have learned that you can reduce their appearance a lot. Before I tell you how though I do want to give you a little background just so that you understand the idea behind what I am about to tell you to do: Stretch marks occur under the surface layer of the skin, which is what makes them so hard to heal, what you need to do is find a way to shed your outer layer so that the lower layer of your skin becomes your new upper layer and is 1. easier to heal and 2. as new skin grows back the appearance of damaged skin is less noticeable. I want to mention one last thing, when you first expose the inner layer of your skin you will see the stretch marks better that is because they are exposed. DON’T BE DISCOURAGED, once new skin begins to grow, you will see results. ok so this is what you do. 1. take a hot shower. This is important bec you want your skin to be moist and your pores to open. Dont start right away, let the steam get to your skin first. oh maybe I should have mentioned this first, your going to need a scrubber and a rough one, I use the rough side of CVS brand dish sponge - make sure to wet it first! this thing is really rough. Now let me warn you of something else, the first time I did this I was in pain after, you don’t feel it at first but believe me even the smallest pressure is working to remove the top layer of skin, don’t go crazy what you want to do is use a shower gel with a moisturizer in it (preferably with aloe) and in a circular motion move the sponge over the area with stretch marks. If you do it too long and hard it will hurt later. If by chance you do break skin too much please buy Mederma so that you dont scar. After your shower dry your skin and apply an aloe gel or oil (I like the oil because it is purer in its aloe content). After your shower your skin should be a healthy pink (assuming you didn’t go too far) and you will see your stretch marks clearer. Like I said, don’t despair. Your going to need to give your skin at least three days of downtime to regrow. You can help it do so, I have seen really great results with Captiva sm (they are giving away free trials) but you can do your own research on what stretch mark creams really help. make sure to apply them after your shower. using a soft sponge this time (remember this is your rejuvenating days so you dont want to remove too much skin again) slightly exfoliate with a circular motion the affected area and then dry and apply the cream. For the first month, I would say to exfoliate with the hard sponge once a week. This doesn’t have to be the same day of the week and in fact it’s better if it’s not because your skin will respond better if it cant predict when it needs to prompt new skin growth (just a theory though). Later on, you want to use your own judgment on how often you would like to do this. Do this the rest of your life. Good luck! and please let me know how it goes. One more tip. If you’ve given your skin sufficient time to heal and want to shed skin but not too much during downtime there is a product that you can use in between called Reytnol. It has been used to smooths wrinkles, but helps for stretch marks as well. The product I got is from Israel, I don’t think they sell is here, but I’m sure you could get it online. It is a bit expensive though but worth it bec you have to use very little. Its called SHOVALA from Gold Cosmetics and should be used at night after a shower and slight exfoliation. There is a milder one simply called ANTI STRETCH MARKS same company, and that one I’ve been applying when I wake up. Don’t use too much of it as they do shed and tighten skin and may hurt a bit. and please do not use either after exfoliating with a rough sponge as it will only add to the removal of tender skin and will hurt. Hope this helps… let me know how it goes and feel free to copy this on any blog you see where people need answers. Ariel
  • Any man who wouldn't want a girl just because of something like is an idiot. It is a girls imperfections that makes them perfect.
  • dont be embarrassed it is a part of life and if you find a man that loves you he will love your stretch marks because he loves you and every thing about me
  • He is gonna need to get your clothes off to see that, so I would hope by that point He has known you long enough to find enough things to be attracted to. Also if you are a mom and He's still interested I don't think stretch marks are gonna scare him off.
  • omg they will go away! and gus should want you cause your you. not your face. not your body but cause how you act. and all of my older cuzins have had childern and they say the only way to get rid of them is coco butter. and we are all beautiful to the only guy who really matters... God.
  • No way. Don't feel funny. You do not have something that is unusual...even unusual skin blimishes are not alawys a guys way to rule you out. Stretch marks from expierence do not always fade no matter how nice you feel your body or skin is. There are techniques that have been advertised to remove them and not sure how expensive or effective they are. Just remember it is not out of the ordinary, some people just have more than others and even people that don't have children get them for some reason. It's not a mark of shame.
  • I was wondering the same thing. I found a good guy and it seemed like they didn't bother him but who knows what he was really feeling.
  • Why wouldn't he? Men don't pay nearly as much attention to stretch marks, celulite, and love handles as women do. They pretty much like women, period. A man will want you before he ever sees you with your clothes off, and he will still want you then. Don't be disturbed by them.
  • its not all about looks its more about personalitie so if one bloke dont want you plenty of others will trust me!
  • If the man you are dating knows you have a kid or kids, he knows you have stretch marks.... I KNOW I KNOW before I get bashed with all the remarks "I NEVER GOT STRETCH MARKS AND I HAVE 7 KIDS!!" If you were fortunate, good for you. If the guy knows you have kids he is going to expect you have stretch marks.
  • I wish women would not feel bad about their stretch marks! To me they are beauty marks! Look at them as a battle won! you gave birth to a beautiful baby for them! You brought precious life into the world! They are good not bad! Any man should be proud of them! I know I would be!
  • hey listen im over wait and have strech marks lol i have friends and my wife loves me for who i am your having a baby so chill out he loves you for you trust me i know and i hear that men are turned on by strech marks

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