• Well.....i have been called a whole lot worse names, than bacon. i just consider the source, until the person crosses the line. and, smelling bacon, does not come close. Freedom of speech is freedom, to a limit. Did your friend commit any other law violation? if not, smelling bacon, is not harassment. police officers endure foul and suggestive language, everyday. its disrespectful, but you sometimes get use to it. My wife overheard a conversation, of two men talking. a police car passed by and one man said to the other "there goes a police car, looking for a donut truck". this happens all the time. This ticket, in that state or jurisdiction, may be valid, according to the law there. i would have my friend contact an attorney for advice. Like the saying goes, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me".
  • Go to your arraingment and plead not guilty, ask for a trial. Chances are that the judge will drop the charges right there. No one wants to go through the expense and hassle of a trial, especially with you representing yourself (pro se), just to settle a $300 pissing contest. You have a first ammendment right to insult police officers. Smelling bacon could hardly be considered threatening.

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