That action is prohibited under federal law. Ammonum Nitrate is used to create explosive devices and was an agent used in the Oklahoma City Bombings.
Simple just put it in the microwave for 7 hours, that should do it...
NH3 ia a fertlizer The acid-base reaction of ammonia with nitric acid gives a solution of ammonium nitrate HNO3+ NH3 → NH4NO3 For industrial production, this is done using anhydrous ammonia gas and concentrated nitric acid. This reaction is violent and very exothermic
Carefully cut the cold pack open with a exacto knife or razor blade. The ammonium nitrate is in little pellets, that will begin to come out. There is a super thin water bag on the inside so be careful not to pop it. Ammonium nitrate sucks of moisture from the atmosphere so as soon as you get it put it in a airtight container.
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