• Me try not too.
  • Not always, people still have good ideas even when they don't use good grammar.
  • I don't unless it is really bad. When it does not make sense at all.
  • It's really hard not to.
  • To be honest, it's hard not to. I don't think it happens totally consciously, and it also depends on the medium. I think I tend to judge more in text than when verbally speaking. It just seems lazy to not type things properly, or at least, put some effort in.
  • ummm duh.. lol nope.. cuz i use it myself. besides who is anyone to judge anyone else. i know i am not perfect. YA KNOW? *chuckles* poor grammar tis i.. spell my own way .. yep that is me as well
  • Actions speak louder than words.
  • I don't want to, but they force me.
  • I once stopped dating a guy because he said "they was". It drove me insane. However, I didn't think he was stupid. I just knew that at some point I was going to scream, "They were! They were! Subject and verb must agree!!!!!" I didn't think that would be conducive to peaceful relationship. LOL!!!! So I guess that was more a judgement of me.
  • I do try not to judge , sometimes it can be difficult.
  • no because i am not the worlds greatest speller. that was the worst subject in school for me and my wife makes fun of me when i try to spell some diffucult words and spell the wrong. so dont hate cause someone just might hate you for some thing that you cant do that they can. so dont judge someone if you dont wanna be judge yourself
  • No, but I have made a conscious decision to ignore that.
  • I try not to, but I'm sure I've been guilty of it before. Sometimes I can't hear anything else after "I ain't"..."we was"....or "I seen"....and in emails it really bugs me. Sorry, but it just does.....
  • Aint never had that problem. Maybe you all should git yurselves sum hep.
  • No.Because, even I'm weak in grammar.So I can't point my fingers at others!
  • No. Judge and be judged.
  • No. They could try harder though.
  • no its not the right thing to do.
  • No, I do not. I try my best to understand what they mean. I'm interested in interacting with people not being an ass about the details.
  • Absolutely. It shows a lack of care and/or education. If they do it on more than one occaision, then I start to worry..
  • No. I dont use good grammer myself anyhow.
  • Depends on how you define "judge". That having been said, your command of your native language tells the rest of the world volumes about you -- your education level, your attention to detail, and what you think about yourself. It's not my fault if you're broadcasting to the world that you're a nitwit, and I just happen to notice the message that YOU sent...
  • I try not to, but I must admit that sometimes poor grammar on a repeating basis (we all make mistakes sometimes) will make me think less of someone.
  • I believe poor grammar means someone has not had proper training. It's not possible to judge the person behind the writing. If they can't write correctly, it's most likely a judgment on the education system, not the person.
  • Never. Everyone makes mistakes.
  • No, I don't judge people, everyone learns at different levels, there are different ages on here, different upbringings. We are here to learn, not make fun of someone because they aren't as intelligent as some people think they are.......
  • Not sure what you mean by "judge." It sounds like you're using the word in a pejorative sense, which makes your question rather leading, as though you expect people to answer "No." Why do you want people to answer that way? Do you feel bad about "judging" people who use poor grammar? Or do *you* use poor grammar and want people to tell you it's okay? Anyway, bypassing the leading nature of your question, the fact is that anything anybody does informs us about them in one way or another. If a person uses poor grammar, that tells me something about them. What it tells me may be any number of things, based on other information I've received from them. It might tell me they're uneducated or lazy or that English isn't their first language. The important question, I think, is "What does that information and what it tells you about that person do to the way you treat them?" A person may have poor grammar, and that may tell me that they're uneducated, but should I treat them rudely or make fun of them for it? That wouldn't be the charitable thing to do, would it? And perhaps that's what you're really getting at with the "do you judge" bit. Perhaps you're asking whether we ought to treat people badly if they have poor grammar, and to that I would say "Certainly not."
  • When speaking to them I do. I let it go online.
  • have you ever reasearched the ebonics language you would be suprised how long its been around and now ebonics (SLANG) words are reguarly being excepted, even in scrabble tournaments, i prefer not to talk country grammer or judge anyone .
  • I was not appointed a judge so no I don't but maybe that is what happened with some of my "friends" disappearing? hmmmmmmm.. ;)
  • I judge them to be my equals. How are you's? Come set a spell.
  • Depends on the situation. In a public speaking forum than I would criticize because when speaking to a group you need to be grammatically correct. When I'm talking to somebody one on one, not necessarily. Even more so when that person is just trying to learn the language.
  • Depends on how you define "judge". It definitely tells me a lot about their education level, their attention to detail, and how they perceive themselves in terms of socioeconomic status; and I react accordingly to these self-descriptions they're giving me.
  • Not at all, alot of people these days suffer from dyslexia, just because they are dyslexic doesn't mean they're thick, again thats people making assumptions.
  • Honestly, I do. I think people who use poor grammar (and a lot of bad slang) just sound very lazy, like they can't take the time or energy to speak properly. I would pass people up for a job if I were hiring because of poor grammar. I'm not expecting anyone to be perfect, but I wouldn't want anyone axing questions and and wanting me and you to go to the store if it were my business.
  • I don't know if this is judging, but in my head I place them in a certain status. If they have an excellent grasp of the language I think this person is well educated. And vice verse. Of course, this status is entirely limited to my grasp and understanding of the English language. I don't make life decisions based soley on someones ability to speak. Great Question.
  • Yes. But then, I am a Judge.
  • I fully welcome some poor grammar, as long as they brung some good ideas with 'em. Them's good ideas whether or not the grammar is bad. Now... Don't be using bad grammar to be a jerkwad, or I'll have to light you up about learning to speak before you complain.
  • yes, but I never say anything outloud unless its really bad (bad gramer bugs me)
  • well, i'm an english teacher so i have to "judge" to an extent peoples grammar usage, i don't however think less of anybody... at least not grammatically speaking.
  • I do, actually.
  • I judge them in respect to their grammer - i.e. "This person has really bad knowledge of English grammar". I don't think "This person uses poor grammar so that means that this person X". I hate bad grammar, because I do my best to talk properly. I cringe when I hear tenses used incorrectly, and it irritates me to see bad (of a complete lack of) punctuation, or incorrect spellings. Hey, I even can't stand American spelling! No offense - I know that's what you were taught!
  • I don't judge people for any reason.
  • It irritates me, but I keep it to myself. I think the worst are the double negatives.
  • Yes. Absolutely. There are plenty of opportunities for anyone who grows up in this country to learn appropriate sentence structure. If they choose not to pay attention, they are the ones responsible. No one else. I do my best not to judge outward appearance, but I have NO problem judging people by their actions and their own choices.
  • We have a meteorologist in Dallas who can't pronounce the word "temperature." He says "tempachure." This is not really a grammatical error, but it bugs the heck out of me! I don't tend to respect his weather forecasts, because it seems to me that, if he didn't learn the basics, how could he have learned the rest?
  • Yes. It's my job. I'm an English teacher.
  • No. In fact I get a little irked by snobby grammarians. I write screenplay and that doesn't even have to be spelled write.
  • Kinda. I really hate when they cannot manage to write out a simple sentence.
  • In this country they tend to, as its riddled with s cancerous class system, which one hates with a passion. The My Fair Lady attitude is still with us, as, we have several regionalised accents along with the Scotch, Welsh & English accents.
  • Ain't never done so.
  • I try really hard not to, but sometimes its impossible. I guess it depends on how bad their spelling and grammar is.
  • If it's not worth saying well, why bother saying anything at all?
  • I have a friend who is highly intelligent but uneducated. Her grammar and spelling is so bad that you have to mentally 'translate' what she says. But what she says is always worth hearing. But many people use poor grammar because they are lazy or not very bright, and in those cases I'm afraid it's difficult not to judge, in the sense that I tend not to be very interested in what they have to say.
  • i sometimes comment on it but only to help not to belittle.
  • Yes, It makes me think they are stupid or ignorant.
  • No, I don't judge people for that. Grammer is learned at home, moreso than at school. But it does grate on me when I hear someone who is a professional or has an important position or is a public speaker making grammatical errors. The one which grates on my nerves the most is ..."He done that job well" rather than "He did that job well".
  • It bothers me when they do it on purpose, or seems as though they do because it's horrendous grammar, though who am i to judge... nobody
  • It's extremely difficult not to considering that I tend to expect adults and even teenagers to use correct spelling when they've been through school and should know better. Plus as a writer, I find bad grammar unreadable most of the time which is why I try not to use it unless I'm writing from the viewpoint of a thug or a hillbilly or someone like that from whom you would expect bad grammar.
  • No, i do not and never will
  • No, but if a sentence or statement, especially in an e-mail, doesn't make sense, I tend to correct it so that it will make sense to me. Is this judging?
  • I usually dont, unless it is in poor taste, like as in an insult, or some other offensive way.
  • Subconsciously, maybe. I believe good grammar is important and I'm kind of anal about it. That said, I realize some people don't make proper English a priority in their lives, for whatever reason. I'm cool with that. Live and let live.
  • It's always easy to judge another person, even when you don't mean to. I always hope that when that happens, that person won't be offended. My gf has a learning disability, but I still love her with all my heart, and try my best not to ever judge her. She has had problems with grammar, and I've made stupid judgements.
  • not at all.. i also do the same mistake. it is normal actually..
  • Only when they hold positions of power or prestige and they sound stupid. Ask is not Ax, and Data is not dater.
  • Yes. A lot.
  • Online, yes. When in real life, it's easy for me to ignore poor grammar. But when I see poorly spelled words, it's hard for me not to notice.
  • Yup. I ain't a gonna have nutten ta do wiff a body that ain't got no book learnin. Ifen ya cain't conversate on the same level ya ain't gonna have nutten but problums.
  • I just correct them.
  • I do not because the important thing is communication. If I can understand their main idea, then I think how it gets across is beside the point. I admire those who can speak grammar perfect, but I also enjoy commuting with those who arent so perfect. My dad, for example, is redneck/aint yaw gonna go out yonder kinda guy. My grandmother is "keep your elbows off the table/ MAY I go to the bathroom" kind of gal. i get alot of educational value from her but I gain quite a bit of common sense value from him. Everyone has their own ideas and wisdom to contribute. You just have to learn to listen and not judge. shoot. sometimes I learn more from my 6 year old cousin then I do grown adults. I KNOW she doesnt speak perfect grammar.
  • You can't help but judge them.
  • It depends where, if it was in a professional setting or a leisure setting. If it's somewhere professional then yes, if leisure then no.
  • Yes, I instantly judge someone. I don't intend to, but it is so very irritating. It seems that most that use poor grammar don't care to improve it.
  • nope i aint perfect and i know i aint got good grammar so it dont bug me just dont try correcting me lol
  • I don't need to. They've already done it for me
  • I's not, judges nothing thing; me. ;) If I'm honest, I do make a mental judgement of the person's education and upbringing: one cannot avoid it! I never correct anyone, though, unless the meaning is ambiguous or unclear. It those cases, I very carefully rephrase what they said and send it back as a rhetorical question. This way, it doesn't sound as though I am correcting them but rather thinking of a suitable response. If they then correct me, I chose the wrong possibilty. QED
  • Yes, I can't help it, it annoys me so much. It's basic English, everyone makes typing errors of course, but when its a blatant disregard for the whole system all together, I really want to say something, but I don't because I don't want to seem like a douchebag.
  • That depends on if it's their fault or not. If it's because they're lazy or don't care, then yes. Those who genuinely didn't get good educations or who are second language learners, I don't judge.
  • I judge only that they did not receive the same level of education that another person may have. That does not mean, however, that I judge them to be stupid or worthless or lesser in some way. Many of the wisest folks I have ever known had relatively poor upbringings and did not get taught "guud anglish". What makes a person a person is what he or she does, not how they talk.
  • Nahh :)
  • If u really wanna hear, i'm a bit snob, so it means i do really judge
  • Absolutely No. People's word is far greater than the book. We are okay to have each different way of feeling, talking, and writing. Being unique is the best to make what truly you are. Friendly sentences for everyone, even for those who are with special needs or have a lot of difficult time to see things in their eyes, are truly the best.
  • Depends if I think they ought to know better, but if I know English isn't their first language or they didn't go far in school or they have dyslexia, I don't. It's mainly when they are well educated and make elementary mistakes such as saying "the dog wagged it's tail". I feel like saying "so you're telling me the dog wagged it is tail? That doesn't even make sense!".
  • I judge people who use poor grammar more than they will ever know. Granted, I am an English major in college, so I may be a bit biased.
  • No. Grammer is used differently in different type situations and or events.
  • Yes, especially the ones who totally make a flipping mess of it. And spelling....hoo, don't get me started. I don't mean typo's either.
  • No. The grammar doesn't make the person.
  • Well, on AB it shouldn't matter that much unless the person is trying to be smartass know it all. Then it's the perfect tool for humbling lol. But in real life, it can communicate a lot of things. Sometimes bad grammar can be a sign of carelessness, even an insult, that the person you are talking to doesn't think you are important enough, or can't give the time of day to speak properly to you. I think some ppl use it as a way to feel superior.
  • It is hard not to - I'll second that. I attended a small country school in rural Missouri. There were 30 people in my 6th grade class. Our teacher stood in front of the classroom, and to this day (20 years later), I remember her speech verbatim: "People will judge your intelligence by how well you use the English language, and I will be DAMNED if you leave this school not knowing how to speak and write properly." I really respect her for that.
  • Yes, to a harsh degree. Not out loud, just in my head.
  • No I just come down to their level,then leave them with a word on mine. (give them something to think about)
  • no i don't.. if you are good in grammar then you're just so lucky.. that's what they say.. "lucky you" and if you're poor on it.. then, you have to practice it.. im not good in grammar, that's why im here to practice and converse with you guys..
  • It's not very hard. But it depends on the situation and the person using poor. Like if it's a kindergarten kid then their is no need to judge him but a grown well educated person uses poor grammar should be corrected but not judged.
  • I don't judge anybody. How could I judge a person on an irrelevant issue like that? Some aren't as fortunate as others to get a good education...
  • Yes. It's really not so difficult
  • I judge their level of education. I often judge their ability to think clearly. I definitely judge their quality of communication. But I wouldn't judge their intelligence (not at first, anyway) or other attributes of their humanity, their "worth as a person", from something like that. When they fail to tip a good waitress, then I lower the boom.
  • Its Depend upon my concentration. I use which is the Best Place to learn English.

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