• Explain "the real world in scientific description?:
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      The real world is everything that is physical and our surroundings as well. Anything else is in the mind. Anyone can be aware of the real world by using their senses and conscious mind.
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      Explain the physical world? And isn't the way we experience the world is through our own brains interpretation? So basically you are experiencing your own body, through your brain in sum total? For example colours do not exist, the human brain equipped with the human eye determines colour. Sensations begin as signals generated by touch receptors in your skin. They travel along sensory nerves made up of bundled fibers that connect to neurons in the spinal cord. Then signals move to the thalamus, which relays information to the rest of the brain. Next stop is the somatosensory cortex, where signals are translated into a touch perception.
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      The physical world is in the touching sense so you are right in saying the touch perception. Anything that we feel with our body is the physical world. The physical world is also the waking world in which we can be familiar with if some people get their heads out of the screen and get in touch with nature. We can experience the real world by being in tune with nature and the brain’s interpretation as you said correctly. The mistake that some people make is creating delusions in their head confusing themselves in the process not knowing how to differentiate reality and fantasy.
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      So you agree that we are not experiencing reality, we are experiencing our bodies interpretation of reality, mainly the brain and central nervous system? Secondly, what is the physical world. The physical is matter, which when observed can change from particles to waves (double slit experiment). 99.99999 % of us is made up of empty space. Atoms are broken down to smaller particles, protons, neurons and electrons, these in turn are made up of quarks. If we lost all the dead space inside our atoms, we would each be able to fit into a particle of dust, and the entire human species would fit into the volume of a sugar cube. However, empty space isn't nothingness, it's made of wave functions and invisible quantum field. When you touch something or someone, you are feeling the electromagnetic force of your electrons pushing away their electrons. So in reality, your very important human body is really, just a misleading collection of empty spaces on an empty planet in an empty Universe. Brilliant isn't it?

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