• cause they dont want to keep it to thennselves
    • Your Nightmare
      They should keep it to themselves, it pushes people away making the gap wider between us
    • Archie Bunker
      You're on a Q&A site and you think people should keep their opinions to themselves? Maybe you're on the wrong site, dude.
    • Archie Bunker
      See! I told you this site was about opinions! You can learn new tricks, I guess. And I was gonna use the racist George Jefferson, but it was already taken.
    • Linda Joy
      "They should keep it to themselves, it pushes people away making the gap wider between us" YOU'RE the one posting this crap! What's wrong with you posting divisive stuff and then blaming it all on the other side! This post is just childish and stupid! If you really wanted to get along you wouldn't post this stuff. It certainly doesn't make people want to join hands and sing about love and unity!
  • Depending on how someone asks or comments, it may provoke and/or inspire me to respond. Then it has value in challenging me to respond in a way that promotes dialogue. Some questions/answers I simply pass right by. If you respond to the interesting ones, then these Q's and A's will show up more. That's how I see it. Choose wisely.
    • Your Nightmare
      Popularity? So the quest for knowledge is driven by who's question is more popular? This site is pure care, thanks for the heads up. I will abandon this site now. You people are effing ridiculous
    • Your Nightmare
      care = cancer, my auto correct is dyslexic
    • Archie Bunker
    • Roaring
      What you see(and react to) is what you get
    • Your Nightmare
      Roaring I get nothing from this dime store backwoods wisdom site, what a total waste of time
    • Linda Joy
      Then why are you still here? Bye! Don't want you here anyway with that attitude!
    • mugwort
      The US Constitution gives us the right to express ourselves. That includes opinions we dislike. If one doesn't like a comment they can comment on it.
  • The whole idea of this site is to share views. Share, discuss, argue, debate. If there are points that you don't agree with, either say so and debate the topic or just move along.
    • Your Nightmare
      No, it is not. It is to give KNOWLEDGE to those whom don't understand, to satiate ignorance. Religion is not knowledge it's faith, big difference. Why would it matter if someone else believes in god or jesus to the one whom asked?
    • Archie Bunker
      If I wanted facts, I'd Google the shit. I'm not here for facts, I'm here to debate topics and spread the cheer that my answers provide. And why can faith not be knowledge? I think you're confusing knowledge with truth, and even those two are not always interchangeable. And if you're concerned about why something matters to a person asking the question, you need to ask the person who asked the question.
    • Archie Bunker
    • Roaring
      Well said Archie
    • Your Nightmare
      Archie you spread ignorance, this is a site about popularity not truth or knowledge. Stop trying to muddy facts mad, you sound like a Trump supporter
    • Archie Bunker
      Woody, I knew you had a wooden head, but I didn't know it was filled with mush. I'm not muddying anything, you just sound like an idiot.
    • Linda Joy
      You're the only one who mentioned popularity. I'm sorry you must have missed out on that or you wouldn't be so touchy about it. But popularity here seems to depend on how much time you have to waste here.
  • I'll answer my own question. Your faith wavers, you try to inflame yours by reading the comments of others who are impassioned by their own faith. But by putting your question out there you will run into those whom have no faith, or even less. Not one person knows the answer to, "Is there a God?" so why even ask?
    • Linda Joy
      There is and I know it! Just because you don't doesn't mean He doesn't exist. And just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone in the world should bow to your wishes! You're the one whose wrong! You're the one whose ignorant and uninformed, no matter how smart you think you are! And YOU will not change this site or its users! BUHBYE NOW!
  • Agreed! Just flag any offensive, spam, or nonsense posts.
    • Your Nightmare
      I love freedom, I like the freedom to throw someone's words back at them. To think before you speak. Ans so I would never report anyone, I'll just make them wish they didn't post at all. That's much more fun
    • Linda Joy
      "To think before you speak." is an incomplete sentence, nightmare! And 'And' is spelled with a d not an s. Maybe you should have thought a little longer before you left that dangling there like an idiot! You're right, that was fun!! Maybe I have a sparring partner worth my time now!! Bring it on! Fair warning, though... I don't have notifications on.
  • Hmm, isn't that exactly what you are doing here? If you don't want to read their posts. ignore them. IMHO. 2/4/23
  • 3/7/2023, that's because religious people are instructed to preach, and you reserve the right to stay away from religious questions. Answerbag is not Chinese or North Korean media. Thereby in the US and in other free countries, there is this thing called "freedom of speech." It includes the right to say pretty much whatever you wish, and there is a point when it becomes harassment. If you really want religious people to keep it to themselves, email the AB administration at customercare Request to them, you want all the religious categories removed. Maybe then, "Your Nightmare" will go away.
  • WHY ask a question if you ONLY want a specific answer??? Even when I don't like an answer, I take a moment to consider it & sometimes I learn something new!!! πŸ˜—
  • Who are you? Why is your opinion more important than mine? Why ask question when you dont want the answer?

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