• One thing I've learned for sure is that no one thinks like I do. And I wouldn't wish it on anyone. But tolerance includes being tolerant of intolerant people. Are you tolerant of people who use the n-word or call others retarded? Or do you think sometimes it's ok to be intolerant of things you find unacceptable?
  • Most people can bring something to the table, they don't have to think or have the same abilities, that's how you learn new things.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Well said
  • I don't expect them to think like me.. but a lot of times you don't really need a brain to think, but just a good copy paste skill, organize, not keep 3 things of the same thing until you yourself are confused which one is right or wrong .... Or a good translation, like 34 is 34 not 56 or 43 ( like I mention a good copy paste skill)

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