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  • Sometimes Temu ads appear on the screen. Temu sell many products such as clothing, electronics and accessories for households.
    • 11stevo73
      Russian made ATVs for me.
  • I've got an ad blocker that keeps them from showing up. 6/20/24
    • 11stevo73
      I use Adblock for YouTube & Chrome - 1Block,it seams to let 1 add thru. got rid of the orginal addblock as it didn't work on youtube any more
    • dalcocono
      Youtube has started blocking most videos from my veiwing. They tell me my ad blocker "violates their terms of service. Funny that it never did for all the years I've been on youtube. All I can usually see now are the "shorts" videos. I'm using the ad blocker that has the acorn icon on it.
  • 6/20/2024, Scatter Slots is what I'm seeing at the moment. It's a social casino game app. Online Ads have become a daily part of the internet. They don't bother me too much.

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