Neither one. Growing up after WW2, we didn't see any of that stuff. 4/6/24
I had a big yellow Tonka dump truck 'way back in the 60s. This is the one If I recall correctly, it had small, white plastic "hub caps" that are missing from that one. It was big enough that I could ride on it when I was little. Except for the hubcaps, it was metal and rubber (not plastic). I also remember having an X-15, a sort of tricycle, but a pretty dangerous one by today's toy standards. Lots of banged up knees / legs / arms / elbows.
I had sindy, and cars. Sindy has a bigger head so more brains.
My sister had Shirley Temple dolls, never heard of a Barbie doll. I played Cowboys and Indians and had cap guns. I grew up during WWII.
⭐️CreamcrackeredI loved cap guns, especially the smell after firing, I played cowboy and Indians with the boys across the street. My mother made us a teepee out of a blanket.
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