Don't think getting people's social media accounts proves anything. Tell them to go to the the CDC website. If they still don't believe, call your local Hospital or Urgent care. In most states, there are places that you can drive to get tested. I would not drive to confirm cause I would NOT want to get infected,
Black Mystique -
Unfortunately he want to see real infected people to believe -
Linda Joy
Sounds like this 'friend' wants to CATCH it! Dumb friend! -
Army Veteran
The CDC website is a scam. I have a copy (that they have since deleted) proving that to maintain high COVID numbers they have to use less-threatening pneumonia and influenza numbers to boost the totals and call it COVID.
I think some people do feel like that, I did a bit, but then I heard that a friend's flatmate had it (tested positive), and my friend then had to self isolate, and most recently, I've had family members tested positive for it, and yes, they did display symptoms, high temperature, cough, body aches, feeling nauseous. They said it is not nice at all, and scary at the time, and it does linger. Her husband works for the NHS.
Your friend can choose to believe that till the day he dies, it doesn't change the facts. Maybe covid 19 doesn't believe in your friend either, but it could kill him just the same.
I don't know anyone who has died from it, and no one I know knows anyone who has died from it. I have seen stories about people dying from it (even George Floyd was diagnosed with it - after the fact). But I have also seen cases where people have died from natural causes and other more common issues that were reported as COVID deaths. You can't trust the "official" narrative and you can't trust the CDC or the WHO - and you certainly can't trust lying Fauci. Maybe by looking at you and considering that you haven't been infected, your friend is using common sense and not jumping to conclusions like most of the people in this country have.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 "and you certainly can't trust lying Fauci" So I should trust you? What medical school did you come from? -
Army Veteran
I don't know when you wrote this, exactly, but recent activity (mid-2022) indicates that he is being accused by Congress of lying (Republicans, anyway - the Democrats wouldn't know the truth if it slapped them in the face). I, on the other hand, do not lie. Attending medical school is no guarantee that a person won't lie.
My neighbors nephew died from it. Some of my in-laws have had it and recovered.
Yes. My neighbor, who was diagnosed with breast cancer (a recurrence after 17 years clean and clear!) around the same time I got my first diagnosis towards the end of 2019. She was sick for a time, but recovered, though she still has breathing issues. I'm clean and clear now, but her cancer has spread, making her terminal.
Yes I know a woman friend who was in the hospital due to COVID. IDK if it was the Delta variant I do know she's home. I'm overjoyed for her. A 2nd woman friend knows a woman who came down with COVID too. Its real The CDC, Anthony Fauci MD is right.
There are several people on this site who think that all they have to do is get sick, go in the hospital for two weeks, get natural immunity and not wear a mask. I don't want to wind up in the penalty box, but if you've been in the Politics and Modern Events section you already know who the anti-vaxers/maskers are. They are more afraid of the mask than they are of the virus. They are also allowing the virus to grow and mutate. They should be in jail and so should Gov DeSantis of Fla and Gov Abott of Texas. imho. lolπ
well its real ,theres no reason for governments around the world to make it all up... but governments should not become dictators just the same
Myself and one co-worker.
I had it last December. The flu, I thought was much worse. My wife had it too. We were both ill for about three days.
A woman friend and a woman friend's mother in law. Plus a male friend.
Everyone I know that had it or died from it was vaccinated none of them had anything wrong with them until they took the vax.
Yes, I have known of several, some survived and some succumbed to it including myself. I had Covid in February and spent a month in the hospital. I was not and am not and never will have the death dealing vaccines injected into my body.
That neighbor I told you about? She got the Delta variant then got the Omicron variant. But she died of metastatic breast cancer.
Several of my women friends came down with COVID. One wound up hospitalized on a respirator. Luckily she survived. OTOH I know of a man whose bout with COVID felt like a mild cold. Bottom Line. Get your shots.
Your friend is free to believe what he or she wants. What matters, you are doing what you can to protect your loved ones. If you can teach your friend to practice good hygiene, you have done more virtual playdates and happy hours than you can count on.
Watch the video linked here. You should get a little more insight into COVID -
I know people that have died!
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