• both nny parents have been gone for yrs
    • Cry me a River
      What were their names?
    • Cry me a River
      My mom was Dar, my step dad was Joe
    • Cry me a River
      Joe was my step dad, he was more or less a dirty boss to me... do as I say, not as I do, type.
  • My mother was a feisty little lady who cussed, smoked, and swore like a sailor! Haha! I loved that woman despite the fact she beat me, abandoned me multiple times and failed to protect me from predators. But she was hit by a car at age 12 and it damaged her frontal lobe. So I forgive her. She has a whole list of names! She was married 4 times to 3 different men. She passed when I was 30 of cancer that started in her breast and spread to her lung. I remember her smoking cigarettes saying "Ain't nobody ever proved to me that smoking causes cancer!" She loved music and loved to dance. She only had and 8th grade education, but had a vocabulary like you wouldn't believe! She started having children at 14 or 15 and had the last one at 39. She was a grandma at 36. She worked hard all her life. Love you, mom! Thank you for asking, twink!
    • Cry me a River
      You are welcome

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