I think he IS an 8 ball!
Ice manI think I'll agree with that. : )
I think he will not. If he uses the magic 8 ball, he should choose a better result, so that you all shut up the results. That's it. Why so many people hate him? Did he make you poor? Did he make you embarrassed? He is just doing his job, he also has a dream. Let's take a look at him: Trump. More details on this question:magic 8 ball
Ice man
He's clearly Putin's choice for pres, so I guess you and all the other Russians with a keyboard are supporting him too, eh Ivan ? Trump made his money by not paying his bills and bankrupting many good businesses - but that's okay right, Ivan ? He's a big mouth idiot. He's a loose cannon rolling around the deck and if he doesn't learn to shut his mouth once in a while ..he's going to start another war, but that's okay with you, eh Ivan?
I think he secretly uses Answerbag, to keep abreast of intelligent conversation and today's highly important topics of interest.....
Ice man
Who's breast is he keeping now ?
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