• Swimming and water aerobics provide low stress exercises that could be suitable for a bad knee.
  • you could swim. if you had a teacher with good training you could do yoga. yoga would actually be very beneficial.
  • Swimming and gentle cycling are beneficial - I had bad knees growing up, and these exercises, along with physiotherapy, are what were recommended to me.
  • First, what is wrong with you knees? I have had most of the cartilage in my knees removed at this point. In my case (as does my surgeon), I agree with mekare and squid. Swimming is a good start, once you strengthen your leg muscles, you can walk a bit, but once you get your legs strong, light weights, then light walking. It all comes back to what is the primary problem. For me it was massive cartilage tearing that needed surgery.
  • I agree with the others... Swimming! Also...I'm pretty sure there is this exercise show where the instuctor actually shows you various exercises that can be done in a simple chair!
  • some people really benefit from cycling, depending on what kind of knee injury..
  • Cycling, wet-vest exercising, swimming, light resistance exercise of the muscles in your legs among other things. Start out with short intervals and low exertion and slowly build up your stamina, balance and co-ordination. If you swell too much and have pain afterwards then you know you´ve done too much. Take it easier next time. Remember that you shouldn´t compare yourself to how you once were! You should start from scratch and set up realistic goals. Exercise regularly and develop your own routine that works for you. Remember regularity is important. Don´t try to train 2 hours once a week and then wait another 7 days. That´s like brushing your teeth on friday night for 20 minutes and hoping it will keep you in stead the rest of the week.
  • Cycling is good
  • Cycling is good
  • Why does walking on a treadmill hurt my knees so bad. I have been walking 3 to 4 miles a day for a year or more. I can't do it without too much pain. I have arthiritis in my knee and hip. Is it the treadmill or all walking?
  • swimming and spinning in very low gear.

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