Dump her too, it takes two to tango, and she is just as guilty as he is. Find a better friend that would not do that to you.
Dump them both,if thats her idea of how a best friend should act ,she ll soon find she has no friends at all.
If you dumped the guy for cheating, dump the friend for cheating too. A friendship is no less valuable and has similar rules of engagement and trust.
Yeah, get rid of her, find some friends you can trust. The drinking might loosen inhibitions, but it's not an excuse - they're the ones to blame, not the fact they were drunk.
Why a friend do something like that to you? Doesn't sound like a good friend to me.
Dump the pair of them, there is no long-term future in this relationship.
thats no friend. dump her.
Thanks Guys Yeeah, guy turned out to be a complete jerk in the end and me and the girl are...working on whatevers left of our friendship. Many Thanks For the help though ^.^
Dump the friend......
Good for you for dumping your man. Now dump the girl too, cause she's not your friend if she's kissing your boyfriend. That's just the end of that.
i would dump her, shes not your friend if she does that
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