• No I don't, for the very simple reason that so many people who bother themselves about downrates would almost certainly seek out the downrater's contributions and issue revenge downrates. The original downrater would reciprocate, and on and on it would go. And by the way, a troll is not somebody who downrates, so I think you've put this question in the wrong category.
  • No - because it is of no consequence. Who cares who thinks what.
  • Until AB changed to the new format of points, the old rating system was "useful" or "not useful". To apply a not useful required you to leave a comment explaining why you disagreed and left that rate. It cut down on drive by downrating by quite a bit since you had to leave a valid reason which...the AB staff could review if needed. You had the option of appealing the not useful rate too. Reflecting back on that and with both vindictive rating as well as point fairies abounding in here, it was a good system.
  • I think that there should be a rule that to rate an answer, you must first comment on it, whether the rating is good or bad. This would mean far less points overall which would lead to less people playing for points. Frankly, anyone who can't read my answer and tell I've got smart things to say doesn't deserve to read further and I could give a damn if they UR or DR me. Go ahead, wankers. lol
  • Yes indeed this breeds the cowardice behavior we see on AB all the time. I also believe that people who downgrade over a certain amount should have the rating privledge stripped from them all together.
  • Yeah. IM pretty sure someone i have pissed off follows me around now and downrates everything i answer. Oh well
  • 10/21/2024, with the points system gone, no user can downgrade your posts anymore. πŸ˜…

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