Inside? Didn't know you could keep them out??
Out of the fridge:)
I thought they were suppose to be refrigerated!?
I keep them inside.
This is a quote from "I just realized I left the egg carton on the kitchen counter overnight. Are the eggs safe to use? The general rule is that if food items are at room temperature for more than 2 hours, the safest thing to do is to discard the product. If you leave eggs anywhere that is not refrigerated, the best thing to do is throw those eggs away and buy a new carton."
Inside so they won't hatch.
in the chicken coop till i want one
Inside to keep them fresh as possible.
Inside, because the Wench does not have access to freshly-laid eggs (sob) and does not wish to spend her time being ill over the side of her Laz's pirate ship!
Inside +5
Inside the fridge, outside might make them less apealing to the mouth when prepared :)
inside +5
In the fridge. If I am planning to cook them, I like to take them out ahead of time to come to room temperature first.
they stay fresher if you leave them in the chicken until you need them, otherwise in the fridge.
Who keeps them outside?
"Inside the fridge."
Inside =)
In the fridge.
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