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Some do.. Some don't.. Damn I go into the category of I don't. :(
just as much as married people enjoy being married
I know a lot of people who do well being single and some like me who do not. It just depends on the person.
Yes. Oh goodness yes. I love not being tied down. I like having money in my wallet. I like making decisions without going over in my head how it would affect my boyfriend. I like saying no when men ask me out for dates. Not because I'm taken...but because I don't want to. I'm on vacation basically...
I don't think that anyone likes to be single, but some singles enjoy it more than others.
I think some do, but others are lonely.
I know i love it. I get tired of thinking for somebody else, and answering dumb questions about issues that are common sense. plus i always know where everything is in my house, unlike when I had a girlfriend and she was constantly moving stuff around
Yes! I do but it still gets cold at night if you catch my drift!! :-/
Some do enjoy it. I did for a while. Then it caught up with me. I figure getting old with noone around would have it's draw backs.
Like the Dean Martin song says.............. "Everybody Needs Somebody Sometime". No. I believe the Lord never meant for people to live a life alone. Case in point: Adam and Eve.
some do, others don't.
I am single and happy with my life, however I do want to get married again. I guess it depends on the person their past and their desire for companionship.
my sister used to say and really showed it to everyone that she was happy being single, for many years, but recently in her mid 30's, she's been saying how she long to have someone but havent found the right one yet
i do at times but yet miss the affection from time to time
Big fat YES from this single woman..... I love people but a relationship right now would have to be over the top amazing for me to go there...
I do. ^_^
depends on the person. personaly i dont
Heck yeah. What's not to like?
I am single but not real fond of it. Unfortunately being in a relationship right now would be a big mistake for me. This Monday 9/14/09 will be exactly 10 months to the day that I lost the girl I wanted to spend my whole life with. She passed away and I feel like I have not fully let go of her yet. So until I feel like I am over her and ready to move on the biggest mistake I can make for me as well as the other person is jumping into a relationship just to have someone
Some don't, but some do, such as me! When I finally run into someone who makes me want to not be single any longer, then my status will change. :)
Some people will , some people wont ?
I am sure that many single people are happy being single. It is a personal taste.
For the MOST part?. . . . . . .No!
I am single, but if the right guy came along I would be like to start a relationship. I don't necessarily like being single, but I like not being in a bad relationship (like in the past!)
I highly doubt it. When I was single, I hated it.
2nd Answer. Ever heard the song, "Sleeping Single In A Double Bed"?
Depends on the person, where they are in life and what they want.
Are you kidding??? I freakin' LOVE IT!!! I can come and go as I please, don't have to answer to a bitching, nagging woman, I can stay out with other women for a whole weekend or whenever I want, have different women in my bed with without worrying about getting busted....and so much more. I wouldn't trade this life for any other!!
Some do, some pretend to like, others have no choice. Peace
look, being in a relationship, and being single both have advantages and disadvantages. I personally find that all taken into consideration, being single is far superior, being that you dont have to be 100% commited to a female to get what you really want from her.
Some do and some don't. I like it, no one to tell me what I can have or not have, do or not do, go or not go, or whatever. :-)
It really depends on the person. I personally enjoy it a great deal. Relationships are exhausting and a little too time consuming right now. Some people seem to think they can't be happy without a partner and are miserable being single.
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