Nope, I would dump them. If they are going to treat you horribly then they don't deserve to be with you.
Because some people are so in love/infatuated with someone that they don't even realize they are being treated like garbage and could be treated WAY better.
You're Insecure, Go see a counselor. You have nothing to apologize for.
Victim Syndrome. +
I wouldn't.
No. I can think of no reason I beg someone that treated me horribly for forgiveness.
Define "Horribly." If it is physical abuse then it is NEVER a good idea unless the person get's help. If you mean just regular old horrible... It usually takes two to tango and therefore an apology is common and expected after time.
I wouldn't.
Slow down there just a godamn minute. There are some other questions that need to be asked first. 1.)Beg forgiveness for what? 2.)and if you thought they treated you horribly then what are your reasons for asking for forgiveness.
I certainly would not.
There's a certain degree of unity in the word "partner" like 2 into 1 is still 2 no matter how many times you divide it. (don't even ask about higher numbers like "three", or how many times one can get into one, or divide one) Are you uncertain enough to drop your partner? ZERO is out of the question ;-)
That's an extreme, and it isn't my situation. I walk away from the bad. On the other hand, when I am wrong, I try to say I am wrong. I say I am sorry, and I will do anything I can to make it right. And, I will. I need some time to think and work it out. Because, hey, this is my heart connected to the other heart, and I can't have anyone treated horribly. The relationship has to come first, and when it is salvageable, I am going to hope I don't have to beg when I am wrong. I know I wouldn't make anyone beg from me. That's unconditional love.
Forgiveness is to free your soul. You can forgive, but not forget...
You have let this person make you believe you are NOTHING! He has total control! Take BACK the control, put your butt in 1st gear and get the hell away from him!
Probably because sometime during the relationship your self-esteem and confidence were eroded which makes you more dependent on your partner. And can also cause you to lose belief in yourself, your abilities and your value as a human being, which leads you to feel even more like you 'need' this other person.
Because you've been manipulated. Your insecurity attracted "bad" people that correspond to the feelings you have of yourself. You're really seeing a reflection of your own doubts. Just tell that person/people what they can go do with themselves.
The real partner or the big imaginary one in the sky? Both seem to want us to beg forgiveness.
Because it is impossible to give up on those you love, and its easier to blame yourself then them.
Low self-esteem
opps sent u three of the same post sowee ill erase the other two hugs
sowee 2nd same post so i erased it
i am going thru this right now and have been for a lil while .. i do it so that i can make peace with the person i love ... however i realized i was love with a bad man. becuz he does not honor me or respect me .. so now i realized i'm so much better than that and so are u ..and i'm trying to help myself's like i had to go thru the bad to appreciate the good.. i wish u luck i hope u will leave that person.. becuz he will nvr love u the way u should be loved... love shouldn't be about constant pain .. it's supposed to be about happiness ..take care good luck and i hope i helped u.
maybe you are an enabler and crave knowing you are providing something no one else can. personally a mental healthy person would not do this, maybe you should step back and ask yourself why you even care what this person thinks and say bye.
maybe youβre presumptuousβ¦.
The person that does this would have no feeling of worth and will find themselves in bad relationships till they get help to get past this low level of self esteem.
beg forgiveness for what? his behaviour? NO but as a human i would forgive him for treating me horribly +5
That would be a foolish human
No, No, and No. I lost identity almost completely from being treated horribly for years and for someone to make me feel so very lost when I was a radiant independent woman before the fact, I would never beg for forgiveness!
If you killed that partner you might ask for forgiveness.
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