Nocturnes et Requiems. I already wrote a book, and thats the title :D
I AM in the process of writting a book ... it is a Tell All and I AM naming names .... ect. However; it goes way back beyond just FIVE years ... it includes my entire life of 59 Years ..going on Sixty ... and is Entitled ... "The Shaman Speaks: His Thoughts and ramblings"
Sunshine & Lollipops! I've had my ups and downs but this has become my mantra on staying positive : )
The self awakening !
"What Just Happened"
Non Repeatus Lifus
I have a trilogy in me..divorced an abusive hubby after 17 years..went through hell raising 4 kids on my own..dated countless men..then finally found the only other republican in my city and remarried...he is 11 years younger than me and has baby mamma you think Random House would be interested????
"Humility, and How I Attained It" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Hard Road Home....
"Daughter of a bitch: My life with a bipolar mother"
I have a book published, but my great error was making it a technical book. It only took three terms to write... Ford, Carter and Reagan. And I got about $100 for each term. Next one is going to be a look into what makes a cult leader. I'm definitely shooting for something that pays better than the first one. :)
How I Became Me: My Five Years of High School
Secrets from behind the pulpit.
The only book in me would be a diary on all the cats I've had over the years. It's their story, not mine :)
Tomorrow was a bad day!
I have always wanted to translate a few of my favorite Sanskrit texts into English. I have enough profeciency in both languages, I believe. If ever I were to write a book to be published in my name it will be my translation and commentaries on some of the hitherto untranslated Sanskrit texts.
I think I could some up with something that would be able to garner the attention of a few folk. "Down & Up" would be the title
My Story
Yep.. I think you have got the title right: Nothing Vulgar please
the hard road, nuff said. by jimmyDvidiot
The memoirs of a scoundrel. By A Dog
It'd be called "I Didn't See That Coming....!"
I don't think any book I would write would hold the generic reader's interest. My family and friends of course would read it because they'd be in it and they love me. But if I were to write a book, it would have to be called "The Luck of RosieG". I'm a very blessed and lucky person..always have been. I'm also a very grateful person. :)
the Mercenary - underneath
Most Likely Title: Family Tithes
"atleast you have your health" with a subtitle of "it is not just some tripe phraise" It would be about how when even just one half of a marriage is constantly unhealthy to the point of being incapable of contributing anything you can do will stop the downward spiral. my wife's health has made me functionally a single parrent of 2 (her and our son) but without any sources for aid recognizing that. add on top of that medical bills, gas and time to and from medical care... there is no way out unless you already had a job paying high enough to afford someone to take care of her for you.
Well, I have retired. The title of my autobiography would be 'Happy Sloth'
Art-College, by DVMorris a tale of a boys journey through college :P
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