No, just honest!
pretty much...shallow and hateful....move out ...
No but it's brave. All the fat trolls are going to give you negative points I gave u a +2..all I have..
Better to be a fat troll than an uncaring wench.
Yeah, that's very shallow of you. That's textbook shallow. But, at least you're being honest. I can't say I would think any differently in your position. I mean, people who are assholes AND ugly are hard to think good things about.
Well I just got put with her.. didn't choose her. She invited her entire family to stay in our apartment for over a week without asking me... and I lived there first. I work nights so I had to deal with them being loud during the day, and when I was off and up at night, couldn't go out in the living room cuz they were all sprawled out on the couches. She's always got her troll boyfriend over so I don't even leave my room and she eats my food without asking. I don't think I'm the evil one.
think you need another roommate! It's abvious that you would be happier.
No not at all. You sound like a very loving and understanding person.
No! Very truthful and honest of you. You know the situation you're in, none of us can really make judgments on the basis of your question. I hope you get your training finished soon, so you can move on.
You sound like a troll to me, fat or otherwise.
Yes, and it is shallow of you to post such a question on a site like this. Not only is it shallow, it is also hypocritical of you because it makes you look like a troll yourself.
maybe you should get another roommate if you feel that way
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