Definitely. Although we may not have archaelogical evidence of every single species that has existed, we have more than enough to show that they have evolved over time.
no because if evolution really had occured then primates would still be evolving into human beings and i dont see that happening
Yes Most questions I try to be careful with what I write so as not to upset people. I do ont like to offend - especially peoples faiths. However, this is one of those questions where I feel strongly on and accept the consequences... I cant understand with all the evidence that some people still cant accept that evolution exists. (I will forgive them if they dont beleive we evolved from animals - if their faith dictates it - but in my opinion they would be wrong). When I hear that people believe that man walked on the earth at the same time as the dinosaurs - or that dinosaur bones were planted by the devil just to confuse us - I just pull my hair out in dispair. In my country England, Christians do not have a problem with evolution. They do not find that it contradicts the Bible. (Over 95% of adults here beleive in evolution). I better get off of my soap box. These are my opinions and for once they are strong. (OK I got even more heated up about the nasty anti - Jehova witness stuff - pure lies against a religion).
Possibly, but I don't understand where the first life forms would come from?
Yes, in a complex way. (In my opinion.) Do we evolve over time naturally and genetically? The answer to that question is YES. Did WE evolve from monkeys and apes? No, The development of the world naturally gave organisms "comparable" qualities, besides the secular progressive scientist will find a reason to justify religious views with so-called evidence. I do believe in God, since that is the most unselfish thing of all, as the primary teaching is belief in the common man and improvement of the quality of life for all. Shortly, I do in some ways, but not in the common ways floating around. I believe that the history of God is certainly a truth in history and something that will not change over time, there is always more "evidence" to explore however, but you should find that answer within yourself.
Absolutely no way in hell! Creation all the way.
No. It has not been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt. To many holes in the theory.
Yes, I do. An example of evolution at work is our toenails, which are remnants of claws we needed when climbing trees. Another example would be fingerprints - all primates have fingerprints, and the only other mammals which have them are those distantly related to the primate. I think where the trouble comes in is that some people find it difficult to justify the logic of evolution with the deep-seated faith of religion. The truth is, neither one needs to supplant the other... if you want to believe in both, then why don't you? Modern interpretations of religion are what give modern people such conflict in this area.
Fortunately, I don't have to believe in it. I know it's true because it's been proven. The exact details may be unknown, but it's still clear that it's been happening - and is still happening, even during our lifetimes in the case of some organisms (viruses, etc.) There's nothing to believe. It's like asking if I believe in water. I'd be a fool to say I didn't.
I've taken a few classes on evolution and I'm just not convinced. Humans are much more complicated than any animal out there and I think it makes much more sense to believe a higher being (God of course) created us, along with everything else. but that idea scares a lot of people because we are unable to fully understand it so we come up with these other ideas to make us feel better. that's my 2ยข anyway.
I do not think we evolved from monkeys. Monkeys have tails. Humans evolved from apes.
No, religion foremost, opinion second, and the fact that science, in all its wit and glory, can't legitimately "PROVE" a damn thing about it.
No. There is no conclusive eveidence at this point to prove otherwise. Fossils and skeltal remains have not proved anything, they have actualy only raised more quesions. Did humans evolve as a species? I say yes we are now, but not from apes, no. Without getting into theology I must say that I DO NOT believe in evolution, the kind that is being taught as fact in our schools today. There is not nearly enough proof. There is NO evidence cross species evolution which would be needed to have evolved as thy teach it today. do I believe that we are adapting as a single species to our surroundings? absolutely, just as all the other creatures in the world are, this could be termed as a type of evolution but not even close to the kind that is being so arrogantly taught as fact.
Do I believe in Evolution YES., I think our gene pool is identical to the upper 90s% at the moment I do not have the exact figures
Answer removed because some people can't seem to comprehend sarcasm. Sheesh. For the record..I DO believe in evolution..I don't believe EVERYTHING is the result of it though.
No i dont believe that human evolve from monkeys because if we did then why do females give birth, i mean shouldnt we just wait for a monkey to evolve...its silly, i came out of a vagina of a female and we all did, we were not monkeys before we were humans.
I believe the scientific argument that apes and humans evolved from a common species. So no, I don't believe humans evolved from monkeys :D
The Question changed; It used to be: Do you think we derive from monkeys? No. The difference in DNA is only 2%, yet there are no sucsesful lifeforms inbetween monkeys and people. If we evolved FROM them, there would be. When following our genes back beyond the stoneage, I'm sure there's a point where primates BRANCHED OUT into different species, including us. Although similar features, the forementioned early primates weren't equal to nowadays monkeys, and therefore shouldn't be defined as monkeys. So again, we didn't evolve from monkeys.
When you see a computer do you say to yourself, it's amazing how all those parts evolved into a computer? When you see carvings in mountainsides do you ask yourself how long it must have taken for the wind to have done that? Have you ever seen a house put together from scrap after a tornado hit it? Have you ever been able to get something from nothing? Evolution is still a theory. And a poor one at that. Scientists that once supported evolution, macroevolution, are jumping ship. Clearly design and order come from higher order. Not the other way around.
Yes I believe in evolution,it is just a natural progression of all species on this planet.Mankind is a species and should not consider themselves separate from other species.If we weren't part of nature we would not exist at all.Religions have seemed to separate us from the rest of nature.We may be the species with the highest intellect,but that does not preclude us from being part of the evolutionary chain.The one big trait we have as humans is an ego problem.
Oh, I evolve a lot myself, so where and why could there be doubt?
Of all the things in decay, WHY is it you people can believe that species evolve? Everything else slows down, loses information, burns out, etc., and yet you guys think species break all the patterns and increase in complexity!! Hilarious!! The fact that evolution is the only place we hear of this kind of illogical pattern breaking should be suspect to all of you!
I believe evolution is about as plausible as creation.
I believe it dosen't matter what you believe about evolution. All things evolve, or they cease to exist. "Change" is a necessary componant of life. We either "go with the flow" making needed adjustments along the way, or we "resist" and succume to what was needed for adaptation. I believe the historical evidence of change in our religeous beliefs prove the necessity of adaptation, and is a prime(mate) example. With a strong Irish Catholic, one of ten children background, I throw this question "backatcha"; How long was each of those seven days during creation? Maribeth
I believe that species do evolve in small ways to adapt to changes in environment, using mutation or Natural Selection. Over an extremely long period of time these changes become more evident, but the species is still a Finch (bird) or Horse. Decades of teaching Evolution in high schools as the origin of all life, and using the changes in generations of a fruit fly as proof, is not valid. Many Evolutionists agree that Darwinโs theory has been carried too far. Dr. Stephen Jay Gould, the man who put Darwin on the map with his popular writings on the subject, said in a speech at Hobart College, February 14, 1980. โA mutation doesnโt produce major new raw material. You donโt make new species by mutating the species.... Thatโs a common idea people have; that evolution is due to random mutations. A mutation is not the cause of evolutionary change.โ Another interesting quote by Dr. Stephen Gould in response to questions after the speech "...the fossil record doesn't show gradual change and every paleontologist has known thatโฆevery paleontologist knows that most species, most species don't change. That's bothersome if you are trained to believe that evolution ought to be gradual. In fact it virtually precludes your studying the very process you went into the school to study. Again, because you don't see it, that brings terrible distress." Dr Michael Denton, M.D., Ph.D. is a molecular biologist at the University of Otago, New Zealand. He describes himself as and evolutionist, not a biblical creationist. His book Evolution: A Theory in Crisis discusses thousands of significant scientific problems in Darwinian belief. Darwinโs general theory that all life on earth had originated and evolved by a gradual successive accumulation of fortuitous mutations, is still a highly speculative hypothesis without direct factual support and very far from that self-evident axiom some of its more aggressive advocates would have us believe. Dr Denton agrees that natural (as well as artificial) selection is capable of generating some change in living things. But he says it is โcompletely incapable of accounting for the broad picture, the complex adaptations required by the tree of lifeโ. It appears that acceptance of Darwinian Evolution as the Origin of Life also requires blind faith. Oct 8, 2009 Update: It amazes me that I continue to get negative points from multiple people on this answer with no comments. My citation of two men who claim to be Evolutionists does not seem to be useful to these negative people regarding the stretch of Evolutionary Theory that is taught in school.
i most certainly do, don't have a lot to say about it but it just feels right. but that doesn't mean i'm right.
No. And not really because I am a Christian although plenty of Christians do believe it. I have some serious questions about what it doesn't explain. I think we just don't know enough about life yet to form an accurate theory. If I had to bet on it being true or not I'd probably bet against it. I'd like to know more before I accept it as fact.
I believe it is the only truth, for science does not lie. Endless mountains of proof have shown that evolution exists. To deny it is like denying the sun rises in the East. But of course the debate will go on.
Yes, I do. I like the theory because it tends to explain a lot of things and allow us to make some predictions about where our species id going. I don't like much how all those Creationists keep telling me that Dinosaurs lived in the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. While I am religious (I'm Catholic btw), even religious people can't deny hard science. Sure there are some things this theory can't quite explain yet, but at least it's based on something solid.
I do not believe in the theory of evolution. I do not believe man evolved from primates. I believe God created man just as described in the Book of Genesis. There are no ifs, and, or buts about it.
I wish this question would hold still for a moment so I can answer it! Yes, I believe in evolution. I believe in the theory of evolution, and I believe that man and apes share a common ancestor (we are so closely related it's impossible to believe otherwise). Evidence shows pretty clearly that life has been evolving on our planet since before our "monkey" ancestors were here, before we were here, and will continue long after we are gone.
Usually yes... until I look at Texas.
There is many websites showing evidence that evolution exists, and I do not doubt Charles Darwin and his findings. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
This question is always going to divide people sharply. Those disagreeing though always seem to be unaware of the amount of evidence supporting the theory - sometimes deliberately. They're also unaware of what a scientific theory actually IS. They also tend to see evolution as attacking their god, which is incorrect as it says nothing about god/no god at all. Evolutionary processes are better understood than gravity. No-one has a problem with the theory of gravity. Things dropping to the ground is a fact. The theory of gravity is currently the best explanation we have for that fact. Similarly: Evolution (changes in allele frequencies of populations over time) is a fact. Evolutionary theory is currently the best explanation we have for those facts. Humans (Homo sapiens sapiens) and apes share common ancestry - one did not come from the other. We just grew apart, into separate niches, over 2 to 3 million years. There WERE in fact different species like us around - up to 20,000 years or so ago. Neanderthal man is NOT Homo Sapiens, but existed up until 50,000 years ago - a very short period of time, geologically speaking. They shared the same niche as us, but were not as successful so died out. Afloriensis is the same - the 1 metre high species found on a small Indonesian island. They died out 20,000 years ago - even more recently. Again, they were like us, but a different species and died out as Homo Sapiens gained dominance. We have fossils that chart a steady change from very ape-like to human species over the millenia. Better evidence now comes from research into DNA and our genome. No room to go into that here though.
Mate, switch off. So far you've used every single misrepresentation of someone you possibly can and obviously not glanced at any information attempting to show that. Sorry. Post away - but no longer interested. Believe what you like - it is no skin off my nose, whatsoever. It doesn't change reality.
No. Although I do accept that some things "change over time" such as culture and society. For example, used to we rode on horses, camels, and chariots, now we have automobiles. Used to we used torches to light our way in the dark, now we have electricity. However, I don't really know if that would be "evolution" because it's not really related to Biology. I reject Darwin's theory of evolution as a whole, because I don't believe that the Bible teaches it or supports it one bit. I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ created the heaven and the earth in 6 days and I believe that He did this probably about 6,000-10,000 years ago. I believe that there is strong scientific and historical evidence for Creation and against Evolution. You may laugh at this, but you're entitled to your beliefs. This is what I believe. Thank you and God bless you!
Because there is scientific evidence to support it.
I don't.
because I have faith in a supreme creator and I also know the evolution is a proven fact (if you need help understanding the different definitions of scientific and non-scientific theory go here: ) Science through evolution explains the *how*...religion explains the *why*...not contradictory at all..just two different parts of one greater whole.
Because it makes perfect sense.
I do not believe in Darwin's theory because I believe in the Bible and Creation and that the Lord Jesus Christ made us from dust. -In the Master's service. Thank you and God bless you!
Becaus eof all the explanations I've heard so far it's the one that seems most plausible.
Yes. I also believe in God. I believe that God created all creatures through evolution.
I believe that some animals have adapted, but I don't believe that we came from monkeys? Where are all the half ape half men creatures at if we did. It seems that apes would still be evolving.
I believe species change and adapt to suit their environments, but I do not believe in one species evolving into another or the spontaneous generation of life. It is the natural order of things to break down and become less complex - not the opposite.
Absolutely! I believe that evolution is Gods creativity (whoever God may be)! I believe Jesus to be the one true God (but this is my opinion and personal viewpoint). May God help the Christian fundamentalists come out of their very small world and see that evolution is alive and real. It's not God vs evolution, it's more like evolution is a part of who God is!
Ignorance is bliss it seems. I don't believe in evolution any more than I believe in the theory of electomagnatism. It is not a belief system. We need to stop saying we believe in it. We should say we understand it. However I feel the theory supports the hypothesis and has been tested many times and has been found to be useful. Read the American Botanical societies position paper on evolution. They explain how the theory has use in predicting plant behavior. The human genome project depends on evolutionary theory. The test of a theory is not if it can be proven but is it useful to explain observations and advancing knowledge. I don't think the creation hypothesis can do any of that. It has no use to advance science. Creationist should just get over it. Evolution theory is a scientific tool. Electromagnetic theory is not proven and is changing as new information is found, but you are using a computor to have this discussion. Perhaps you should throw it out until it is adequately proven. You know the church was against plant hybridization until the 1800's. "Against the laws of god". You would think the creationst as christians and moslems would be more honest about there critique of the theory of evolution. They don't even use the word theory correctly.
Evolution, as correctly pointed out, is not a matter of belief, anymore than gravity is a matter of belief.
Based on personal observation it must be a bunch of hooey. After all my old truck did not evolve into a sports car. ;-) LOL Believe in? Well evolution is not a "faith" it is a very large field of science that draws upon many sciences which all point in favor of a progression of advancements, survival of the fittest which appear to all point as a process where species evolve from other species. I would say it is a great working theory until someone else can come along with something better and that covers what we have observed in the fossil record and that can answer many of the questions that evolution appears to answer.
I don't have to believe in it - there is a ton of supporting evidence from various disciplines.
No. I completly believe that all things were created by God.
yes and no. do i believe in the foundational scientific proncipals of evolution..well of course... all scientists believe in the same scientific methods... the difference is the Conclusions that different groups reach from looking at the scientific theory. do i believe in evolution , evolving from lesser to greater complex life.. no way. do i believe in mutation, sure. has there ever been a mutation that has been beneficial, sure. has there ever been a mutation to a greater compexity of life... not yet. its funny to me that in over 100 years of evolutionary scientific thought conducted by thousands upon thousands of the finest scientific minds performing trillions upon trillions of biological cell divisions in every conceivable cell, organism, plant, animal, etc have yet to find a single solitary example of evolutionary progreesiion... funny huh?
What proof??? Disavowing all the incredible amount of research on evolution is like sticking your head in the sand. Here's one mutation that would be of benifit. Lance Armstrong has the ability to perform anerobic metabolism without building up lactic acid as fast. That is why he outlasts all the other racers. Now you put or shutup.... give me one example where creation science has been of benifit to science.
Nope. Don't need too. The supporting evidence is overwhelming. Just like I don't need to believe that if I jump from a high place I will fall to a lower one, I don't need to believe evolution. It's a fact.
I believe in balance. I believe in the number 3.
Having read all these posts I am struck by the number of intelligent, reasoned, careful, considered and balanced posts made on one side of the debate. I've also seen two only types of post from the other side. 1) I believe, so there! 2) I believe, and here's a shonky misrepresented snippet of information to demonstrate that supporters of the other position are wrong. Am I the only one who feels demeaned by society's expectation that I give equal attention to proponents of both sides???
A million times TRUE!!! Charles Darwin was a genius!
It's sufficiently true to use it as a working assumption.
I believe in DIRECTED evolution. The system doesn't work without a guiding intelligence. Entropy disallows random mutation from increasing information.
Absolutely, the Ford mustang, the Abrams tank, the laptop computer all evolved from a lesser prototype. Since man has 80% of his dna duplicated by the banana, it is an absolute certainty that we are slipping into a higher plane.
Evolution I believe in, down to solid hardcore evidence.
Yepper, I sure do.
Without question. I believe in the evidence. Please note that the belief in evolution does not necessarily abolish the belief in a higher presence.
Yes I do, I also believe in Creation. One does not necessarily negate the other.
I do believe in it because... it's a logical explaination with evidence.
there is certainly a lot of evidence to support its exactness... i hear arguments of the missing like and link and such and i find that it only seems natural for it to be the same deity that planned all living things in the first palce... i think his name was ooze!
I certainly do and I loved Carl Sagen's synopsis on it.
>>Do you believe in evolution? Evolution has nothing to do with belief. If you're interested in evolution, go to college and study science. If you're interested in belief, go to church and pray.
>>this was from a very well known researcher not from me. Sure, it was. You wrote his name down but your dog ate it. :) Wherever you got it, it's a figure that can't be substantiated. (Or transubstantiated, for that matter.) You've been duped. Go to the 'well known researcher' who created your Special Number and demand evidence. He won't have it. Your number has been fabricated, and you bought it. Even worse, you've already posted two different numbers, light-years apart. Science deals with things that can be measured, proved, or defined. For example, Avogadro's Number can be measured. Your figure cannot. Sqrt(2) can be proved. Your figure cannot. The volume of a sphere can be proved, V = 4/3 * pi * r^3 Your figure cannot. There is no proof for your number. It's fake. Back to the question, evolution has nothing to do with belief. Belief is for things you can't prove, like gods, ghosts, goblins, demons, fairies, spirits, and numbers like the one you posted. Evolution is science. Put down your bible and pick up a textbook. You're living in the Dark Ages. Turn on the light.
No. Evolution is a fact based on readily observable evidence. One doesn't need to believe in such things. Belief in left for things that have little or no evidence like unicorns, elves, ghosts, anal probing UFO People, and god.
Biological evolution is not a matter of belief. Belief relates to things that can't be proved. Do you belief in cheese? If you don't believe in cheese, does that mean cheese does not exist?
yes... and as a matter of fact i am going on a quest tp find out about this primordial ooze stuff and evolve into a fucking ninja turtleรขหยบ
I believe in the beginning of man, and woman saved the earth by giving birth to the first sons, the Dinosaurs were here,but when!
not really im confused science says one thing but religion says another
I definetly lean more towards it than creation....there are many more ways to basically prove evolution than there are creation. So, I'm probably 70/30 evolution.
I can't beleve I came from a rock sorry only God can make us
I am still pondering this question, however, I don't think that eveloution is any harder to believe than is creation by God.
Evolution has been proven as a fact beyond a reasonable doubt to me.
No, I do not believe in evolution because I believe in the creation story as recorded in the book of Genesis in the Bible. The whole of creation was brought into being by the utterance of God's words. For six days God created all things, visible and invisible and rested on the seventh day.
It is being seen does not mean that God did not create this to isn't a black and white situation....unless you want it to in everything in life....
Yes I do. I am also quite excited to one day know what the missing link is. Why did humans in the grand scheme of things, suddenly jump ahead like we did. The theory of additional protein to our diets is not enough for me.
absolutley 100% do
I am not convinced. People say we evolved from apes. Then why are there still apes? Shouldnt they have become people already? lol, seriously, we all change here and there and if thats evolution so be it but I didnt come from an ape. God made us in his image.
an atom containing fewer elements than protons has a negative ionic charge
There is no real evidence of evolution but there is for natural selection, survival of the fittest and cross contamination.
Certainly don't!! Genuine Science has proven otherwise.
Absolutely, to one level or another. The process of evolution doesn't even rule out the existence of a god.
there is no such thing as evolution i descended from apes, and i wont be told otherwise, hope this helps god
I don't "believe" in evolution. I accept the facts of evolution. They are two different things and much mischief comes from mixing them up. Faith and fact are not the same.
My answer is an emphatic YES. I'll keep it simple since there's nothing else asked there, except that I'll add that I favor the rigor of scientific protocols in helping us understand the world in which we live. It may not be the complete picture, but it's the most plausible and best working theory we have, imho. And the work in it's understanding is ongoing; it's by no means conclusive, so there are more elements to be revealed.
Yes I do. However, a Gallop poll taken last week (Darwin's 200th birthday) indicates that only 39% of the population in USA does believe. I think that criteria for choosing a physician should begin with a physicians belief in evolution. Isn't it time we got past the Scopes trial?
Nope I don't believe in evolution. I accept it. Do you believe in gravity? Or do you accept gravity?
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