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As embarrasing as it may be, I think it's normal. If anything she probably would be flattered.
just relax, she will understand if you are truly in love
i think its sexy. definitely nothing to be embarrassed about.
You shouldn't be so stubborn.
That is nature at work. You are not going to stop it. You can help if you "Take care of Yourself" before you see her, wear tight underwear to keep it from sticking out and don't worry about it. The more you think about it the worse it will be.
Have sex
I'd be more worried if I didn't get an erection.
If a woman violates my personal space and I find he attractive the same thing happens, perhaps she wants you to use it. I suppose ask her.
its ok. thats normal.
Don’t be embarrassed, some girls enjoy that, it shows your manhood.(LOL)
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