• give me a minute......
  • I am wrong so...
  • Great Aunt = sister of your grandparent (your parent's aunty) Great Great Aunt = sister of your great grandparent (your grandparent's aunty) The child of your aunt is your first cousin The child of your great aunt is your first cousin once removed (removed by one extra generation) The child of your great great aunt is your first cousin twice removed (removed by two extra generations) (I believe that in a relationship any cousin whose title starts with 'first' is forbidden to you.) Offspring of your first cousin once removed is your second cousin. Offspring of your first cousin twice removed is your second cousin once removed (and their child would be your third cousin).
  • It's your 3rd degree cousin. Every person an aunt brings forth to you is a cousin! So, being great great - is a 3rd degree cousin!

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