10 million, but i may be bais
....Here is a better question, what does everyone else rate me?
6 without make-up or 8 with
1... that way I could appreciate compliments given to me.
Probably 5 or 6, even though people who know me and know my age have always said I am higher than that on a 10 scale. I am more concerned about my inners than my outers. I have never liked the way I look. And I am probably going to be stalked for this, but here is a photo from last Christmas time....age 56. I was alot healthier then, and also had Oprah's make-up artist work me over before the photo.
i would rate myself a 5.
In my 20's 9 In my 30's 8 In my 40's I DON'T CARE!! (I am a 9 on the inside)
five ? before my last haircut,so dont be too harsh.
prob 3
wow; i can't even keep those pictures on there anymore! i look nothing like that AT ALL. that was in 6th grade; Im now in 9th. haha. so just go here;
alright- 7
2 or 3
Ummm maybe a 3. Here are some pictures. I do have braces =[ which I hate. Edit: Ok, according to everyone else. I'm higher than a 3. Ok, ok, I rate myself a 8.
No comment. Very candid photo and a self-portrait.
I dunno...
Not sure what I would rate myself... A picture from the archaeological excavation I was on last year.
I can't rate myself accurately, but 5? I'll get a pic soon then you guys tell me.
i would probably give myself a
When I was a small boy I probably would say 9-10. Now, probably 5-6.
Well, I'm a 10++. Before I had 88 million babies I was a really skinny 7...
I'm third from the left in the second pic. My avatar is also a picture of me, although I've had my hair cut since then. I find looks hard to's all relative. I'm not particularly fond of my appearance though. You'll notice that all my pictures are slightly angled toward the left. That's purposeful.
i would say i'm a 6/7.
I don't know, about a three, I'm not exactly ugly in the traditional sense, I'm just kinda funny lookin, more than most people even. (As soon as I can get my hands on a current picture I'll post it, but my mum apears to have hidden the camera.) Here you go, although I'd hardly use the word "Hunkdom" to describe me.
I would say I was an 8, not bad for someone of 40.
7 or 8??? you tell me oh and i'm the one on the left, in the black
I'm about an 8 or 9... Us half-breeds can't help but look good.. not perfect... just good...
Umm I would say probably a 4 now. Please note this image is from before I changed glasses and grew a beard which everyone seems to like. Please be kind!
6, somedays i look rubbish other days i can feel great about the way i look :) im quite good at hiding my bad features and emphasising the good ones :)
About 6. But I dress well and I can usually manage to convince people I'm better looking than I really am. This is me looking slightly more like I usually do than in the other photo.
Eh. 4. I hate my hair (which can't decide if it's curly or not, I swear), eyebrows, and smile. I also want a more defined shape. And my skin is always a wreck. Oh, and God, my nose has the weirdest profile to it. But, I'm not really all that concerned with it at the moment. Sorry, I never smile in my pictures. =P First picture, staright hair. The second picture is me with my curly hair. I know I look funny otherwise. I was trying to look like a stupid renegade in it, mind you. I don't straigten or curl my hair, by the way. I just let my hair dry and wonder what happened in the process to make it act like it does. Edit: Better pictures. Probably familiar =O Or kind of. I really can't take a good, serious picture.
1,000,000, sorry i dont have pics LOL
im not so sure what do you
i guess ...5
I think im a ten right?
6...I think.
Not sure. Im average I guess about a 5 or 6.maybe 7 or 8.... I don't know......
I used to be a 9. I'm more like a 6 now. oops, no pic to post - sorry.
iam about a 4-5 without makeup about a 8-9 with but with my personality 10 all the time.
I would give myself one....
i'm thinking maybe you should rate me, and be brutally honest :)
I would say a 6. The picture was taken summer of '05 after a day at the beach hince the sunburn face. Oh that's my niece Reagan with me.
hmm i dunno
i suppose you can decide
I would say I am 3. Some days I am less than that because I looked terrible yesterday, I tried to avoid all mirrors.
0.5 I think!!Ijust got up
I don't know I'd give myself a 7 I guess what do you think? 1st pic. is me & Sean with Hoobastank 2nd is just me 3rd Me and Sean on the way to NIN concert 4th me and my BF Michelle I'm in the red shirt! Click on the pic.'s for a bigger view!
I don't know. Why don't you tell me...
Hmmmm. Go with a 6.5. I reckon I photograph badly though because I struggle to smile for the camera without creasing my eyes up. But shirtless, I'd bump it up to 7.5. Pecs you see. BTW I can't find any close up photos, so you'll have to click to view it properly I'm afraid. I'm the one in the middle with the colourful shirt (Hawaiian night!). You can see my dad in the green who everyone says I look just like.
Probably about a 5 or 6. I won't make anyone go blind, but your camera might break.
Are negative numbers allowed!
Maybe 3 or 4.. not sure... =)
You're HOT!!! There, I have spoken! There is nothing more to be said!! *Whoops, I just woke up....ahhh I have a cold...ahhh....the dog ate excuses excuses....Yes this was suppoesed to be a comment to Lady F, but obviously I hit the wrong button....oh well.....points anyone? LOL*
I'd say I'm a smashing 10 wouldn't you?
Probably 8 because of all the zits i have..
An 8 b/c I have nice tatas and a pretty face!
Well i would say about a 6. But my hubby is definitely an 11!!
I answered this, but I would like to add that the beautiful people should just admit it & stop this "I'm a 3" nonsense!
Okay here is a new picture and in this one I don't have sunburn LOL It was taken today . I am holding my 8 week old son William. I still rate myself probably a 6. Watcha think?
ok...i blew it up :)
Probably a two because I've never met a one.
the scale of one to 10 is for ugly people. I give myself a 9,000,000,000,000,000,000,007.
These days probably a six, as i age i seem to get unwanted hair growing in places it never did and these days i weigh more than i want to.
Why would you want to rate yourself? Put your best picture on a dating site and let the opposite sex rate you ... you'd get a more accurate answer ... that is, if you really want to know. I always give myself a perfect 10, WHY NOT
I'de say about average.I'd give myself a 6.I take that back,after seeing everyone who posted on here,I'de give myself a 3.I look like a dog compared to
Probably about 3 or 4. I was considering posting a picture on the "what do you look like thread" but I have an aversion to making people with high resolution monitors vomit..
A least a 11... but seriously I would rate myself a 7.
a two, basically I look like this ---> ^_<
i seem to be getting grilled about my photo in the "what do you look like?" catagory. i'll be sure and get myself a scanner so that people can see that i do look a lot like the girl i downloaded. although my hair is not all the one color anymore, it's black and the fusha now. i do not think i'm gorgeous. i am not vain, if anything, my opinion of myself would be "cute" i just look a lot like that girl.
like a 3-4 :) - I am the chick BTW :)
3.... but you can make your own rating... and there is my boy he is a 20 1/2
im not sure im a confident woman but dont want to seem too into myself i would say 9.5 ill leave room for what do you think
Depends on the day. If I feel good maybe and 8, if I don't maybe a 6 or 7.
This question is getting a lot of attention! I wonder if any "love matches" have been made.
meh.3 on a bad day. 5 is as good as it gets. What do you think...?
I think maybe an 8
Never thought much about what I'd rate myself, but a 6 seems suitable. Nothing much to boast about, but I have a handle on things, lol.
Probably an 8, maybe even a 8.5 on a good day! Don't mistake it for arrogance; I've just always personally thought of myself as beautiful, inside & out.
I think I'm a 8 or 9. I am so attracted to myself that I "love myself" daily. ;)
I cannot stand the false-modesty trend. Posting come-on/cam-whore pics and then whimpering "I guess a 3" is just silly. It's like the girls' bathroom in middle school, where everyone's making kissy faces in the mirror and saying, "omgz, I'm SO UGLY," and telling each other, "omgz, nuh-UNH! You are SO pretty!" I don't know what I am, but I'll tell you what, I'll always make the effort. I'm starting to show the signs of aging, and when it starts to snowball, I don't intend to throw in the towel like some of my female relatives have done. I intend to go out fightin'. Whatever my "number" is at any given time, you can bet it's at least 2 higher than what it would be if I wasn't trying. ;-)
5 and OK with it.
A five ((5))
On a good day I would go as high as an 8, but I never seem to like the pictures of myself that I see, so maybe I need to take that into consideration. On the whole I think I'm probably about a 6, pushing towards 7... These pics are mostly old (1st one is last summer, other one is back in the pre-beard days!), so sue me! I'll provide some more recent evidence when I get my hands on my dad's xmas photos...
a good ole 7
i would rate myself a 2. im a total math geek and never gone out on a date.
I'll go with a 5.5 so i'm in between...
I may have started at 8 or so, but everyday, I AM slip-sliding away.....slip-sliding away.
4 or 5. I suppose that's part of the reason I hide behind the camera. ;)
ERm i give myself a 6 but some people think higher or lower. Feel free to tell the truth.. i wont be offended .. christina xxx
A 10, of course. I think very highly of myself.
Probably around 1 or 2, but thankfully I have a intelligent and persistent personality that usually works out rather than looks.
Pi. I'm definitely a pi if ever I saw a pi.
11 :-P
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