• Just like you or me.
  • Most have 2 arms and 2 legs and believe it or not they only have one head
  • Except for their flestomonics, they look a lot like Croats. But when they face to the left, they look more like Serbs (or was that Sherbets?).
  • Wow... just got down rated for this question! I work with a lot of europeans and eastern europeans. I was just wondering if they mostly have darker or lighter complections. A friend was saying they are usually blonde. I was just curious. So sorry if I offended anyone.
  • croakers
  • This is not funny for my people. If you most know all woman in Europe are crazy for Croats! They are tall,hansome,big eyes,lighter complection.And we are not "croakers"!We are Croatians or Croats!And I most say our woman are the prettiest in the world! Mostly blonds,with big tits and long nice legs!Eat this!
  • My mothers family were 100% croatian and they all had olive complections, and black hair. My mother had 1 biological father and 2 step fathers . They all died of black long disease from working in the coal mines. I think they are ancient descendents of Iran and may even had some lineage from Asia. My mother had almond eyes and never had any hair on her legs. (typical asian) it appears that the entire Yugoslavian peoples, which were Serbian, Macedonian, Bosnian, and Slovenian pretty much looked very similiar.
  • Of course they are handsome.Croatia is on the crossroads of Eastern,Western,Southern,and Northern Europe,and Croats are a mix of Illyrians,Latins,Slavs,Greeks,Goths,Avars,Celts...all of these largely contributing Croatian ethnogenesis.
  • My estranged Croatian husband looks like Tito in his prime. He is tall with fair skin and large brown eyes. His features are a bit like those of a Native American, a Plains Indian such as Big Chief Sitting Bull. He has the same prominent hawkish nose - but that may be because it was broken by a thug outside a bar. Although his skin is fair, you would never take him for a British person.He has a cousin who has Oriental eyes. Serbia and a part of Croatia were ruled by Turkey for centuries so you have to expect them to have Asian blood. Our eldest son has always had slightly darker skin and people often think he is Asian, but then they think the same of me and I am mainly Welsh and Irish with some Iraqi ancestors millenia agoo.
  • "There are a number of relevant conclusions that can be drawn from the genetic data. First of all it gives strong support to the theory that the region of modern day Croatia served as a refuge for northern populations during the last glacial maximum (LGM). Eastern Adriatic coast was much more to the south, northern and western parts of that sea were steppes and plains, while modern Croatian islands (rich with the archeological sites from Paleolithic) were hills and mountains. After the LGM, the offspring of these survivors repopulated much of central-eastern and southeastern Europe. Those who remained in the Balkans are the ancestors of about 45% of modern day Croatian men in Croatia,and 73% Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The second conclusion that can be drawn is that the theory of an Iranian origin has little genetic support. Modern-day Iranians have a significantly different haplogroup distribution, although Iranic speaking communities have lived in eastern Europe. However, Moldova on the border of Ukraine, which in the beginning of our era was dominated by the Iranian-speaking Alans also has a high frequency of haplogroup I so that theory might be true after all. The low frequency of Anatolian haplogroups suggests that agriculture spread into the region of Croatia primarily by way of cultural contact. And the third conclusion from the genetic evidence points to the fact Croats are genetically heterogeneous, pointing to a high degree of mixing of the newly arrived medieval migrant tribes (such as Slavs) with the indigenous populations that were already present in the region of the modern day Croatia. Hence, most modern day Croats are descended from the original European population of the region and have lived in the territory by other names, such as Illyrians and their forebears. These original inhabitants also served an important role in re-populating Europe after the last ice age." Source and further information: "The following is a list of prominent individuals who were Croatian citizens or of Croatian ancestry." Further information: "Croatian people all over the world Part I"

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