• That is so last century.
  • It is completly wrong. Love is colorblind. It doesn't see the color of one's skin but the color of one's heart.
  • Ridiculous and should be a crime.
  • I think it is disgusting. I say those parents are missing out. They are going to be old and lonely miserable people.
  • Their narrowness will cut them off from a lot of love and the beauty of diversity.
  • All kinds of f-ed up, that's what.
  • I think it's horrible to make a child choose between following their own hearts and having the respect of their parents. I know because I was put in that position, I chose to follow my heart. After a while my dad apologized to my husband. Race=1. . .the human race.
  • despicable
  • Huh? A parent's love for their children should be unconditional, you love them no matter what. You can disagree with some of the choices they make, like drugs, etc. but, when it comes to dating, you should respect their choices and always love them and their children no matter what race.
  • I don't think anyone shoud be bashed for their principles, or for standing for what they believe is right. I will tell you a story though. I have an Aunt and Uncle whos daughter, my cousin married a black man, a black man who is 20 years older than my cousin and already had 4 kids. My Aunt and Uncle were horrified. They both vowed to have nothing to do with such a thing. My Aunt was the first to break, early on. Her daughter needed her and at first she went 'just to help'. Then she came to love the baby and respect her daughters husband as he worked hard, had fine character, was a great father, and was a gentleman. My uncle was still stubborn, but at a point in time my Aunt agreed to keep the baby, their grandson, for a bit. At first my uncle was cold, and had no interaction with his grandson, but gradually he softened just a bit, you know, "can't let a kid go hungry", or "can't let a kid run around with a dirty diaper". Fast forward about 8 years. My uncle is now adoring his grandson, the little nappy headed child, taking him fishing, taking him camping, telling him stories about his life. My uncle has become colorblind. He knows this child is his blood and he loves him like he loved his own children. I like this story, and I am glad it had a happy ending.
  • Your parents are extremely shallow. They owe you unconditional love and need to get a grip on their own insecurities.
  • Everyone else has already pretty much said it all. I too would put the emphasis on unconditional love, only one race being the "human" race, and not always agreeing with the choices children make but never disowning them simply because of them. Children deserve the love and support of the ones who brought them into this world. A parent should only want their child to be happy, healthy and prosperous without putting conditions on any of it.
  • Idiots that should go live in a cave
  • They're overreacting.
  • It's something they will always regret.
  • My daughter is of mixed race and I have family members who have disowned me and my daughter. You know what.... its their loss. They are the ones who are missing out. She is beautiful, kind, loving, sweet, smart and will one day make a wonderful contribution to this world. And they will have missed it all. How very sad for them.
  • Narrow-minded and stupid.
  • I think it is sad, and that is the reason we STILL have closeminded, racist people, because they are raised to think that way. Growing up my step father was not happy with my choice to date "outside my race" but you know what, I did not care. He knew if he would want anything to do with me, he would have to accept it, and he has. He actually really likes my current bf a lot. It should not be about color, it should be how they treat your child. That is just my two cents. ;-)
  • Same I think as parents disowing their children dating outside their religion or social status
  • possably being dropped on the head as a child? *the parents of corse*
  • If someone really loves you, they accept you for who you are. That especially includes parents. They should be proud that they raised someone loving enough to see beyond the color of someone’s skin.
  • One word come to mind: Selfish!
  • They have their own problems they need to work out inside themselves. I won't say idiots because it seems even the "smartest" people can be ignorant. Though they need to actually be adults and get over small things like that. It's freaking 2009....
  • sad they are so bigoted
  • Sad and disgusting. My husband's parents never liked the fact that I am Asian (like I could help it) and did anything and everything they could to discourage my husband from marrying me. Fortunately, hubby told them off - and said, if you don't like my wife...fine, then we just won't come around anymore. They're a bit better towards me now...but it's always in the back of my head, of how they treated me before. As far as my kids are concerned, so long as the person they date treats them with love/respect/dignity...they can date any race or color they want.
  • They are foolish,controlling and manipulative people.
  • you can't disown something. a t shirt...perhaps. not a human
  • They are not worth being called parents!
  • I wouldnt agree with them but I would never disown my child for any reason.
  • this is how my mother in law is. she despises anyone not white. I think its sad and a shame. there are wonderful people out there.
  • Those parents have a hell all of their own to contend with if they go by such meaningless things by which to live their lives.
  • Personally, I can't understand how a parent could disown their child for any reason... I believe a parent should have love for their child/ren. Why else would you bring a new being into the world? Real love is unconditional. You might not agree or approve of what your child has done, but if you truly love them, you won't let their decisions end the relationship.
  • Stupidity and bigotry are bosom buddies.
  • I think it's sad that the parent's prejudice and limited view of the world doesn't allow them to support their child in their decisions and desires.
  • These are obviously angry people who cannot be truly happy with their own life if they could actually "disown a child" for any grandfather tried to disown my mother for marrying my father & having me...but as he got older & realized that relationships are all this life is about he had a huge change of heart...& it didnt heart that both of my mother bi-racial children are very smart & very successful!
  • Thats one of the dumbest things i've heard. Race is a freakin skin color, thats it.
  • I think it shows that the parents hold their own bigotry above their children. What CONDITIONAL love!
  • Parents who do not LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY, are not worthy enough to BE parents.
  • Sheer ignorance on part of the parents..........
  • +5. How sad,they are blind to the fact that we are all God's children
  • The children are LUCKY to be rid of "parents" like those. "Parental love" is supposed to be UNCONDITIONAL.
  • Those parents are ignorant, rediculous, narrow-minded, bigots who don't deserve their children's love anyway.
  • I think that those parents are pretty close-minded people and people that twist their religion (whatever that religion is).
  • They are stubborn, closed minded, and selfish, not willing to open their children's feellings.

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