• I hop not!
  • Let's see.."the decider" spoke yesterday to calm down our fears..he insists that we are not in a recession..that our underlying economy is strong..that though we are facing challenges he knows we will come through better than ever. So with that kind of empty-headed leadership, the kind that refuses to acknowledge reality (either he is really delusional or a worse liar than even I imagined), we could well be. The first step to rehabilitation, no matter what is going on, is acknowledgement of the reality of the situation. Our esteemed "government" keeps lying to us in the face of the truth we are all living..we have a madman at the helm and our ship is sinking! :(
  • No, because we have many different protections with banking that there was none during the great depression. Unfortunately, this problem is going to get worse before it will get better. It takes time to switch our actions around.
  • Good God, no! Don't even THINK such a thing! OMG!
  • We are going to go into a depression. Huge banks are going under, the 2 biggest mortgage companies are about to go under. Small town businesses are closing so these towns are dying they will be off the map soon and it starts with the small towns soon it could be NYC and it is all because of one simple fact we are heading into a depression
  • The Reality FOLKS IS YES WE ARE... IT has already begun. Can you say Bear Market? Look at the 1929 Crash that led to the Depression in the 1930's. We have had two major banks pulled out of the brink of destruction by the FED's and one was saved by the FEDS on a Sunday. The INDY bank, folks were in lines taking out as much as $100 million...just like folks did in the Great Depression. Gone to the pumps lately? See any improvement or decrease in gasoline? See how many jobs lay offs from major companies like the airlines -26,000 jobs, gone, GM another 6500 jobs and more gone, GET REAL FOLKS, it is already begun and unless it is stopped, it will be very bad, worse than the 1930's because now the population has tripled and more in size. Every day a city, files bankrupt. Think about it, face the reall facts, WAKE UP!
  • I believe it's not at it's worst yet. Things are bad, I am not denying that. But I would like to think that maybe things will get better and hope that things won't get too much worse than what they are. We are in the first stages of the depression, but I don't think we'll get all the way there. We just need changes in leadership to pull us out of everything.
  • NO. We are in one. My mother passed away in July of this year. She lived through the last one. I'm glad she was spared this one, but she saw it coming. Pay off your debts, she advised. Own your home or get one you can afford... cash money. Don't buy anything on credit. This was her advise and my advise to you. If you are in business (we are) consider new ways to remake it into something people will need and use. My gourmet coffee shop and cafe will probably be baking bread and my husband's guitar store will probably become a pawn shop. The days of barter will return and hopefully, some of the values of neighbor helping neighbor. If the last part doesn't come true; truly bleak times are ahead.
  • Notice the panic on president's Bush face depression has hit an all time low and it's been going on for a while this is just the icing on the cake. I feel sorry for the next president who is going to be elected man has he got a job on his hands...
  • Buying on credit is what has helped get people in the mess they are currently in. Quit living paycheck to paycheck, pay off all bills, if it is not a necessity then don't spend the money, put money aside, there are going to be many rainy days ahead.
  • Are We Heading Into a Depression? 'Automatic' Economic Recovery Isn't Certain, Says Economist Robert Parks. When economist Robert Parks predicted early last week that there was more than a 60 percent probability the current financial meltdown in the United States would lead to the "Bush depression," his phone began ringing like crazy with calls from the media. depression Unemployed people wait outside the State Labor Bureau which houses the State Temporary Employment... Expand Unemployed people wait outside the State Labor Bureau which houses the State Temporary Employment Relief administration in New York City, Nov. 24, 1933./People line up to attend a job fair on Wednesday, March 26, 2008 in New York. New York's financial community has suffered thousands of layoffs in 2008. Collapse Only last fall, most economists were forecasting a modest slowdown. Now, a good majority of them see a slump big enough to qualify as a recession. But a depression? Nah! Most number crunchers are counting on the Federal Reserve to stop any failure on Wall Street from cascading to other financial institutions and leaving them falling down like dominoes. The Fed, under Chairman Ben Bernanke, has taken several orthodox and unorthodox monetary actions to prevent the credit freeze-up from spreading and damaging further the basic economy. Last Tuesday, for instance, the Fed dropped short-term interest rates another 0.75 percentage points to 2.25 percent, hoping to revive financially squeezed banks and encourage consumers to borrow and spend, don't do it. My Comment: Please for heavens sake listen to both videos and to Ron Paul, he knows the truth on what is going on. In case you did not understand why our Dollar is weaker by the day read this comment. In order to have available funds the FRB prints money, they produce nice looking paper that is not backed by anything. Then of course that paper has no real worth as it is on thin air. The Euro is +.41 over our dollar which is going through its greatest crisis since 1929. The first video has a site that is mentioned in it, go there read and do your best to understand what they are saying. If you wish sign the letter to congress and stop the bailout, it will not be enough money and in a short while another bailout will show up. Many of those on here will possibly not like what I am going to say. I sold out all my assets early this year including my car, bought gold + hard currencies and put all I had into a solid bank in Liechtenstein, today after a few months I have gained almost 40% over my initial capital, my Dads advise he is an economist. Do something with what you have and protect it from the greedy.
  • Not in my opinion. The great depression had the drought exacerbating the situation, along with the Smoot-Hawley act. Those both destroyed the economy worse. - At worst, I believe we'll hit a depression, but I think we'll recover. I doubt we'll hit a Great Depression.
  • we will start using commodities for money. this is when marijuana gets legalized so the states can collect taxes on that commodity. it should be the new slogan, legalize marijuana so we can tax it!!!!
  • I don't believe that it is that bad yet, but we are certainly headed in that direction if things aren't turned around soon.
  • When your standing in a bread line, then you'll know.

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