• Jesus Christ, with Jack Black in the lead role. 'Nuff said.
  • How about VanGogh in a movie about a serial killer who cuts off parts of his victims bodies as trophies. It could take place in Canada. Not enough horror movies take place in Canada. Or a vampire flick starring Chuck Norris, he could be like Chucky the vampire slayer. Oh Gawd, I really need to get some sleep.
  • John Holmes as the Boston Strangler. Guess what his weapon of choice is. Amy Winehouse, is his accomplice. The name: Coke and Choke.
  • Shakira and Paula Dean co-star. Shakira seduces them w/ her pornographic hips, and Paula poisons their food. They throw the victims in a pizza oven. Title: Shake and Bake.
  • Well since we know how this question came up :) I'll stick with my Susan Atkins asking for compassionate parole as a Lifetime movie. Only thing is she gets pissed when it's denied, escapes and goes and springs ol' Charlie from the pen. Except this time The Family goes after the Jolie-Pitts and Angelina so kicks their LSD taking asses.
  • Its already been done with Vlad Tepes. I bet that if he was around now he would cringe and cuss. Then he would do the equivalent of 15th century law and sue the crap out of the filmmakers.
  • Justin Wilson (The Cajun Chef) cooks up an alligator gumbo the old fashioned way... With bits of humans who were lost in the swamp and eaten by the alligator caught and butchered for the gumbo. You KNOW he "Gar-own-tees" you will love it (or you are fed to the NEXT gator!) ;-)
  • A teenager becomes a pop star, and when she turns 21, she starts hanging out with other bimbos, gets hooked on drugs, parties all night, flashes her... Wait... It's been done in real life... How 'bout a rich heiress does a porn movie... No... Been done in real life, too... A fallen pop-star's 17yo sister gets pregnant... DAMN... THAT'S been done, too... Ok... They ALL show up together on a couple of entertainment news programs DAILY, to the exclusion of almost all other...! There... Wait... Man... THAT was done, too. Maybe a bigger than life starlet gives birth the same day her son dies of a drug over... CRAP... I give up!
  • Pam Anderson, "The Incredible 'Living Bra'!" >> Shocking expose'! Two great stars paired! Great supporting cast!...The devil made me do this....but it is Symbeline's fault!
  • Alex Trebek is a snobby know-it-all who becomes fed up with all the ignorance and lack of education in the US. He buys an old warehouse and decks it out as a game-show set. He then abducts his victims based on their stupidity and/or uselessness as human beings. The victims (3 at a time) awaken on the set of Trebek's game show. He asks them progressively more difficult questions, and each wrong answer results in some form of non-lethal torture, electrocution, loss of digits or limbs, etc. At the end, whoever wins (or survives) gets to go free, having learned the importance of education. The other two are killed, taxidermied, and put in Trebek's personal "Hall of Shame". Great question, BTW. :)
  • Loreena Bobbit, as Ms Scissorhands, enough said.
  • Tracy Lords in "I don't remember what I did the last two summers. A 'love' story". About her, well, horrible (or great, depends on how she looks at it) teenage life. Tom Cruse in "A typical day". That guy scares me. Steve Tyler in "My lips gave birth". Sorry, that's funny in my lack of sleep state.
  • Okay it stars Hugh Grant and involves zombie hookers running rampant in a secluded town in the middle of nowhere. The film could be called: Cheeky Zombies

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