1.) Become a stripper 2.) Become a jiggalo 3.) Be used again
I like those,too! I think I will add them to my list of things I won't do,too!
Stick pins in my eyes Eat aubergines Wear yellow
fly breathe underwater win the lottery
bostjan the adequate 🥉
You really ought to use punctuation. That seems like either one thing or more than three things, and either way, not ever breathing again could be a very hazardous resolution to keep.
Kiss a man. Kiss a man who kissed a man. Kiss a man who kissed a man who kissed a man. Kiss Rosie O'Donnell.
I'm very sorry your father never kissed you. -
I know. How sad!
A} Eat Guts B} Eat Beets C} The Macarena
bostjan the adequate 🥉
But have you ever tried eating macarena with cheese on it? Kraft makes it in a box that's easy to prepare with or without guts and beets. -
Don't worry about B), The Go-Go's took care of that one years ago.
get drunk abandon a family become submissive
Cheat on a partner, kill somebody, do drugs.
1. Punch a baby. 2. Set my anus on fire on purpose. 3. Dye my balls florescent pink.
Ok,I like a couple of those too! :) -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
"on purpose" - I feel like there is an interesting story as to why that was necessary to specify. LOL
Abuse a child or an animal. (Adult people are OK, LOL. nah. j/k) Pass up a chance at true love Never say "never" again!
Stop loving the people I love Be ungrateful for what I have Be envious or jealous of others
1. Pass up free food 2. Be on a reality television show 3. Compromise myself or loved ones
eat an insect pick at a scab spit
"Chirps" are not bad. High protein, non gmo.
Let someone inside my head, share my beliefs about God, and give up on my dreams.
You must know there are more than three things I'd never do but a few? OK... Intentionally hurt a child in any way. Harm another human or animal without proper justification. Betray a friend.
Me,too,there is so many more than three.
1. not own a dog 2. own a SUV 3. stay mad
Kill someone. Become a prostitute. Date an asshole.
Cheat on my partner because I know the hellish pain it can cause from being cheated on. Be intimate with someone I did not love deeply. I will never make the mistake again of making a choice to put my own needs ahead of those of my partner
I will never kill someone simply because his distant relative killed my distant relative. I will never drive an Isotta-Fraschini. I will never see a living Tasmanian Tiger.
Tasmanian Tiger..... are they extinct. -
I saw videos on Youtube that claim they are current videos of Tasmanian Tigers. These mammals behave just like Tasmanian Tigers. Okay OTOH uncertain if they are truly Tasmanian Tigers. IMHO they do look convincing.
Get anyone pregnant Eat bugs Bunge jump
become rich hurt an animal (but I will hurt someone who hurts an animal) sky dive
Cheat on my partner Play mind games Understand abortion
fuck a man, narcotics, and piercings
Fold, spindle, or mutilate.
Boola Boo
hahahaha you are the greatest! -
But would you post bills?
wipe my arse with a cheese grater wear polyester pierce my scrotum
drugs or getting in trouble with the law
drugs, smoking and commiting a crime
Kick someone, swear whilst asking for something, be drunk on board an airplane.
Give birth, make money on the misfortunes of others, be an insurance salesman.
drugs, smoking or commit a crime
At this present moment hit the lottery travel be able to fix this house up due to lack of funds
Never not read my Bible in the morning. Never intentionally hurt someone's feelings. Never not keep my word.
Have a baby, Join the Army, Become the CEO of a large bank
1. Sit during our national anthem or condone anyone sitting or kneeling unless they are in a wheel chair. 2. Kill an animal unless by humane euthanasia because there is no other option. 3. Disrespect our military or law enforcement.
Never be violent - steal - skydiving.
Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton and Mark Ruffalo.
1. Ask for directions 2. Bunt in softball 3. Tug on Superman's cape, spit in the wind, pull the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger and mess around with Jim.
Wait tables, serve drinks, drive a bus.
Get a tattoo,eat a hobona pepper or anything hotter,and ride a fast amusement park ride,like a rollar coaster!
Drive would be four! -
Yeah,so many more than three or four!
Never be in denial the Lord God, Never give in to Satan, Not stop telling others of the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Vote for any Democrap! Watch :The Dark Knight"! Watch "The View"!
crirne, drugs and srnoking
I will never purposely run someone over with my car, I will never disown my children, I will never ignore my elderly relatives
These I don't plan to do because my dislike for them 1. Eat banana cream pie. No offense to people who like this desert. 2. Never volunteer for anything I don't believe I can do. 3.Make promises I can't keep.
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