I don't usually sniff shampoo... I do, however, like to sniff anti-perspirant before I buy it.
Absolutely! In fact, that's one of the most important factors. Nobody wants to use a stinky shampoo!
Yes I will open a bottle in the store to smell it and then decide if I want to buy it or not. ;)
Very much. People can smell your hair you dont want it to stink. I also dont want my hair smlling like candy.
CelesteLeeFKAC*I do not mind my hair smelling like candy. I like to Smell it!
I don't use shampoo anymore as most all of them strip the natural oils out of your hair. I do use coconut soap and/or locally made soaps followed by hair oil. (it never dries out my hair and smells really good
I just want my hair to smell fresh and clean. My shampoo is for color treated hair and the only reason I buy it.
Not at all. They all smell good to me! :)
No. Sulfate-free is what I look for, and if it smells great, that is just a bonus.
no cause i dont care what it snnells like
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