Other than being cute and fluffy, or sleek and elegant looking. The thing I like about having a cat as a pet, is that you can leave them for a few days and they can tend to themselves. You leave out a enough food and water and an extra litter box and they do ok. Even if you're going to be gone a week, you can just have someone check on the cat and put out more food, fresh water and police the litter box. I also love how they purr when they are cuddling with you.
As a cat lover the list is endless, but here's some things I love about my cat: she curls up on my lap to keep me and her warm she is always pleased to see me she protects me she trusts me she likes me the best she can take care of herself (unlike dogs!) she does all these funny faces, like smelling the wind and her fart face she has such a unique personality she likes things clean (like me!) x
I like their grace and intelligence.
Everything. I currently have 7. Hubby says two need to go, but I don't think so. : )
The way they allow you to live with them:-)
they're simply cuddly and lovable
I like how they bat things with their paws as if they had hands.
I like just about everything about cats, the way they cuddle, the purring the independence and their attitudes.
They're great when it comes to burying their doo doo in sandboxes.:)
What's not to like about cats?
What's not too like? Mine have such wonderful personalities, and yet they all need the same kind of attention. They are cute, loyal, funny, intelligent, cuddly, best friends and, even though they depend on us, they can take care of themselves when we're not here. And they put up with us "humiliating" them by taking picture of them with silly hats on their heads!
Their evil hunting-for-fun side
I never thought you would ask! But since you did, I've just got to say...all cats are cool!
They're smart, and observant. They're furry, soft, cute. All the obvious. :D They don't immediately warm to you, but when they do, you feel great. :) They're sweet. They rub their heads against their leg. They walk daintily; are graceful animals.
Everything. The way my cat just waits for me to go to bed. The love in her eyes when I talk to her, how she purrs, only for me. I love my cat, so much, she's always there for me.
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