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You can have gonorrhea without having any obvious symptoms. When you do have symptoms, they usually appear within 2 to 10 days after you are infected. Symptoms men or women may have are: - feeling of burning or pain while urinating - urge to urinate often - sore throat (after oral sex). Other symptoms men may have are: - cloudy, thick discharge from the penis - pain in the scrotum or testicle - inflamed anus or rectum (after anal intercourse). Women may have: - cloudy, yellow vaginal discharge, which may have a bad odor - stomach pain - abnormal menstrual bleeding. If a baby gets gonorrhea during childbirth, one or both of the baby's eyes are severely inflamed. How is it diagnosed? Many illnesses can cause symptoms similar to gonorrhea. To confirm a diagnosis of gonorrhea, the health care provider will test a sample of discharge from the urethra of a man's penis or discharge from a woman's cervix. There is a urine test that can check for gonorrhea, but it is more expensive and not always available.
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