• If you want to keep it honest then it depends what you have done in life and how old you are (no, I'm not being ageist). I'll assume you're young, so: Have you been part of a voluntary organisation (e.g. Scouts) where you have experienced teamwork, leadersgip, decision-making, developing new skills and so on? Have you had a hooby or interest that requires dedication, perseverence, deep understanding of subject matter? Have you held positions of responsibility at school (sport captain, prefect)? Have you had a job that shows you can stick to a task, show loyalty? If you have not been lying about in your bedroom but gone and done some simple stuff with your life thus far, then there are many ways you can boost your resumΓ©. If you are older, then working in a voluntary organisation still helps, as do hobbies and interests, as do sports and fitness. If, however, you haven't been bothered thus far, who will want to employ you anyway? Do you take my point? I hope you do well and are creatively honest with your CV. good luck.
  • I wouldn't view things on your resume/CV as "good" things, because in many employment professional's view, a resume is ONLY designed to get you an interview - nothing more nothing less - because most resumes get less than 1 minute's worth of attention from the employer and you have to make a quick-ish impact. Personally, I paid for my resume to be designed and constructed many years ago by a real CV professional and I would recommend it to everyone. The cost of this is inconsequential next to the price you pay for no getting a chance at that great sounding job. However, be careful about who you pick as there are many fraudsters out there (online and down the street) and you must explore their expertise and services carefully. Other than your name, mailing address, telephone and email address, I would stick to a profile of your character, your employment history with duties and key achievements (paid and volunteer), your educational achievements, and one line on your hobbies or interests. In your covering letter, you can go on to explain why you are going for the job you are and what your aims and goals are in doing so. Putting all that in the resume just makes it too long. - keep it all to 1 page. Once in the interview, you will have plenty of opportunity to talk about other aspects of your career and personality, hopes, dreams, aspirations, etc. Things that shouldn't go on a resume, in my opinion; Age. Date of Birth. Sex (even if they can work it out from your first name). Photographs (unless required by employer). Reasons for leaving previous employers. Marital status. Any children. Any personal statements or beliefs. The use of fancy/different typefaces or emphasis on some words. Any coloured paper. Any dirt/coffee stains.
  • probably your past jobs and any volunteer work you did

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