• yep, the whole gang on the shelves, bed, floor, under the bed, desk...
  • yes my wife just got all her stuffed animals from her mom from when she was a kid
  • Actually I have two. I used to play the claw machines a lot and would always win something. I would either find a little kid in the area and give whatever I won to him or take it to my office and throw it on top of a computer monitor or something. Well, one day I won this ugly bear that was horrible. It had on like a mini Christmas sweater and it was bright yellow. So my friend Cassie stitched all over and replaced its eye with an evil one and stuff like that. She even made it a little leather jacket to replace it's XMas sweater. We named it evil bear and it floated around the office for awhile. When I left I took it with me, because it was something someone spent a lot of time on for me. The second one, is this racoon I won out of a claw machine. Someone in the office ripped the head off and Cassie sewed it back on. So I took it home one day because I thought it was cool that she was able to fix it. =)
  • Not one but many of them. I've got a whole lineup of moose that my husband and i have collected over the years from our travels. They are in the bedroom and there are more in the living room including a huge couch sized moose.
  • I have a stuffed Wrestler sitting on the couch, it's Hulk Hogan. Does that count as an animal? LOL
  • Mine are still in Florida
  • yep a big turtle i got in 6 flags !!! :D
  • nope. but i have my favorite cap on my drawer at all times. a blue one with "NAVAL RESERVES" written on the front. =]]
  • No...but there are some in other places in my house!
  • Yup. A big orange Tom Cat. He just had a big dinner. I don't think he'll eat again for another few hours.
  • In the living room I have a small, stuffed "punk" unicorn my son gave me many years ago. We have a stuffed lamb and two stuffed bears (small) on top of one bookcase..we have a huge stuffed Snowman my sister-in-law gave us on top of the other bookcase..there is a small stuffed panda bear by the lamb/bears. So yes, we love 'em. Additionally I have a huge stuffed Unicorn that my son won for me when he was in the 11th grade and went to the UCLA MardiGras (I think that's where he won it) is about 3 feet is currently wrapped up and in the garage! :)
  • Yes, I have a few stuffed teddy bears in my bedroom.
  • I've got some from when I was a baby, and a child, in the wardrobe.

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