topics i dont wanna mention.
The intricate workings of a pap smear........
Sorry, I dont want to talk about it.
Hey Bud! I try to avoid religion, it seems to bring out the best of us, and the worst at the same time, you know what I mean? ( I must say , I have pushed the button before...)
I haven't met that topic yet.
The ones I have not a clue about and they are very few Lol!!!
religion because people usually start quoting the bible and don't think for themselves and politics unless I can make fun of the candidates
Not sure. Anything is fine if it's informative and interesting, but some things you get tired of when it's always the same recurring results in conversations like religion, politics or who done what to who.
Anybody's grandchildren! (sorry) ;-)
Physical abuse, torture, rape, pedophila, anything that causes suffering to others.
My issues with my Parents, I end up getting very angery.....
I don't like being put on the spot on a potentially embarrasing topic. I prefer to "come out" as it were on my own (no, I'm not gay. It's a figure of speech). I prefer starting the topic. Other than that, anything goes :)
All of the above.
religion, abortion... I do not like issues that a lot of people would look down on me for having this opinion, like abortion, i think yes the mother has the right to choose, but they shouldnt use it as a birth control meathod... Religion.. so many people shove their belief's down other people's throats.. in the long run, i try to stay away... and micarriages, I went through one not that long ago, and just the thought of it makes me very upset... and last but not least.. gay rights/marriage.. i believe that they have the right to get married, or do anything that straight people have the right to do.
I'm searching my brain and haven't found one yet --- + up -- Hi there keithold
I hate and avoid at all costs questions involving these subjects: Terminal guidence equasions for multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicles. Hydrostatic testing equipment variations due to temperature and selinity factors. Clowns and mimes. Pretty much everything else is fair game for me.
science is so boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i like
I'll talk about anything. Doesn't mean I make sense:)
The topic in which I have strong contradictory view.
Anything of a sexual nature. I'm very old-fashioned. I think some things should be very private and not bandied about in casual converation as you would talk about your favorite band or your best vacation ever. It is simply invasive, embarrassing and quite unladylike in my opinion. :) Happy Monday! :)
Obama, because his supporters always and I mean always DR no matter how right you may be!
I like talking about anything with the right person. On AB I try to avoid talking about what I do for work and any specifics about my relationship.
Religion can be a dodgey one on here... Ppl seem to get really offended over it... T_T And really specific sexual details I dont mind talking about a broad spectrum but nothing too specific about me or my bf.
woemnz-lib... cauze i think itz alwayz 'jsut talk'... and anothr topic wich irritatez me iz 'whtz moral or not'... peace!!!
The past!
Religion. and excretion...
I have been told all my life that you do not talk about religion, politics, or sex with people you want to be friends with. And it still rings true. If both people are on the same page it can bond the friendship..but it can be extremely uncomfortable and get right down ugly if you are not in agreement.
The end of the world, scares the shit out of me.
Science, the subject that I have poor knowledge.
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