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  • A survey by Durex, a leading research firm, found the frequency of sexual interaction varies significantly from country to country. The global average for frequency of sex is 109 times per year (2.1 times per week, or once every 3.3 days). The following summary shows how individual nations compare to the national average of frequency of sexual interaction per year. Frequency By Country United States 135 Russia 133 France 128 Germany 127 Britain 124 People from Thailand had the lowest average sexual frequency at 64 times per year, half the frequency of Americans. Source: 1997 Durex Global Sex Survey
  • The average times per week for newly married working couples is 5 in the first year of marriage and reduces to 2 per week after about 5 years of married life
  • Well I have been with my husband for 4 years now, we went from making love 3 times a day to once a night and now barely once a week lol
  • unfortunately we average less than once a week... it can be frustrating
  • Yeah, maybe, when you're 16 to 30 or so, but I am 55 and I HATE SEX! Making love is totally different, but my wife demands sex at least 3 times a week. She is 53. I totally abhor str8 sex, reducing it to a physical act, no feeling, no depth, just superficial "wham, bam, thank you ma'am" and it's over. GROSS. I mean that is TOTALLY GROSS. I would rather have a man and fuck my ass off than have sex with my wife. It is so totally gross. I do not know how God could have created something so utterly disgusting as sex. As I said, making love is something totally different. But sex for the sake of sex, no thanks!
  • A couple must have sex atleast 3 times per week..because its not only good and healthy for a strong and healthy relationship but also for her/his mind and physical health...
  • 1 week a month she is on her period and that week is out. If you count the other week's that are non-menstral I am lucky to have sex once a week. My wife has and does feel that if she has sex with me that should hold me over until 5-6 days. It has nothing to do with her wanting me or what I need. To be honest, I have thought long and hard about divorce. Unfortunately, us guys get no chance in divorce court. I beleive it is a better option to just find a hooker and use her twice a week. Then when you see your wife it can be friendly with the sex removed. She will think the relationship is great and everyone could be happy. I have not done this yet because I am nervous about getting a hooker. I get closer and closer to saying the heck with it every month. Once I do it I am sure I will not have a problem doing it again and again and again. Life sucks when your partner is not providing you sex. Its lonely. Its miserable. It breeds major hate from one to the other. That is where I am at right now.
  • Antisex must not be doing it right
  • Unfortunately I'm going to bring down the average. Once every 6 weeks. My wife has 0 sex drive. We've been married for23 years and the last 10 have seen very little sex. We've talked about it and she can't help it but she's just not interested. I've always been very considerate of her needs always making sure she would climaxe first. Guess I'm just lucky that way.
  • been married 18months and i have had sex with her about 10times thats including the wedding night im bored and frustrated HELP !!! PLZ
  • Married people have sex?who knew.

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