Chances of getting pregnant after having PROTECTED sex the same day the period ended?
I wasnt EVEN able to penetrate her. I orgasm but I made sure that before I touched her I have condoms on (even when I orgasm I stil had it). She's a 28 day cycle and she is regular btw. I dont rely on the rhythm method that much but yeah, if this helps. Also, theres a time she got delayed by 3-5 days becayse she is super (yeah I mean it, super stressed) because of our finals and she even skip foods for almost 2 days on that week. And sometimes (I guess for only 2 or 3 times in a year) shes early by 1 day. Dont give me that she can be pregnant at any time of the months because I know how ovulation works especially on a 28 day.
Another question: How can I overcome that depression, I mean, I immediately orgasm even before I penetrated her. Its like, I just touched her vagina with my head and poof, I orgasm, but I manage to get out of the way of the hole EVEN with a condom on. I felt depressed because of this.
So please, answer two of my questions.
Ps. Everything happened with a condom on and a lubricant. We had sex on the same day her period ended (yesterday, Sunday here in our country, it was morning when her period ended and had this foreplay on the same day)
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