Church. I know it sounds "hmm...", but some of the nicest people that I have the most in common have been from joining a small group at a church that has the same beliefs as I do. Other than that, school. Art and music classes are great for meeting people because they are more relaxed than regular science/math type classes.
Ummm... The internet!
if you are still in school. class is a great place to meet someone. or a park. any social event work is a good place. a cafe could work too. a party.
Grocery store!!! But be aware, always check the cart first. If there is baby food, or beer, walk away!!
The internet.
I joined a volleyball league and have been meeting lots of nice people through that. I used to play roller hockey and met some people doing that too. You have to think that other people join stuff to meet people as well so it makes it easy, you`re all in the same boat.
Doing volunteer work in a political office, or internship in a lawyer office. Taking classes at the local junior college, or teaching classes at the Parks and Recreation department. Coaching little league, soccer, swimming or basketball. There a lot of single parents there. Doing volunteer work at the YMCA, or Boys and Girls Club.
Nice to see you again, Yarnlady. -
Nice to see you again, Yarnlady.
lots of churches have active singles groups. i met my fiance on eharmony
Online, but ya gotta be lucky. I'm not vouching for online dating, never tried it, but some of the coolest people I've met have been through chance encounters on the internet. In the real world, preferably somewhere you get excited about. I love meeting people at LA Kings games, concerts, Cheetah benefits, stuff like that.
in a swimming pool
A book store or any other store that relates to your particular hobbies.
Everywhere! If you find someone that you are attracted to, go talk to them then because chances are that you will never see them again.
a brothel, son.
Their house
i believe that everywhere u go u can meet new ppl
Baseball games - in the seats, or up in the lounge!
A place you enjoy. At a place like that, you are bound to run into someone who has the same interests as you. For example, if you like sports, you could go to the YMCA or something like that.
Would have been also my answer. Places of own interest offers equal minded people. Hope all is good, AnonymousGirl.
Go to every event your friends invite you to. I've met almost all my friends through friend I already had. The matrix of people who go to a party, or to see a band, or to birthday parties and what not is pretty extensive. Additionally, people are more apt to accept you when you already know someone they know. It's safer to them and narrows down the chances that you are a social deviant, etc.
at the grocery There are innumerable places to meet people if you are trying
School, thats were I have met all my friends, I mean I am a very shy girl but I still managed to make friends
at your job online library community events :)
you can meet new people at church. you can also meet people from your family friend.
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