• We all have felt down on ourselves.
  • Only when my mother called me a mistake in her life.
  • That'S how I feel everyday...
  • You bet more than once , now I just try to take things as they come and stay away from drama --- + 5 and Hello Cuttergirl - Hugs
  • I remember feeling like I was born into the wrong world, because I didn't know anybody like me. I thought I was some kind of freak.
  • I would like to think I got people like you to not make me feel that way CG.
  • My ex husband use to make me feel like that, I moved him out of my life now I'm in SUCH a better place
  • HOPE HAPPENS: What lies behind us and what lies before us are but small matters compared to what lies within us. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • No, not a mistake. I can't blame a mistake on what I make out of my life. Being content with your self takes hard work, it's not free. The mistake wasn't born, it was waiting for someone to carry it. NOT ME! I've got a mission, I've got a reason, I've got things to learn, and it's up to me, ME, if I let my life be a mistake.
  • everyday!!
  • Yes :)
  • Absolutely, my mom made sure to tell me as often as possible. Then, I married a man, who blamed me for his whole life being a failure, he is now my ex, for 5 years, but still blames me. I know I am not a mistake, now.
  • I know that after making so many mistakes, that it can't be all accidental. It must be me...
  • Yes many times in life. But I've learned to be greatful for each day that is given to me
  • Not since I was very young. Now, I sometimes think the rest of the world is somebody's bad "mistake".....The Ego can expand with age. This is a known fact. Mine certainly has. This is not necessarily a bad thing. It does need to be watched, though. (wink)
  • Not me personally but I have a relative who feels that way all the time and he's such a wonderful guy. He has been told by his mother several times that she wishes he was never born and that he was one of her biggest mistakes. Yes, his mom has mental problems and can be a good person but I think the bad times outweigh the good ones. His father loves him dearly and now he lives with him. But the damage has been done. He's in his 20s and just has so many problems. I dearly wish parents who feel this way would hold back this one truth from their children. Even if you feel this way, please don't utter it out loud. The child will remember every syllable of it for life:-( I so wish I could do something for him. He lives far from us and we've asked him to come live here but he doesn't want to leave his dad who is adrift too. They both should come home:-(
  • Feeling like you're a mistake in life would entail that you know absolutely everything about the universe and the meaning of life itself, which is completely impossible. If you feel like a mistake, then it means you know what isn't a mistake...which nobody can ever know. :/ People might make you feel that way, but tell yourself that they don't know anything more about anything then anyone else. They just like to think they do, which in my opinion is why a lot of people make others try to feel insignificant or inferior.
  • A long time ago, but no more. We are not mistakes and I pray that you will know that you surely not a mistake in life ! God loves you and you are unique in your own way. I hope that you will learn to know that you are important in life and not a mistake. I care for you and I hope that you will find a way to feel truly happy. I am continuously praying for you.
  • At times yes. I was born with Epilepsy and I've had every type of seizure there is to have. Making it impossible for me to do just about everything either that or always have someone there with you at all times. This was very depressing for a long time until I made the seizures live with me not the other way around. Since then I've worked at factories, car dealerships, horse barns, hanging tobacco the list doesn't end. The mistake is not letting yourself do what you want.
  • I sometimes think, 'Why me?', but other times, I think, 'Why *not* me? :-)
  • Im sure everyone has felt like a mistake before at some point in their life. I know i have. But sometimes instead of dwelling on the negative and the things you cant change, you have to surround yourself with things and people that make you happy. I know when im feeling like im not wanted, i go outside with some music and a hackey sack and just play my ass off. Take the negative energy and use it change the things you can, accept the things you cant, and make things positive. :D
  • Yes, but I also feel that a great number of people are mistakes. Of course the way I feel about myself comes from the fact that I'm developmentally disabled. No one on the outside could understand. But as long as there's one person who is truly glad that you're alive, then you are at least not a total mistake.
  • Not really a mistake, but there have been times I wondered why I am here. I know there is a reason!
  • Never. People aren't mistakes. Certainly mistakes are MADE by, around, for, and with people, but the person themself cannot be a mistake. If they are here, they simply "are", but not a mistake. If there is any mistake at all about your existance, it would have to be by the parents that created you, but you yourself are not the mistake.
  • not so much a mistake as more a prototype for failure
  • I am finding one to label it as 'committed mistake'!
  • I know I am a mistake. I heard my father tell my mother that she should have had the abortion.
  • I'm a HUGE mistake. But f--- it. I'm here.
  • Yeppers. My mother didn't want me when she was pregnant and for good reason. It changed as soon as she saw me but those memories of rejection have impacted my self-esteem most of my life.
  • THere have been times. THen I was diagnosed bipolar.
  • Yes, in a roundabout way I've been told that I was
  • I think most may of us feel that way from time to time. But then we realize that there is a true calling for each & everyone of us. We learn how to look forward to a destiny that will only become, brighter as time passes on........ Just my point of view tho.......M.C.S.
  • yes I am a mistake.
  • No, amazingly, maybe I should. LOL
  • I AM a mistake in life. My parents didnt plan me, and seem to have resented me all my life, especially my dad, who apparently wishes he had never married my mum and had never been born.
  • Yes. Especially because my parents divorced when I was very young and, yes, I know it's very common, but I feel like nothing works out for me. I just feel like a loser. I work all day and come home to get ready for the next day. I would like to find friends that understand. I often feel like I just wasn't meant to be here and I was a mistake.
  • yea i have
  • I'm. . . . . . .CERTAIN. . . . . . . . OF IT!
  • Quite often, actually. Sometimes it seems all people want these days is a know-it-all brainiac, with five hundred degrees from Harvard. It's starting to seem more and more likely that there's no place where an idiot like me can be appreciated for who he is. It's scary.
  • i often still do
  • I am a mistake, I should never have been born, I should have killed myself at the first opportunity I had, I'm a waste of space, I take up air someone else should be breathing, I'm too cowardly to remove myself from the face of the earth, I'm a f*cking idiot, What am I doing here? Why would anyone possibly want to listen to me, My brain doesn't work, I'm a useless piece of crap. +5
  • Everyday.
  • yea but so what i might as well find my own place enjoy the rest of my life. why let others stupid mistakes make me feel stupid too. hell no i might have been a mistake but im going to find my place like the other millions of mistakes and make myself happy. there’s always a place for everything sometimes it might feel like there’s no place to go. but no there’s always someone who wants to help they might not be rich or powerful but if someone wants to help you u are no mistake. anyways cars are made with mistakes. toys. but we humans and animals ect.. anything that lives has a purpose. you might not always feel you will find your purpose but if in your life time you help someone who will need your help and u help that person. your life was no waste. thats why i wana help people in my life time because i got nothing better to live for so i might as well try to help one more person live.

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