• This post will seem weird but I wanted to leave it as it was being discovered as my husband a recovering alcholic peered over my should and enlightened me, (O: so here it goes. I hate it when he is right. (my info) Gallstones are not caused by drug and alcohol abuse but after researching this question Acute pancreatitis is mainly caused by alcohol abuse, Gall stones are caused by many thing cholesterol, pancreatitis., okay wait, I will leave my answer and add this which I have just been given from one of my husbands AA sites it reads as follows (his Info) Over time, drinking too much alcohol can cause or make worse health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, liver disease, gallstones, pancreatitis, and cancer. It can also cause problems at school or work and with relationships. If you have trouble with alcohol, cutting back or quitting can help you live a happier, healthier life. Now I have been given this In 90% of cases, acute cholecystitis is caused by gallstones in the gallbladder, which obstruct the duct leading from the gallbladder to the common bile duct (which drains into the intestine). Severe illness, alcohol abuse and, rarely, tumors of the gallbladder may also cause cholecystitis (my final thought) So I would assume it would be safe to say gallstone are a direct affect of alcohol (O:
  • Just a quick comment on what the previous writer has put. They stated: "(my final thought)So I would assume it would be safe to say gallstone are a direct affect of alcohol (O:" But that is not what they put. Look .... "Cholecystitis. is caused by gallstones in the gallbladder." and "Severe illness, alcohol abuse and, rarely, tumors of the gallbladder may also cause cholecystitis" Therefore it is not alcohol that causes gallstones but gallstones and alcohol abuse that can cause Cholecystitis. The writer also goes on to quote that over time alcohol can worsen health problems such as gallstones etc but you woul dhave to have the gallstones in the first place in order to make them worse. Nowhere do they state that alcohol causes gall stones. This is very misleading.

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