I did a few years ago... Didn't work out (not because of race... LD relationship
My mom does interracial dating. I havent, im quite happy where i am so im not going anywhere.
Never been in one, but would like to. I've got some family who are married interracially, and they have wonderful kids.
I'm English and my wife is Scottish. Does this count?
I've not and have never have been...but if I were single and met someone I found interesting, it wouldn't matter what their race was. My step-sister has been married to a black man before, and has always dated black men. She has 2 bi-racial daughters. My brother has dated a few black women, and he is currently engaged to a girl who's from the Phillipines. In fact, she's moving to the U.S. next week and they will be married soon. I don't think race, religion, gender or culture should make any difference if 2 people love each other. As long as they are unrelated, consenting is love....why do some people get so bent about it?
No I am not. I have a friend who marreid an Indian women. they are happy and that is what matters.
I am in an interracial relationship, and it's really not a big deal at all. I can do without the title of 'interracial relationship'. I love him. He is who he is. Actually, I want to marry him. Race does not make a person. Character and attitude makes a person.
I'm white and have a black gf-classy, educated, sociable and built. we turn heads when we walk into a room and it works real well.
I'm not in one yet, but yes I know plenty who are and I embrace them.
A good portion of my friends and god family are products of or in an interracial marriage and if it werent fro interracial relationships I wouldn tbe here today. And growing up as a child I had crushes on mainly people outside of my race, so I guess you could say I've got no porblem with it.
i'm in a interracial married, it's normal for making a interracial dating, i know a interracial dating site,, ppl there treat others well and seems that thay have the same skin. so i don't think there r some problems with interracial dating.
I'm dating a white man and I am a black woman. Our relationship is wonderful, and I couldn't wish for anything more.
My best friend is black and he has only dated white girls, but he is not in a relationship right now.
yes, i am. i am white and my boyfriend of 5 years is hispanic.
i am not at the moment but i might be in the future i look at the person not the skin color. that would be like saying i have green eyes so i am only going to date green eyed guys.
Yes, been in an interacial relationship for the past six years with an Italian/American male and I'm an African American gal. To many people's surprise we are still together and have a deep love and mutual respect for each other. I can say we very rarely even talk about race, only when someone is being stupid do it really ever come up. Like when an ex-girlfriend of his asked a friend "Is he still dating that black "girl". "Girl" is what made me want to kick her butt.
no, i'm not in an interracial relationship right now. though i do know LOTS of people that are. :) and theyre perfectly happy together. though they get judged a lot, they dont let that affect their love for each other. its a beautiful, beautiful thing. :)
I know a couple who are now in their eighties. He was a doctor, and is white English, she is black Jamaican. She had been married previously and has another all-black family. They married at about forty and had one child together. So they have been together nearly fifty years, from a time when it was much less acceptable. They have had a very happy marriage and she cooks him great Jamaican food :-)
No to both, but I am not against it.
These days most people are
My parents (dad white, mum brown) 27 years of marriage and 3 kids later still going strong :D
I've dated interracially for 6 years. I should have done it years ago!
Accidentally double posted this. Please ignore it.
I am in an interracial relationship. I am white and he is black. We are deeply in love. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me.
I know a black woman and white man who are dating. They are sickeningly cute together. In fact, every black woman i know is involved with a white guy. My current lover is the same race as me (Caucasian), but I've boyfriends/girlfriends of different races before, and would again.
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